
Pediatricians: Observation Report

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I am working on developing Behavioral health Web Series for Pediatricians. I collaborate on this with all of you.

I have a small AFF and Pediatric education fund approved and available for this purpose. Since we want lectures available externally subtitles are needed and that is the cost. I would like to use funds I have for that purpose and we have 10 months for that.
I surveyed pediatricians and Dr Fogel is extremely helpful and they want short lecture targeted toward the treatment and updates and not long introduction.
I recorded short lecture on depression and suicide prevention as a pilot. Dr Garcia and Dr Waxmonsky are contributors. Link is available below and if you click on cc you will have close captioning and it is done even for people without accent. …show more content…

I am not sending it to psychiatrist since target audience are pediatricians and the public.
I know you are busy and might not have time to review this. I am doing this as a pilot to see if there is even interest in something like this. I will record again and make changing if we decide to do te web series. We will be able to see number of views..
My hope is that we as a Division/department have on the website open Educational Resource since that is a way where things are going with education. I would also like available free scales that pediatricians can download from that site like PHQ, SCARED, Columbia scale and information for patient and publick but tjat is beyond my power.
Or we can have lecture link after the providers name on the Website. I do not have means of developing separate website, I need to join what we have asMed Center. So not send if you do not think quality is good.

It would look like this

Penn State Hershey Division of the Child and adolescent Psychiatry offers no-cost, pre-recorded Webcast educational opportunity for primary care pediatricians and the

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