
Pennyrile's Weaknesses

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Pennyrile District Health Department’s website and intranet are ways to inform the public of the services the organization provide. The state Department of Public Health and the Center of Disease Control (CDC) has had a website for some time. These two organizations covered many of the services that we provide on a basic level. In 2011, our organization started our own website at The website allowed us to provide more detail to our communities on all the services we provide. Some of the services are required services that all health departments across the state provide and some services are ones that are more centralized to what are communities feel like they need. Along with the website we have pages on social media’s Twitter and Facebook. …show more content…

One of the weaknesses is that we have is we have not updated the website hardly at all since its creation in 2011, and many things have changed. Therefore, if someone was to look at it they may see incorrect information now. This is weakness is actually caused by another weakness, IT personnel. In our organization, we contract out our IT issues with a third-party company that does not handle website updates. Therefore, unless we pay to have it outsourced myself or the Human Resource Manager have been the ones responsible for it and with little time allotment between other jobs the duty of website updates gets

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