
Peer Prewriting Assignment

Decent Essays

RIP Prewriting Assignment: Genre Selection

Maybe you don’t have a specific set of claims or beliefs you want your audience to adopt. Even if you do, provide brief responses to the following:
Provide a sense of the audience demographic that you are most interested in reaching.
I want to reach out to children or young adults. There are a lot of captivating things for children and young adults and I want to write something to draw their attention and also teach them a lesson through my writing.

What beliefs (considered generally) of your own are going to guide you when creating this project? How many people in your audience do you think agree with these beliefs, and how many disagree?
Children are often interesting in parts of writing which are accompanied by pictures or other art works and a lesson. Young adults are interested in pictures but more in ideas which have been lingering in their minds in their age- like certain social issue or romance. So I want to use these facts to help me while writing. …show more content…

What different reactions might they feel in the middle of reading it that are compatible with the one you want them to take away at the end?
I want my audience to be emotionally drawn towards my writing. I want them to realize that certain things are not as important in life as they believe it to be or that certain things are more important and shouldn't be neglected.

What aspects of your specific audience (their activities and interests, any history they might have with this or other genres, generalizations you think fair or accurate about the way they think) make them likely to be affected in the way you desire?
Their particular age experiences or interests makes me feel that they would be really interested in the ideas proposed by my writing.

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