Humanity is hopeless people are destroying themselves. What will be the world in years? People are naturally born evil and selfish. People are evil and selfish it is hard to see it but you can start seeing it sooner or later. Based on the information gathered in module 4 most people are not good at heart because people are naturally selfish and evil. People are born selfish. “Mr. VanDaan he goes to the food safe and again lights a match. Then cautiously opens the safe taking out a half-loaf of bread” (Goodrich and Hackett 341). People want things perfect for themselves. People will push others out of the way to get things they need. Mr. VanDaan saw that Peter’s stomach was growling at night yet still Mr. VanDaan took the bread. Selfishness is a reason why people are not good at heart. The Genocides show the worst in …show more content…
People are not perfect therefore they still have evil and selfishness naturally born with also people blame and scold others to make themselves feel better. “Dussel – every night she twists and turns. I don’t sleep. I spend half of my night shushing her and now it is the nightmares!” (Goodrich and Hackett 310). Despite all the circumstances Mr. Dussel is mad at Anne because he wants to sleep therefore he is scolding her and blaming her. Blaming others or scolding, that people can feel better is a last reason why people are not good at heart. People are not good at heart from all the reasons summarized. People are selfish naturally taking what they need and not what others need. People are naturally evil the genocides show the worst in that no one can let these things happen but they do happen. The last reason is that people will blame and scold each other to make themselves feel better, from that there will be more depression and other things related. That is why, most people are not good at heart because of there evilness, selfishness, and blaming and scolding
It is a very arguable subject on whether or not people are born with good intentions, and therefore taught by others the ‘evil’ side of their personality. Whether it is the absence of ethical conduct in human nature, or just the way one perceives a situation, evil seems to be prominent in our everyday lives. Humans seem to have a moral code that follows them with every decision they make, yet despite the laws of morality and society, people of this world still seem to behave inhumanely because of the act of self-preservation, human interest, and who exactly the authority figure is at the time.
There surely is in human nature an inherent prosperity to extract all the good out of all the evil (Benjamin Hayden). With all of the immoral events going on in the world, it can be tough to keep the belief that humankind is inherently good. Recently, I have read Ellie Wiesel’s autobiography Night. The entire event of the Holocaust disproves this belief, but that is without including those whom liberated the concentration camps, fought against the Nazis, and those whom continuously denied the actions of Adolf Hitler and his followers. However, there are actions and events in our everyday lives that take place and support the claim that humankind is inherently good.
I believe that human beings are basically good. When they are first born and grow up as babies and toddlers, humans are innocent. However, with the effects of outside experiences and social expectations, human beings can be prone to evil. Humans want to be recognized within society and this can be seen in the movie, “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. Due to the social environment that Tom Ripley lives in, he feels the need to fit in and be wealthy like the people around him. This causes him to seek for ways, whether the action is moral or immoral, to attain a higher social status.
“Human nature is evil and goodness is caused by intentional activity” - Xunzi. Humans by nature have natural tendencies to evil however not everyone acts on those emotions.
People are born into this world crying and wanting only for themselves. As children, humans retain the same selfishness. Without regard for the others around them, they throw tantrums and fight until they obtain the object of their desire. This behaviour was essential for survival when humans were at their most primitive state, left to fend for themselves against the hostile world and each other. But as humans have united together, communities have been created where selfishness is not needed; due to the generosity and kindness that is valued by the community's members. Although humans have put value of kindness and generosity well above selfishness, it has not combatted the “default-setting”, mentioned in This is Water by David Foster Wallace.
Humanity continues to puzzle those that observe it, as it continually shifts and changes. Few aspects remain constant in a race of nonstop deviation, but the fact that amiable individuals typically lead less successful lives compared to those that are self-centered stays true consistently. Kindness is a trait of unsuccessful people because the kind people get taken advantage of, having morals is a drawback, and success follows the insensitive.
Many people have their own views on humanity. They can either be that humans are essentially good but can become corrupt or that people are just essentially evil. They have their own opinions, some people can tell their perspective on humans in other fashions. If people are essentially good, they how do they become corrupt? Or if are truly evil, then why do some people seem like they are kind people and they can never do such things? To take both of these into account, a person may saw that people are good but deep down have evil within them. People may ask how does the evil within a person come out, the answer to that is that it is thanks to their environment. The environment around a person can undoubtedly draw out the evil within them
What is evil? Is it characterized by a desire to cause hurt or harm, “an evil mood”? What causes people to do evil? The strong feelings of hatred and dislike that builds up in all of us or simply that all our emotions are constantly on the dark side for such a long period of time. What is right from wrong when the hate in our hearts makes us all make terrible mistakes and commit evil. The writings of Confucius say, “There is no light without darkness, no positive without negative, no good without evil.” Throughout the history of humanity, humans have committed inconceivable and unthinkable acts of cruelty towards one another. From the brutal wars during the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans, to the modern
Is human nature good or bad? I say, “ Human’s are not born good or evil, they’re born to do good and evil.”
Human beings place great value on the interests of both themselves and others. There is a certain innate desire to
In a way being selfish is what got humans where they are today.The evolution of humans required competition,and aggressive selfishness. We were forced to be selfish and watch our own back, to always put ourselves first in bad situations. This reaction to put ourselves first is natural, it’s in our blood. However, is the very thing that made us so successful as a species the one thing that so easily tears us apart? As humans we have an incredible capacity to dehumanize others to protect our own self interest.
I didn’t truly understand it at the time, but as I grow older and mature I am beginning to understand more and more. Also, in that same conversation, my father told me about some of the people he works with and works for, and how they give back but often only in the spotlight. They will donate money when the attention is on them, or they will do charity events when the media is involved. Looking back at it, this is a very selfish idea. When do we hit that point in our life where we are so selfish that we can not help others; is it a conscious decision or are we just not aware of our actions? I have seen this same of idea of selfishness in my own experiences. I went to a very wealthy private school, with many students coming very wealthy families. Often these families would donate money to the school, but in return they expected a plaque or they expected something to be named after them, some kind of recognition. Some people will say this is not selfish because they are giving back; however, others will say this is a selfish action because they are only giving looking for a return.
“In spite of everything I still believe people are truly good at heart.” Anne Frank wrote this quote in her diary. I do believe that people are truly good at heart. Though sometimes people don’t do the right thing, people are generous towards each other, even during bad times. People take care of each other and help each other when they need it. When things are bad, people try to have an optimistic attitude.
The author thinks human nature is uncooperative and irrationally destructive. I do not agree with that statement. Human nature essentially good. No one is born evil. Even though there is a lot of evil across the globe, there is more good. For every one bad deed, there are a hundred good deeds. God will put you on the right path.
Most of us assume that some selfishness is healthy, but "too much" selfishness will lead to loneliness and despair. This idea rests on an incorrect definition of selfishness. Selfishness means acting in one's rational self-interest. By " rational" I mean that one can logically prove that an action is in one's self-interest—in the long run as well as the short run.