Perception is not Reality
In the world we live in today, it is often hard to have the “perfect” personality. Nobody is perfect, and society is always telling us who we should be and how to act. In all reality, everyone is different, and people are perceived in many different ways by different people. I was once asked if I had to limit myself to five words that summed up my personality, what would they be? I believe that I am confident, determined, stubborn, responsible and sarcastic. The first four traits I have probably developed because of my participation in martial arts over nine years. I have developed the sense of knowing right and wrong, and I was always told to believe in myself and to never give up. I know when I want to achieve something, and even if I am
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The first person I questioned was my best friend, Lizbeth. Lizbeth, who knows me the best described me as being, stubborn, determined and compassionate.Lizbeth then went on to say, that I am “hard headed”, and “ do whatever I set my mind to”. The last one kind of shocked me. Not because she called my compassionate, but because of the reasoning behind it. Lizbeth said that I was like a “coconut, hard on the outside, but soft inside”. I tend to put up a wall, and pretend that nothing fases me, but in fact, I am very sensitive, and that is a side of me that I do not show often.
My next task was to interview someone who knew me well, and I chose my friend Alani. After consulting with her, she said I was determined, funny and responsible. As of right now, both interviewees said I was determined, becuase I do what I set my mind to. The reasoning behind why she said I was “funny” was surprising. Alani said I am always “quick to make a wit”, but then she continued to say that it could be taken the wrong way as well. I knew this already, but I was not excepting for one of my freinds to state it as
Have you ever thought you heard something, but there was nothing there? Have you ever thought you saw someone in the corner of your eye, and when you looked there was no person there? When we look down from a high building on people, do they appear small like ants? Aren't there thousands of occasions when we do misperceive? What is reality and perception? Mainstream science describes reality as "the state of things as they actually exist". So reality is simply: everything we observe. Perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world ( np). I believe people should base some decisions
Every person has a personality that is so complex that it cannot be described completely and accurately just through personality tests. My personality may seem a bit spontaneous at times, but it is usually stable. I see myself as an angry person who just wants things to work out in the end. I was characterized as a “Guardian” by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and I agree with this result. Although it may seem as if I am detached or uninterested, in the end I always want to make sure everyone is happy. A lot of my friends and some of my siblings have told me that I act to much like their mom, since I tend to get over protective of those around me. But in order to appear cool and unaffected, I tend to pretend that I do not care for others. It
The researchers believed that after the online communication and chat rooms became viral, the adolescents will have no social connectedness and well-being. They then figured out that they were wrong. They found out that online communication helps the adolescents social connectedness and well-being rather than reduces it. The researchers came up with three assumption about online communication and how it affects the adolescents. First, online communication stimulates online self-disclosure, second, online self-disclosure
Imagine one day you wake up and look out the window. Nevertheless, what you see is nothing like your local neighbor’s house. But a jungle full of wild animals. You know the jungle is not real...or is it? This comes to the question, what is the reality? Is it something we see immediately? Is it something we believe in? Reality could be anything. But what happens if what we view isn’t real? What if reality was just a misconception? In some cases, our brain would imagine something much more than reality. Even the most realistic objects in the world could just be a misconception. Perception and reality are not just different in a way. But are two clashing words that you may not quite realize.
I set very high standards for myself and am not satisfied with just a mediocre performance. This characteristic has driven me to excel in school. My dedication and hard work have earned me top marks in my classes. It has also enabled me to excel in work, as I like to go above and beyond to get the job done and done well. While this characteristic has its positives, it also comes with its fair share of drawbacks. I often spend copious hours overanalysing and completing tasks that should be completed in a relatively brief time span. I’m hard on myself when something doesn’t produce results that I had hoped or expected. I often think about how my life would be different if I could just settle for a bit little less, but realize this characteristic is just one of the many that make me who I
The opening statement of the article Looks can deceive: Why Perception and Reality Don't Always Match Up by Christof Koch reads as follows; “When you are facing a tricky task, your view of the world may not be as accurate as you think” (Koch, 2010) In this article Koch argues that a human’s conscious perception of the world is neither static or accurate. That people everywhere are incapable of being one hundred percent objective and therefore their awareness of objects surrounding them is dependent on factors such as personal strength, confidence, fears and desires. Koch states that being human is equal to “seeing the world through your own, constantly shifting, lens” (Koch, 2010)
My character is something I take a lot of pride in. I am known to be honest, kind, and playful. I enjoy having fun but I know my limitations. I know when enough is enough and when it is time to get work done. I think this is why I excel in public and community settings. I know how to make people laugh and feel good about themselves with just a smile. I am also very honest. Since a young age my parents have inspired me to be honest and grateful. I have great work ethic and enjoy being helpful. I am patient
Its funny how just by reading the way the article was written our thoughts and emotions perceive the most horrible scene ever. Just like you said is amazing how our brain is triggered by one simple word or action. The lovable cub was just being playful and having a wonderful time that was his reality, but our perception of him prior to seeing the cute pictures were of fear and horror. Excellent example affirming us that perception is not reality.
In my opinion, perception is not reality because there are a lot of things that can trick our eyes. In other words, what we see might not be true because there might be something we think it’s true but it’s actually not. For example, In heartbeat by David Yoo, Dave looks bigger because he wear more than one shirt under his coat.(page CR27) It is very hard to decide whether perception is reality.
Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects the way people communicate with others. An individual’s pattern of thinking can affect their perception of others. Most people communicate best with people of similar cultures.
Looking into a person’s personality there are surprises around every corner. I have learned to expect the unexpected when working on this assignment. I asked five friends to take the personality test, along with taking it myself, and the results did not turn out the way that I had expected. My friends, who I thought had an okay view on the world, really don’t think that it treats them fairly and the people who I thought were more aggressive than the rest scored lower than those who I thought to be less aggressive people. I also found myself a little surprised with how my scores turned out. Just when you think you have yourself figured out you learn something new. Though no matter what a piece of paper with a
As I prepared to re-enter life as a college student after a few years away from the classroom, I wanted to be intentional with the classes I choose. Yes, I need to fulfill the art requirement for my degree, so there is a larger picture at play, though I believe this course can also meet my desire to learn about how people would illustrate self-expression with the resources available to them at that particular time.
Perception is a defining factor in all of our lives. Perception affects the way every action, choice, and decision we make is perceived. Though societal influences perception can be shaped based upon bias. The world is filled with it religious, political, sexual, and gender bias just to name a few. It is because of these biases that peoples perception is narrowed and what is deemed as “civilized” or the “right” thing to do may not always be one hundred percent true. In the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau we see a man who has looked past social norms and blazed his own path towards individual enlightenment. This is again illustrated in Lars Eighner’s essay, On Dumpster Diving. Here we see an individual that practices something that most
One thing I am beginning to realise is that perception drives everything in life. I am beginning to realise that all my negative states are the results of perception, or judgement of what is taking place in my life. Essentially it is all according to story, or the ego. Most of the perceptions we make are based on ego, our stories of what has happened in the past.
Thinking of who I am in terms of personality is frustrating yet challenging. It is frustrating due to the uncomfortable fact I see not only the characteristics I like but the ones I cringe at. My obsession with solving all the problems in my life allows me to overcome impossible obstacles deemed unconquerable to the hopeless individuals in my life. The effect of that drive to overcome can also debilitate me to inaction until my brain can formulate the perfect solution due to fears of failure. There is also the desire to become wise so I never feel or inflict pain in my family’s life. This desire however produces self-examination so intense I end up a total buzz kill to any joy that happens upon me. My only escape from overthinking conversations, challenges in relationships, and being a goal-oriented workaholic is found in a worship or in nature devoid of people. The only place I can rest in the peace and presence of God. I can cast all my cares and worries on Jesus. Holy Spirit usually tells me in these moments what thoughts to let go and gives me clarity on how to handle my self-inflicted anxiety. To every trait that makes me who I am is a challenge to show and receive love from others. However, there are three character traits that most accurately describe the best parts of my personality.