
Perception And Perspectives On Plagiarism Of Postgraduate Research Methodology Students At A Distance Education Institution Essay

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Perception and perspectives on plagiarism of postgraduate research methodology students at a distance education institution.
Literature review
Most institutions, if not all, put a great amount of emphasis on plagiarism. Students are made aware of the fact that plagiarism will not be tolerated and consequences will follow if one is guilty of such actions. Although the conduct of plagiarism by students have consequences, such as being dismissed from the institution or not studying at any other university, still does plagiarism seems appealing to them. Many factors contribute to plagiarism and various reasons came to surface on why students plagiarize in previous researches conducted.
Reviewing the history and the definition on plagiarism, it is clear that plagiarism is not something new.
In 1601, the word plagiary was introduced to English by Ben Jonson (Lynch and Jackson, 2005), thereafter, the word plagiarism was introduced in 1620 (Harper, 2011). In an research conducted by Kisamore, Stone, and Jawahar, (2007, p. 381) it was evident that there is an increase in academia dishonesty from 1941 till 2005 and is still continuing.
The word plagiarism has no fixed definition as it is defined differently by various authors. What stood out and is similar in most of the definition stated by various authors is that plagiarism comes down to taking what is not yours and presenting it as your own. Carroll (2002) define plagiarism as the “passing off of someone else’s work as

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