
Pedophiliac Disorder Research Paper

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Pedophiliac Disorder is a person having sexual thoughts, fantasies and committing the behaviour involving an prepubescent child or children. Usually these children are 13 years or younger and the person with Pedophiliac Disorder is five years older then the victim. A person with Pedophiliac Disorder, may not think they did anything wrong to the child or children, even though there is substantial evidence with doing so. A pedophile which is another word used to describe someone with Pedophiliac Disorder is describe as a person sexual attracted to a child. If the person feels guilty, shameless and remorse towards the thoughts they are thinking, the person with get diagnosed with Pedophilia Sexual Orientation. Pedophilia Sexual Orientation is when the person does not commit the behaviour towards the victim. Where Pedophiliac Disorder is when a person commits the behaviour on compulsion. Currently in the new DSM-V, with the diagnoses Pedophilia Sexual Orientation and Pedophiliac Disorder this as caused an uproar with some people about their views on how these …show more content…

For 4 years from the ages 2-6, I was sexually abused by a close family friend who was also my babysitter. I never understood what happened to me, even after my sexual predator got convicted. Finally reaching the age where I was old enough to process my sexual abuse, I started to form a resentment towards him. Only recently in the last couple years I have let go of what happened to me because I am a survivor. At such a young age, I trusted this man with all I could. Multiple sexual activities as they were preformed on me and I thought it was normal. I never told anyone, I feared him. In my summary, I talk about the life lessons pedophiles give to their victims. From what I can remember he would always try to give me life lessons. He showed me how to ride a bike, to be polite to strangers, taught me Germen and so

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