Pelvic Mass
A pelvic mass is an abnormal growth in the pelvis. The pelvis is the area between your hip bones. It includes the bladder and the rectum in males and females, and also the uterus and ovaries in females.
Many things can cause a pelvic mass, including:
• Cancer.
• Fibroids of the uterus.
• Ovarian cysts.
• Infection.
• Ectopic pregnancy.
Symptoms of a pelvic mass may include:
• Cramping.
• Nausea.
• Diarrhea.
• Fever.
• Vomiting.
• Weakness.
• Pelvic, side, or back pain.
• Weight loss.
• Constipation.
• Problems with vaginal bleeding, including:
○ Light or heavy bleeding with or without blood clots.
○ Irregular menstruation.
○ Pain with menstruation.
• Problems
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• An MRI.
• A surgery to look inside your abdomen with cameras (laparoscopy).
• A biopsy performed with a needle or during laparoscopy or surgery.
In some cases, what seemed like a pelvic mass may actually be something else, such as a mass in one of the organs near the pelvis, an infection (abscess) or scar tissue (adhesions) that formed after a surgery.
Treatment will depend on the cause of the mass.
What you need to do at home will depend on the cause of the mass. Follow the instructions your health care provider gives you. In general:
• Keep all follow-up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is important.
• Take medicines only as directed by your health care provider.
• Follow any restrictions given to you by your health care provider
You develop new symptoms.
• You vomit bright red blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.
• You have blood in your stools, or the stools turn black and tarry.
• You have an abnormal or increased amount of vaginal bleeding.
• You have a fever.
• You develop easy bruising or bleeding.
• You develop sudden or worsening pain that is not controlled by your
There did not to appear to be a pelvic disassociation. Due to the shape of the
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Further work up with computed tomography (CT) revealed a renal tumor (Figure 1.1) and a peri-urethral vaginal mass(Figure 1.2). The renal tumor was confirmed to be RCC, at which time she underwent a Laparoscopic Nephrectomy in February 2014. Subsequently she was referred to our service for evaluation of the vaginal mass.
She was first seen on November 10, 2103, but this report was intentionally delayed until the results from the endometrial biopsy where obtained.
• Return to your normal activities as told by your health care provider. Ask your health care provider what activities are safe for you.
• Surgery. This may be required if other treatments do not work. Bowel obstruction from a hernia may require early surgery and can be an emergency procedure. Scar tissue that causes frequent or severe obstructions may also require
• Keep all follow-up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is important.
the American Cancer Society there are benign tumors, which are rare and often develop in
If you've had a mammogram before, the radiologist will compare your old mammogram to the new one to look for changes. While they're looking for possible cancer, your doctors may also come across other structures in the breast that deserve further investigation. Calcifications which are tiny flecks of calcium which look like grains of salt located in the soft tissue of the breast that can sometimes indicate the presence of an early breast cancer. Calcifications usually can't be felt, but they appear on a mammogram. Cystsis another mass found in the breast but unlike cancerous tumors which are solid, cysts are fluid-filled masses in the breast. Cysts are very common, and are rarely associated with cancer. Also fibroadenomas can be found these are movable, solid, rounded lumps made up of normal breast cells. While not cancerous, these lumps may grow. And any solid lump that's getting bigger is usually removed to make sure that it's not a cancer. Fibroads are commonly found in young people. {text:bookmark-start} (Breast Cancer, 2007) {text:bookmark-end} There is some much emphasis on breast cancer in woman. Men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. It is not as common in men as women but it is possible. Male breast cancer is a rare condition, accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 1690 new cases of male breast cancer will be diagnosed
This sheet gives you information about how to care for yourself after your procedure. Your health care provider may also give you more specific instructions. If you have problems or questions, contact your health care provider.
The Professional Guide to Diseases states that Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refers to a variety of infections of the female reproductive organs. It can affect the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and nearby tissues. PID is most commonly
• Keep all follow-up visits as told by your health care provider. This is important.
Maternity care in the United States is in jeopardy. There is an increasing trend of shortages of obstetrician-gynecologists and family physicians that once provided vital maternity care. With almost half of the nation’s counties lacking an obstetric provider, approximately ten million women are affected. Obstetricians-gynecologist themselves are also feeling the burdens of the understaffed hospitals and clinics with prolonged work hours. These medical professionals who dedicate their very lives to the field and the care of women are under a great amount of pressure and stress due to the shrinking workforce. Furthermore, interest amongst the youth is necessary in order to have an ample amounts of physicians available to replace the increasing
• Rest at home until your health care provider says you can return to your normal activities.
This continued education can take place as needed on a one-on-one basis and can be included with the routine office visit or at a separate time that is convenient for the patient and health care practitioner.