
People Are Cruel For Power During The Holocaust

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People throughout history have become cruel when they are given power. The Nazis during the Holocaust, slave-masters, and even teachers at schools that are given power become absorbed in it, which makes them cruel. Being in charge makes people feel good, and will do anything to keep feeling good. It is human nature to become cruel for power. An example of people being cruel for power was the Nazis being cruel because of a desire for power. The Nazis were cruel to the Jews during the Holocaust. They forced the Jews into concentration camps, where they were horribly mistreated. A survivor named Berek Laturus talked about life in the concentration camps and in the Ghetto. In the Ghetto, “people who didn’t work, you used to see them swollen from …show more content…

They are cruel to their slaves to make them work harder. In Iqbal by Francesco D’Adamo, the slaves are punished if they talk because talking makes them less efficient. The masters don’t want this because the faster they work, the more money the master can make in a short amount of time and money is what makes them powerful. If the slave doesn’t do the work at the rate the master wants them to, they are punished. “The first ones to go were those who had slept chained by their ankles to their looms. The master called them numskulls, because they worked slowly and poorly. They got the colored yarns mixed up or made mistakes in the pattern.” (Iqbal 3) The “numskulls” aren’t as efficient or as skilled as the master wants, which made the master less powerful due to the fact that they aren't making enough carpets. This means less money for the master. Because of this, the master doesn’t treat them well. If a slave misbehaves, they are sent to the "tomb", which is a dark room underground full of spiders and other creatures with little water and food. The better workers are treated slightly better because they didn’t want them to stop working hard. For example, Iqbal is a very skilled carpet maker, and when he destroyed a very expensive carpet, and instead of getting rid of him like he would've done if it was a less skilled worker, he merely put him in the tomb. …show more content…

Ross was absorbed with power which made him cruel. Mr. Ross, the history teacher, started an experiment called The Wave, which is an imitation of the Hitler Youth. He got very involved in this, although he intended it to be a small classroom experiment. The group ended up growing to the whole school, and the people in the group started to become cruel to those that are not a part of the group. In fact, one boy was beaten up because he wasn’t a part of the group. They were cruel to nonmembers because when they are in a group, they feel more powerful, and they like that feeling, so they will do anything to keep the group together. Anyone not in the group is not helping the group stay together, so they don’t like them and are cruel to them. Also, when Laurie decided to try to make a article in the school newsletter against the Wave, the Wave members really didn't want the article to go out. This is because they were afraid people would see Laurie's point of view and people would begin opposing them, causing them to lose power. Many of the other teachers were telling him that he needed to end it, but he liked being in charge and found classes much better, so he couldn’t bring himself to end it. He admitted that,"he had enjoyed the fleeting moments of power. A crowded room of students obeying his commands, the Wave symbol he'd created posted all over the school, even a bodyguard. He had read that power could be seductive, and now he had

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