
Peer Evaluation Criteria Paper

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COMM 200 Team 2 (U200)
Team Project 2 Peer Evaluation Procedures and Criteria Peer Evaluation Procedures:
As a group, our goal is to work cohesively to complete our tasks. We also hope to do well on said tasks, while completing them in a timely manner. In addition, we hope to avoid “groupthink” in times of deliberation and planning. Going along with our goal to avoid groupthink, each of us hope to learn and expand our horizons on new perspectives shared by our group members. We can accomplish this through encouraging each other to show up to class as well as constantly acknowledging and validating everyone’ opinions. This will contribute to the team climate because we expect everyone to be open and respect other’s ideas, remain on task, and participate. Next, it is crucial that we establish and practice a laid-back, open, and fun environment for ourselves in which we still get the work needed to be done completed. Lastly communication is essential. Our group’s use of the GroupMe app, allows for constant communication between the members. Through the groupchat we created, each of us are able to notify group members if we cannot make it to class or a meeting, or if we are running late to either. We are also able to help each other with the individual tasks set for us to complete the assignment as …show more content…

Saige hopes to get a good foundation as a communication major in order to move forward with her education. Nancy would like to learn the basic theories as a communication major to help her with her minor in journalism. Laura wants to learn how to relate the material learned in class, such as the various theories and concepts, to her public relations studies. Kevin hopes to learn how to apply communication theories to real life situations to better understand the situations. Lastly, Maya wants to be able to apply interpersonal communication theories to help her excel with her major in conflict analysis and

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