
Perception And Actions Regarding American Indians

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During the 1600s there was many changes in regards to the perception and actions concerning American Indians. In the aftermath of both the Pequot and King Philip’s War, there were casualties from the Indians, and the negative connotations concerning natives grew until the extreme paranoia over the violence of Indians became common thought. Through these wars we also begin to see the idea of Manifest Destiny and the frontier becoming important to the Americas, while after the wars the respect previously given to alliances concerning Indians decreased. This period is known as a time when relations changed with the collision of American and Indian cultures in a new type of environment of America as a new nation. When looking at this period in …show more content…

When looking at captivity narratives there is many different characteristics that can show if the document is reliable outside of any bias the author brought or that was inherent in the culture of that period. Defining a captivity narrative is a difficult job for many reasons. The chief reason is that since there are so many written concerning Indian captivity, it becomes necessary to have a category list or a type of checklist that could be used to look at the validity of a narrative as well as showcasing if it would be useful in any form. Looking through the narratives, defining good examples of narratives is necessary to show the reality of the situation for that period in terms of the idea of Indians and what helped to further found the inherent fear of whites over Indian capturing of white settlers as well as Indian violence. The term ‘captivity narrative’ has become a blanket term for any type of colonial settler that during the 17th to 19th century, whether fact or fiction, that involves contact with Indian tribes in uncomfortable circumstances. One of the major problems with these narratives surrounds the idea of how to exactly define the term ‘captivity narrative’, since the large amount of tales written concerning this theme are indistinguishable in showing if they were works of fiction or if they were

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