Pennyrile District Health Department’s website and intranet are ways to inform the public of the services the organization provide. The state Department of Public Health and the Center of Disease Control (CDC) has had a website for some time. These two organizations covered many of the services that we provide on a basic level. In 2011, our organization started our own website at The website allowed us to provide more detail to our communities on all the services we provide. Some of the services are required services that all health departments across the state provide and some services are ones that are more centralized to what are communities feel like they need. Along with the website we have pages on social media’s Twitter and Facebook. …show more content…
One of the weaknesses is that we have is we have not updated the website hardly at all since its creation in 2011, and many things have changed. Therefore, if someone was to look at it they may see incorrect information now. This is weakness is actually caused by another weakness, IT personnel. In our organization, we contract out our IT issues with a third-party company that does not handle website updates. Therefore, unless we pay to have it outsourced myself or the Human Resource Manager have been the ones responsible for it and with little time allotment between other jobs the duty of website updates gets
The mission of the Department of Health and Human Services is to help provide the structure that Americans need to live prosperous and healthy lives. This service gives families, children, and seniors a way to receive quality health care. This achieved by helping parents find affordable childcare and legitimate jobs. This organization is dedicated to keeping American’s food safe, preventing infectious diseases, and by pushing the boundaries of how to treat and diagnose disease (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services , 2013).
The public health organization that I have chosen to describe is Rockwall County Helping Hands. Rockwall County Helping Hands is the primary social service provider for the residents of Rockwall County and was founded in 1976 by Bob Reeves, pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Rockwall. Rockwall County is located in North East Texas and has a population of approximately 88,000 residents. Some important milestones in the agency’s history are the opening of its own Health Center in 2000, instituting prenatal services for women who do not qualify for Medicaid and the establishment of a Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) clinic for victims of rape and sexual assault.
Name something that costs one penny, it is probably impossible with today’s economy. The penny is not beneficial anymore due to the dangerous metals released into the environment and the coin is just too expensive to produce. So why do Americans keep this unwanted coin around?
Next on the MAPP four assessments is Local Public Health System Assessment. Local Public Health System Assessment focuses on all of the organizations and entities that contribute to the public 's health. The LPHSA answers the questions: "What are the components, activities, competencies, and capacities of our local public health system?" and "How are the Essential Services being provided to our community?"(NACCHO, 2017). Any organization or entity that contributes to the health or well-being of a community is considered part of the public health system. Ideally, a group that is broadly representative of these public health system partners will participate in the assessment process. By sharing their diverse perspectives, all participants will gain a better understanding of each organization’s contributions, the interconnectedness of activities, and how the public health system can be strengthened (National Public Health Performance Standards Program, 2017). Essentials services should be provided to the community through community outreach programs. Community outreach programs provide the community with many informational resources not just in the aspect of healthcare alone but the overall well-being of
The CDCsupports the health care system by its actions of prevention, surveillance, and communication. Through the prevention initiatives some diseases are
To improve the well-being of individuals through health education, counseling and detection screening programs. Over the next few weeks, our mission will consist of finding new solutions to better educate individuals in our society on the importance of health education, by improving care through technology, which ultimately better our society. Our organization will focus on fundraising, however, we focus on fundraising will be from a health perspective, to make sure we focus on individual health at all times. I will be responsible for the implantation of Better Health Care
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the mission of enhancing the health and well being of all Americans. HHS is the U.S. government’s principal agency for protecting the health of Americans and is responsible for providing essential human services for all and especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Department manages programs that cover all spectrums of activities that impact health care, patient safety, and public health. HHS, though its programs and partnerships, provide health cover to more than 100 million people through Medicare and Medicaid, promote patient safety and health care quality in health care settings, protects vulnerable individuals and communities from poor health treatment, and leverages health information technology to improve the quality of care for all (HHS, 2015). Though it’s programming and other activities, HHS works closely with state, local, and federal agencies to strengthen health care, advance scientific knowledge, advance health care and safety, and ensure transparency, accountability and effectiveness of all HHS programs. HHS’s overall mission is to help American’s live healthy lives by providing millions of children, families, and seniors with access to high quality health care, affordable child care, and by pushing the boundaries of how we diagnose and treat disease.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the U.S. government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. HHS is responsible for almost a quarter of all federal outlays and administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined. The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. In addition, HHS is also responsible to provide better services to people by adapting to new technologies to keep pace with the advancement in technology. As we compare the health and human services from last ten years to present, it is very clear to analyze how health and human systems have improved over the years. The Department manages programs that cover a vast spectrum of activities that impact health, public health, and human services outcomes throughout the life span.
Since consumers are becoming more involved with their healthcare decisions, organizations and providers must adapt to consumer requisites and utilize independent resources to ensure the viability of their businesses. In 2008, a study reported that 81% of internet users and 66% of adults utilized online health information as a source for health related issues (Ha & Yun, 2011). Some examples of online health information resources comprised of search engines, organizational websites, and governmental agencies that participate in health related issues (Ha & Yun, 2011). By accessing health related information, consumers empower themselves with knowledge to assist in healthcare decisions and wellness management (Ha & Yun, 2011). As a result of consumers becoming better educated about healthcare, administrators must explore internet resources in order to maintain quality and services that is expected by consumers, and maintain the reputation of the organization.
The Church of San Vitale is an historical building that should be considered to be turned into an art museum. The building itself is very beautiful on the outside and having replica of this building would bring beauty and individuality to Stillwater. This oddly shaped church that was built in Ravenna, Italy over 1,000 years ago, should be considered to be used as an art museum.
Health Information Exchange is the electronic movement of healthcare information amongst organizations according to the national standards. HIE as it is widely known, serves the purpose of providing a safe, timely, and efficient way of accessing or retrieving patient clinical data. Health Information Exchange allows for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other vital healthcare professionals to have appropriate access and securely share vital medical information regarding patient care. Health Information Exchange has been in efforts of developing for over 20 years in the United States. In 1990 the Community Health Management Information Systems (CHMIS) program was formed by the Hartford Foundation to foster a development of a centralized data repository in seven different geographically defined communities. Many of the communities struggled in securing a cost-effective technology with interoperable data sources and gaining political support. In the mid-1990s a similar initiative began known as the Community Health Information Networks (CHINs) with the intention of sharing data between providers in a more cost-effective manner. In 2004, the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research Health Information Technology Portfolio was funded $166 million in grants and contracts to improve the quality and safety to support more patient-centered care. This was the beginning of the progress we have seen in HIE today. Health Information Exchange devolvement serves the purpose of improving
He was seen for followup. He is known to have Crohn's disease and also iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic blood loss. He is currently on Colazal three capsules three times daily, Bentyl 20 mg three times daily, ferrous sulfate 325 mg three times daily, and prednisone 10 mg once daily. He claims that his loose stool has improved some; however, it would even be better if he is very compliant in taking his meds. He claims that he does not take his medication regularly on account that "it hurts my stomach," but I did mention to him that his stomach is hurting because of his condition, and at this time, he promised that he will be more compliant.
The purpose of this office is to promote and oversee the development of a national health information technology infrastructure within the United States. It fulfills this purpose through the functions of policy coordination and strategic planning for the implementation of
The Glass Menagerie was a well written novel by the author Tennessee Williams because of all the different aspects of the characters’ lives and views of things. For example Laura an older single mother who wants the best for her two grown children, Laura who is 23 years old and Tom who is the older brother. There father Mr. Wingfield abandoned them for long distance traveling and never came back so Laura is taking care of them on her own. Her daughter Laura is shy and quiet girl who has a crippled leg and cannot work because of it and her oldest son Tom is just like his father and wants to get out of Chicago and travel but he works for a factory to provide for his family. At the beginning of the novel it was uninteresting but towards the end it improved. The best part of the novel for me was at the end when Jim came over to the Wingfield’s house and Laura didn’t now it was Jim her high school sweetheart. Throughout the novel there were little hints about what was going to happen like from the characters talking,the subtitles, and the dramatic music that played throughout the play, so it was really easy to understand.
5. Describe the community resources and partners (e.g., mission, activities, Web sites) currently involved with the health concern.