The two main characters of my novel, The Hunger Games, are Peeta Mellark, and Kat-niss Everdeen, are two characters that particularly have a significant number of similarities, while still having a distinct amount of differences. Katniss is 16 years old, and she has long black hair, that is usually in a braid because of the games. She has grey eyes, and an olive skin tone. These physical traits are common in the Seam, which is the lower class part of District 12 where Katniss lives. Since she is only 5’5”, she isn’t very tall, but she is thin compared to the other tributes. Katniss is light for her age, making her one of the smallest tributes in the games. Because of how her father died, and due to her outdoor life at home (as she is the …show more content…
Peeta is also 16 years old in the book. He has blond hair, a lighter skin tone than Katniss, and has blue eyes. Peeta has a stocky bodyshape, and can lift very heavy weights (as he does back at home too since his father owns a bakery). He isn't too tall either, he is 5’7”, making him noticeably shorter than one of the most dangerous, if not, the most dangerous trib-utes, Cato, who is 6’2”. Peeta lives with both of his parents, and they run a bakery shop back in District 12. This is the reason why he can lift 100 pound weights so easily. Since his dad owns a bakery, Peeta and his family live in the higher class part of District 12. Peeta’s really doesn't have a weapon of choice, but some of his advantages are that he can lift heavy weights, can camouflage exceptionally well, and that he can somewhat use knives to his advantage. Peeta could also survive in the Hunger Games because he is also smart, a very good actor, and partic-ularly manipulative. An example of this is at the end of chapter 11 when Katniss finds out that Peeta is in an alliance with the career tributes. The career tributes are on a team in the begin-ning, and when they have killed everyone, they fight each other. Only the strongest tributes are the career tributes because they have been trained to be in the arena since they were born. Peeta is with the careers at the beginning of the games. At the end of
She gets into the squad when Coin decides to try to save face by pretending that this was the plan all along. Johanna's involvement is never even discussed in the movie. Also in the book Peetah shows up in training and starts training with Katniss and Jonah. In the movie, Peeta shows up to joins Boggs, Katniss and Gale on their mission. Katniss is concerned by his surprise appearance and points an arrow at him upon his arrival. She eventually warms to the idea of him joining the fight despite his violent outbursts. Another major difference between the book and movie is Prim meeting Peeta. In the book, District 13’s doctors try to help Peeta regain his real memories and not see Katniss as his enemy after being hijacked by the capitol. They slowly introduce him to people he knows from home, starting with Delly Cartwright, his childhood friend from District 12. Peeta calmly talks to Delhi but eventually gets upset and calls Katniss a "mutt." In the movie. It’s Katniss’ sister Prim who first meets with Peeta and there is no mention of Delly. Their interaction goes well until the topic of Katniss comes up. And just like the book, Peeta starts yelling bad things about
Neither of these characters expected to be put into the role of care giver for another person but despite the setback they both overcame and did what they had to do to care for those who needed them. In the Hunger Games Katniss is considered something new and unheard of. She stands out as a strong female not afraid to do what she needs to do to strive and care for herself and the needs of others, and make it out of the game. She’s the character in the story that leaves you wanting to know more, “She’s active, she’s strong and she’s the girl who motivates the story.”
Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist in The Hunger Game series, is one of the survivors of the hunger game. Katniss comes from district 12, the poorest area in the whole countries. The character’s image is tough and strong because she wants to protect her family from any dangers. Therefore, she volunteers to replace her sister in the hunger game to protect her. She even become the symbol of resistance (the Mockingjay) of the war to the Capitol during the revolution. For people in the Panem, Katniss is the victor of the hunger game, the hope, who survives from the torture and poverty. The image of Katniss represents people who fight for survival in the real world. People sometimes need to give up something when they faced difficulty, like Katniss, she makes efforts to fight with the government.
First of all, let's start off with Katniss Everdeen. With her stormy gray eyes, slender body, olive skin, and her straight black hair usually put in a side braid, Katniss fit in the Seam like a glove. In the story, The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen
Katniss lives in Sector 12, the poorest district in their world. There are electric fences that barricade the people from going into the forest. She cannot work to afford to feed her family, so instead she goes outside of the fence at a time that it is unelectrified and she hunts for animals to feed her family and survive. She doesn't usually even get much of the food that she gets for her family and usually takes the least amount she can have without starving. She is very kind and generous to her family with no return.
“ The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees,” stated Rainsford in the famous short story, The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell. Connell’s story is a fictional story about man hunting man. His piece of literature was made into a movie later on, and in the movie Rainsford made a very similar statement. However, there were changes made between the short story and movie. The similarities and differences become clear in both the plot and resolution. Although the the literary work and motion picture have much in common, they are also quite different.
The next scene is a heavy contrast to the first. In this scene we see Katniss hunting for food for her family and in doing so, assuming a role more commonly associated with males. In the lead up to the games she poses as a girl madly in love with the male tribute from her district in order to gain sponsors and attention from the Capital. She demonstrates intelligence in doing so because she knows that she is more likely to be accepted by the capital if she adopts a more feminine persona. It is only after the Games begin that Katniss demonstrates her natural talents, those more typically associated with a male character. She uses her hunting skills to her advantage by catching food and killing people when necessary. She also exhibits a wide range of knowledge which helps her to survive during the Games. Towards the end of the film, it has been made clear to the audience that whilst Katniss assumes a traditional female role when with her family or when it benefits her, her true character closely follows the characteristics typically seen in a traditional male gender
Fighting to the death in a near hopeless situation. This is a common theme between the Hunger Games and the greek myth about “Theseus and the Minotaur.” In the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sisters place to fight to the death in an Arena with only one victor. With help from Peeta Mellark, they survive the Hunger Games and go back home to their families. In “Theseus and the Minotaur,” King Minos declares that 14 people must be sent to him every 9 years, from the city of Athens.
Katniss and Peeta have to work even harder to overcome the bias against them and win the hearts of the sponsors and the crowd. Being as poor as they are comes with some benefits and some disadvantages. They have been under fed most of their lives which means they are skinny and weak compared to the other tributes. Living in district 12 also gives them the natural sense of survival. Katniss spends a lot of time hunting to survive which is basically what the hunger games are. Peeta also uses skills from his trade, like his cake decorating, to give him an upper hand in the games. Just like in their everyday lives Katniss and Peeta are spending every waking moment during the games fighting to survive. Because of the social class system set up by the Capitol people are treated very unfairly based on where they were born.
On any Friday or Saturday night, the average college student is usually drinking, dancing and out having fun. They typically party with friends at fraternity parties, bars, and clubs; and unfortunately most of these students are underage, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or 'Binge Drinking'. Binge drinking results in several detrimental outcomes, some are even fatal. Today this type of drinking is rampant on educational campuses everywhere. Large and small, urban and rural educational institutions are not left unaffected by this growing trend to binge drink.
Katniss Everdeen is an adolescent girl who has been through a lot, emotionally and physically. She is not only a girl from District 12 but she is a girl who takes on challenges that she is not
Cultures across the world differ in just about everything. Why would leadership be any different? While listening to Sayaka Isoda, from Japan, and Ali Al-Tameemi, from Iraq, I saw just how different their countries were from the United States. These differences led to differences in leadership between the three countries.
In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character and protagonist is 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, a strong and selfless young woman who is far more mature than her age suggests. As the main provider for her family after her father died, Katniss had to become responsible and resourceful at a young age, which forced her to participate in rebellious behavior in order to keep her family alive. She is an unselfish and protective character, putting herself in danger in order to keep the ones she loves safe, especially for her little sister Primrose. Even after the pain and hardships she has had to go through not only in the games, but in her life, Katniss maintains her
Much of the Hunger Games is centered around portraying a certain image, or identity if you will. The capital manipulates the weaknesses in their society and in their people to create an identity of unity and nationalism through the way they present the games to the districts of Panem. This idea of appearing to be one thing but really being another is ingrained in the society of Panem. District 12, in particular, maintains this image of complacency for the sake of survival, and Katniss is no exception to this.
Katniss has an edge over many of the other tributes because she often lives not knowing if she is going to make it through the night. For years she has been responsible for the life or death of her family. She was devastated by the death of her father, though she recalls many of his fine talents and qualities. Throughout the training and the Games, she fights against feeling friendship for Peeta Mellark because she knows