I am working on developing Behavioral health Web Series for Pediatricians. I collaborate on this with all of you.
I have a small AFF and Pediatric education fund approved and available for this purpose. Since we want lectures available externally subtitles are needed and that is the cost. I would like to use funds I have for that purpose and we have 10 months for that.
I surveyed pediatricians and Dr Fogel is extremely helpful and they want short lecture targeted toward the treatment and updates and not long introduction.
I recorded short lecture on depression and suicide prevention as a pilot. Dr Garcia and Dr Waxmonsky are contributors. Link is available below and if you click on cc you will have close captioning and it is done even for people without accent.
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I am not sending it to psychiatrist since target audience are pediatricians and the public.
I know you are busy and might not have time to review this. I am doing this as a pilot to see if there is even interest in something like this. I will record again and make changing if we decide to do te web series. We will be able to see number of views..
My hope is that we as a Division/department have on the website open Educational Resource since that is a way where things are going with education. I would also like available free scales that pediatricians can download from that site like PHQ, SCARED, Columbia scale and information for patient and publick but tjat is beyond my power.
Or we can have lecture link after the providers name on the Website. I do not have means of developing separate website, I need to join what we have asMed Center. So not send if you do not think quality is good.
It would look like this
Penn State Hershey Division of the Child and adolescent Psychiatry offers no-cost, pre-recorded Webcast educational opportunity for primary care pediatricians and the
I’m highly interested in the RN opening in your office now available at Capital Area Pediatrics. I am a recent nursing graduate from Northern Virginia Community College. Throughout my education and clinical experiences on different units, I have obtained the knowledge on tasks such as doing physical examinations, administering medication, giving injections, and much more both for adult and pediatric care. The target on family-centered care in your mission statement is exactly the environment I am looking to work in.
Document the results and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sharing this information on a website.
It would also include regular doctor appointments or test they made need to go for. The website would also contain additional information through handouts, that could be printed, made into wallet size documents and hung around the house. Moreover, the incentive to use the website would use different methods, including discounts for proactive users and collecting points for rewards for example after watching a video or doing an
Conjoined twins from Uganda were successfully separated after a 16-hour surgery last week in Columbus, Ohio, the hospital said in a statement on Tuesday.
Dr Garcia and I want to offer monthly lectures on the topic of your choice. Once a month 12-1 alternate Tuesday and Friday.
My senior project was to create a helpful and user-friendly online mental health resource
On 06/04/2016 I, Deputy Daniel Pruitt was dispatched to St. Francis Emergancey Room for a sexual assault complaint.
With every plan or motion put into place there is likely to be an error; most likely unintentional but they still happen. We can try our hardest to think about all the possible outcomes and every move that could go wrong but that will never happen. It would be nice but very unlikely. In the health care world there are constant new and renovated policy and procedures to guide you through each step of a procedure. These policy and procedures are put into place for a reason, a very good reason.
A popular resource contains articles that are written to be understood by a reader that may not know a lot about the topic. Although sources may be noted in the articles, a bibliography is rarely included. Popular resources are often published daily, weekly or monthly in order to entertain, report news or summarize information. A popular resource containing information about Physical Therapy can be found in KidsHealth, a resource on the Internet about health, behavior, and development from before birth through the teen years. There are sections on the site for parents, kids, teens and educators seeking advice about physical, emotional and behavioral issues that affect children and teens. The language on the site is written in language the general public can understand and the content is reviewed by pediatricians and other medical experts. Even though the site contains a broad variety of other topics related to children and teens, there are currently 1291 resources available in English and Spanish related to physical therapy. The resources offer an audible source as well for people who prefer to have the articles read to them. For example, an article for parents entitled, “Physical Therapy Basics” explains the purpose of physical therapy, what physical therapists do, what to expect during a physical therapist visit with a child and how to find a
The information provided on this site is factual and can be used to educate the population. This web page is open to the public for viewing. I enjoy learning new information from this site to share with my students and patients.
The website will grant the wishes of any parent of the student patients that wishes to terminate their child’s participation on the website without consulting the health counsellor.
My learning goals for the Advanced Psycho-Diagnostic in Children and Adolescents course are the following:
Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit clinic which helps provide unique care to every individual patient through education, research, and practice. Mayo Clinic’s website provides services such as online office visits, secure messages, medical records, upcoming appointments, online bill pay, prescription refills, and registration updates. Mayo Clinic employs physicians, students, scientists and allied health personnel in order to follow the Clinic’s philosophy of “the patient comes first” as one of the largest clinics with over 1,700 medical doctors achieving high quality at a low cost (1). Many people have begun venturing online to self-manage their health and are looking
On 05/02/17, I was dispatched to 2440 W. Page in reference to a caller coming home from jail and items missing from the house.
Q5. Visit the Zatswho Web site at www.zatswho.com. What recommendations can you make for improving the site?