
Pennsylvania Prison System Essay

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The Pennsylvania Prison System has a policy that shows no mercy towards sexual abuse and sexual harassment of inmates. Convicts have the right to be free from sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and reprisal for reporting sexual abuse or harassment.The closest federal prison in my area is State Correctional Institution – Laurel Highlands which is located Somerset Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania . The closest state prison in my area that holds female inmates is State Correctional Institution – Muncy which is located Clinton Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. The amount of prisoners that’s kept in Pennsylvania prisons has been getting larger at a constant rate since 1972. Between 1972 and 1976, the inmate population increased by 44 percent, resulting in a serious …show more content…

from late 90’s to 2007, the amount of parole violator ingresses grew by 79%. One in 28 people in Pennsylvania was convicted, on probation, or on parole. In a result it costs taxpayers more than $1.8 billion during the year 2007. The state's confinement rate increased 280% since 1982. The prisoners population has increased by 40% within the last nine years. The Commonwealth will soon have four new prisons to house an inmate population that is growing by about 2,000 people every year. Housing nearly 51,000 inmates in prisons designed to hold 43,000 is currently being attempted.

The Michigan correctional system is also experiencing over population in there prisons. The Michigan correctional system institutional overcrowding has lent necessity to the department's large construction program and increasing community treatment programs. State probation and parole supervision centers around a contract service program for parolees and two experimental probation programs. The Mutual Objectives Program provides for contract probation and the Probation Incentive Program supports a probation allowance

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