Penicillin is an antibiotic used today to prevent bacteria from reproducing. Since its discovery in 1928, it has been developed into several different types that are commonly used all around the world. Events that led to the use of penicillin were an accidental discovery, but through extensive research and testing, it has been developed and produced into a useful medicine to fight off bacteria. A major event that leads to the use of penicillin today was its discovery, despite that was a total accident. In 1928, scientist Alexander Fleming went on vacation and left his lab in a total mess. When he returned from his trip, he noticed some odd things had occurred. The text states, “He observed that a plate culture of Staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue-green mold and that the colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were being dissolved”(Bellis 123). Not realizing it at first, but Fleming had just discovered that mold destroys bacteria. This rare substance was called Penicillium notatum, but the effects that penicillin would have on the human body was unclear, which prevented Fleming from doing any further development. Even though …show more content…
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain believed there was medical potential in penicillin, and began to study how this could be safely administered to humans. Brittany Connors states, “Part of the reason for their increased effort in discovering how penicillin could be used on humans was that a drug was needed to reduce bacterial infections in soldiers’ wounds,”(126). If they succeeded in in perfecting the use of penicillin, it could be used on humans and the results could be life-changing. After many studies and clinical trials. “Penicillin was shown to be the most effective antibacterial agent to date,”(Bellis 124). An antidote with this kind of ability to kill off bacteria would prove to be crucial in the war and it would save many people’s
Penicillin is an antibiotic used in fighting infections. A Scottish scientist named Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. One of the first examples of the power
Penicillin is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by Bacteria. One may think that Penicillin has been around for a long time however, it was
In 1928 Dr. Alexander Fleming began to sort through a pile of petri dishes containing colonies of bacteria that causes boils, sore throats, and abscesses. As he sorted through the dishes he noticed something unusual on one dish. It was dotted with colonies, and one area had a blob of mold growing. The area of mold was later identified as a rare strain of Penicillium notatum, the mold had secreted something that inhibited bacterial growth. Fleming later uncovered that this mold was capable of killing a wide range of harmful bacteria such as streptococcus, meningococcus and the diphtheria bacillus, that had played humanities. Prior to the discovery of Penicillin, Sulfa drugs were used during World War II. These drugs were name as the “wonder drug”. Although they’re still used today, Sulfa drugs were used to cure bacterial infections such as UTIs and gonorrhea. The new found drug penicillin, would cure millions and replace the use of Sulfa drugs.
Penicillin was a very important drug used in World War 2. During the war companies were forced to find a way to make penicillin on an industrial scale. This means that Penicillin was mass
Penicillin is a type of antibiotics. It fights nasty bacteria in a human body. Penicillin is used to help many different infections caused by bacteria. Penicillin was made for the soldiers in world war one, it was to help bullet wound infections and infections caused by lost limbs. Penicillin is made from extracting it from mould.
In this reading there was many very interesting facts about penicillin. Penicillin was a breakthrough in the medical field in the 20th century. The scientist Alexander Fleming had accidentally spilled a vile of bacteria on to a plate of bacteria to his benefit he found that is had stopped the growth of bacteria. This accidental discover has benefited everyone in the world because we have to get these shots if we are infected, plus it saved many life’s in world war II. However, Penicillin is considered an antibiotic chemical that is created by living organism to stop the growth of bacteria and prevent an illness if people were to come into contact with this problem. Since the discovery and massive stock piling of this cure it has become less
The development of penicillin provided a major stepping stone for the practice of medicine, and has saved the lives of countless individuals since its synthesis.
In the mid 1900’s, illnesses swept through the city of London and consumed the lives of many unknowing citizens. Any sickness or open wound was susceptible to a fatal infection, which led the body to be taken over by millions of harmful bacteria (Fogel). Thanks to Alexander Fleming’s encounter of penicillin, we no longer have to worry about this. Penicillin serves as a life-saving, bacteria killing drug that is responsible for the lives of millions. Plus, it played a major role in furthering the effectiveness of medicine. Alexander Fleming’s miraculous discovery of penicillin saved a countless amount of lives and was the basis for progressing medicine.
Penicillin is an antibiotic medicine used to treat harmful bacteria and infections inside and outside of your body. Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist, discovered it in the early 1900s. As stated by Brittany Connors on page 125 of “The Discovery of Penicillin: The True Story”, “Fleming often admitted that he discovered Penicillin by accident, and that all of the work was done by nature.” Although the finding of this cure may have been an accident, it’s use case has helped save many lives and keep many from sickness. There were numerous events that led to the discovery and development of this treatment such as Fleming’s messy laboratory, Florey’s realization of the medical potential of Penicillin, and Moyer’s success in raising the production yield.
In 1928, after the careless mistake of forgetting to clean his dishes, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. The scientific community still celebrates his discovery since it was a major breakthrough in science, especially in the antibiotics and fermentation field. Although his discovery changed various scientific fields and it opened the doors for research in areas not studied or considered relevant before, the actual usefulness of penicillin was truly reached until the large scale production of penicillin was achieved. Before its manufacturing penicillin was considered for researching purposes, but after its manufacturing during World War II, it truly became helpful for humanity because it could finally start performing within its antibiotic spectrum.
The social issues surrounding mental health; the causes; and the treatments of disorders; have always intrigued me, especially regarding our veteran service members. Being a veteran myself, I identify with the struggles and hardships that our veterans face every day. Our servicemen and women are exposed to a variety of traumas (e.g. combat, family separation, and being in a constant state of arousal) that contribute to mental illness. However, not all servicemen and women suffer from mental illness. Therefore, I am interested in identifying why these men and women who share similar exposures of combat related traumas, do not suffer from or show signs of any mental illness. Additionally,
To begin with, penicillin is a medicine that help save lives. The medicine was one of the greatest medical discoveries of all time. The way how penicillin works is that it kills off bacteria. The medicine will continue to stop infectious diseases.
Fleming in 1928. Penicillin helped to treat some common infections: step throat, boils, it would heal wounds quicker, as well as treat more serious infections such as meningitis and pneumonia. Antibiotics usually kill only weak bacteria and after some years of antibiotic usage stronger bacteria have not only survived but also became resistant to the old cure. “Doctors have started to prescribe antibiotics to cure conditions such as ear infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, non-specific upper respiratory tract infections and even common colds and flu… According to the Director of Antimicrobial Resistance, Dr. Richard Besser, each year US physicians write $50 million worth of prescriptions that are ineffectual and unnecessary.” (Elisa Bussey). The more doctors were prescribing antibiotics, the bigger the number of people who become resistant to them. Most of the European countries prescribe antibiotics to kill bacteria only in cases of life threatening conditions. Patients in the US have become accustomed to receiving antibiotics for almost any health concerns and with time, patients have started to expect such prescriptions as a norm.
It had the same curing properties as “M+B” (it cured infectious diseases), the only difference being that it also treated wounded soldiers. It greatly increased the survival rate of wounds and infectious diseases, and in my opinion, without Penicillin the death rate would have probably doubled or tripled! Like “M+B” the demand for Penicillin boomed during World War Two, and the mass production of the drug increased greatly.
Penicillin has helped save many lives throughout the years. It has cured things like strep throat, which many people have had in their lives, syphilis, and gonorrhea. It also sparked a new wave of