COMM 200 Team 2 (U200)
Team Project 2 Peer Evaluation Procedures and Criteria Peer Evaluation Procedures:
As a group, our goal is to work cohesively to complete our tasks. We also hope to do well on said tasks, while completing them in a timely manner. In addition, we hope to avoid “groupthink” in times of deliberation and planning. Going along with our goal to avoid groupthink, each of us hope to learn and expand our horizons on new perspectives shared by our group members. We can accomplish this through encouraging each other to show up to class as well as constantly acknowledging and validating everyone’ opinions. This will contribute to the team climate because we expect everyone to be open and respect other’s ideas, remain on task, and participate. Next, it is crucial that we establish and practice a laid-back, open, and fun environment for ourselves in which we still get the work needed to be done completed. Lastly communication is essential. Our group’s use of the GroupMe app, allows for constant communication between the members. Through the groupchat we created, each of us are able to notify group members if we cannot make it to class or a meeting, or if we are running late to either. We are also able to help each other with the individual tasks set for us to complete the assignment as
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Saige hopes to get a good foundation as a communication major in order to move forward with her education. Nancy would like to learn the basic theories as a communication major to help her with her minor in journalism. Laura wants to learn how to relate the material learned in class, such as the various theories and concepts, to her public relations studies. Kevin hopes to learn how to apply communication theories to real life situations to better understand the situations. Lastly, Maya wants to be able to apply interpersonal communication theories to help her excel with her major in conflict analysis and
When you look at group dynamics, you see how individuals can work together as a team working together to obtain a common goal in a group setting (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). When in a group setting you want to remember these five rules of be committed to the group, keep discussion on track, complete your individual assignment, encourage input from others, and manage the conflict among members in the group. If you break these down the individuals need to be committed to the group by using everyone’s expertise in reaching the goal of the group (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). When discussing the goal make sure that the team stays on track and if they tend to steer away someone needs to remind them kindly to stay on track (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). Make sure that the work is divided among the group and that each individual completes the task that they were assigned (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011). Sometimes there are those in a group that do not say much, but may have some good insight that needs to be encouraged to share (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011).The last step is to there may be some conflict in the group and could be beneficial, but it needs to be handled correctly (Verderber, Verdeber, & Sellnow, 2011).
Considering that the Lebow College of Business emphasizes group work to prepare students for the business environment, I think that I am well versed in why the majority of my group projects fail. However, there are the rare occurrences where all group members participate equally, and that the project becomes a piece of quality work. Even though I believe that some college students slack in these types of group situations, I cannot label myself as completely blameless. Often times, I think that I am too “nice” to some of these group members by fostering peace within the group. However, increasing some of my task behaviors, such as defining role responsibilities and organizing due dates for deliverables, may increase the productivity of the group. When a group refuses to share leadership or defer it to one individual, there is no clear set of quality standards for the project. As a result, I must
There are always multiple questions and concerns regarding peer assessments. So let's open a discussion about the following:
Working with my peers throughout my program and thesis process has been instrumental to my education. My analysis of my peers work and the critiques I received from them expanded my understanding of my own work and the writing process. The peer review process has contributed to my education by causing me to probe more deeply and examine more thoroughly.
The early phases of a collaborative group must establish direction and workflow rhythm to ensure that deadlines and team accountability are present. Creating of a team charter that includes insights and agreement of the whole team is the most vital step to serve as the foundational structure for which group participants will join forces to complete assignments. A shared leadership model, rotating weekly leadership responsibilities, provides a balanced effort in maximizing team talents and distributing all modules among the entire team. Learning the ability to lead from the front in motivating teammates toward assignment objectives, as well as leading from behind in becoming a follower behind others’ leadership, provides a more holistic understanding of the team dynamic. A group set in this type of structure will provide an outlet to encourage, empower, model skill development from one participant to another throughout the team’s involvement together.
In the workplace, many people will come into contact with clients, colleagues, supervisors, managers, and even board members. These individuals each play a crucial role in order for an organization to succeed. Therefore, it is vital that this large network of people is able to work well together in teams and groups. However, there will be complications and problems when working in groups. A common problem that typically arises in the workplace is the perceived lack of commitment and motivation, resulting in the lack of productivity when conducting group work. From my personal experience, I used to work for a research lab that required to me to work on several experiments and projects with a group of colleagues. My group was responsible for conducting multiple experiments, analyzing the data and publishing results in scientific journals and presentations. However, the group I was placed in lacked leadership with low person orientation and low task orientation. Because there was a lack of leadership, communication was little to nonexistent within the group so groups felt as if they were just independent work alone. Also, there was lack of affective and continuance commitment within the group since my colleagues and I lost purpose of what goals we were working towards in the lab. Therefore, lack of motivation and commitment was prevalent as group members, including myself, did not complete experiments in time and did not have much of a focus of why we were in the research lab
There are five stages of group development in which a team passes through: Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. The group for this case study is currently, 1 week before the due date, in both the norming stage and performing stage. They have adapted to the absence of Mike and are motivated to finish the analysis in an effort to achieve a good grade. Each member has completed their part except Mike, who has just handed in notes to Christine. All of the other members have looked past any turmoil of Mike and either
A group leader has the responsibility of controlling the members of the group whenever they are evaluating each other. The group leader then assigns grades to individual members according to the perceived performance of the member. In identifying the capability of a worker, the group leader has to collect information from the peer evaluation activity. The idea is to use the evaluation process in assessing the individual performance of the group member. In the performance of the functionality of assessing the members, the group leader can use two major peer evaluation approaches: the
As I am prepared to graduate in the fall with a BA in Communication Studies, I have learned that Communication Studies at NEU is a major that emphasizes creativity and putting passion into practice. In most of my courses I have been able to develop and practice communication skills that have helped me look at the world in a new lens. Because of all our different identities and perspectives, we learn to adopt our own unique experience at NEU.
Then we arranged our first group meeting in campus where the gathering began with a short presentation of each member and concise on other significant course done which can be valuable for the undertaking work. All colleagues had enough learning needed for this course, and was exceptionally eager to cooperate and make an extraordinary group. We have set up standard procedures all in all for the whole project. The plan was to give equal opportunity to all team members and make a learning environment for all roles and responsibilities. Our team was cross cultural team we had members from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Being an student we all have some general morals
First, group members must perceive that they are part of a team and that they all have a common goal. Second, group members must realize that the problem they will solve is a group problem and that all members will share the group’s success or failure. Third, to accomplish the group’s goal, all students must talk with one another---to discuss all problems. Finally, it must be clear to all that each member’s individual work has a direct effect on the group’s success. Teamwork is important.
From the start of the semester, our team excelled in regards to information exchange by communicating important information in an effective way. By using groupme to communicate when we were not together as a group to creating a Google doc to keep updated on where everyone stands on their portion of the project. Information, expectations, group roles, and meeting times were communicated through these ways of communication and helped us to thrive as a team. We used a Google doc to insure ideal information sharing and to allow each member of the team to have easy access to information that others in the group are using. Different members of our team took on different roles in order to ensure efficient and productive team meetings. Social facilitation was utilized to work alongside each individual’s work to receive maximum efficiency (Crawford, September 6, 2016). When each project was assigned we read through the assignment as a group, assigned each member of our team a section to work on individually, and created our Google doc. We all decided that we should come to the next discussion with ideas for each section in order to help the team utilize each of our team
Today many people throughout the world lack the ability of communicating properly with others. All of us believe that it is not a complicated process and we never think of what it takes to deliver a clear message or idea. In college, majoring in communication has many benefits to everyday life in the long run. By majoring in communication, you will learn how to interact with people and therefore become confident in your speaking and communicating skills. As a result of majoring in communication you will gain lots of knowledge, improve in speaking with confidence and be able to connect will others much better. Communication studies is a great major to target in college.
A team can be defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and have a common identity (Kreitner, Kinicki, & Cole, 2007). The team process is an important factor which helps the team to attain success. The team process plays three critical roles which are: converts the team’s charter and work plan into actions, influences individuals and team behaviors and helps to reveal the intent behind behaviors (Wong, 2010). Therefore team process is an activity when team is performing tasks to attain the team goals. For example in
Collaborative learning is a great tool for instructors to motivate their student to work with their peers. It is a challenge for teachers to guide their students to work as a team and allocate them into one group. To form a group is an unnatural process, instructors need to rely on the detail of assignment, the nature of the task, students’ personality and their abilities to form a group. If a teacher fails to examine necessary factors before forming a group, it will experience a conflict or unbalance team and directly affect the work performance (Barkley, et al,