
Perfect College Research Paper

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Ah, college. A time when young adults venture into the unknown in search for a higher education. For many, it is their first time on their own since birth and they are trying to discover their true passions. The search of finding the perfect college can be grueling. Hours and hours of applications, essay questions, and scholarship searching. But what happens when all the hard work pays off, and the acceptance letter arrives? What could one bring to their new home for the next four years? Of course bedding and room decor make the list. Don’t forget about school supplies and personal belongings. Every college dorm must have a futon, a refrigerator, a coffee maker, a microwave… and the list goes on and on. One item on the list that is almost always neglected, is television. Odds are many have grown up with at least one form of television in their household. The question is, though, which one is superior? Netflix or the cable television provider Comcast Xfinity. …show more content…

Being on a budget means trying to save every penny. Cost is important when deciding which form of television is best when going to college. The cheapest Xfinity package starts at a price of $49.99 a month and rises from there. Comcast charges it’s customers based the amount of desired channels and on demand purchases. Customers can rent unlimited movies from on-demand between the prices of $4.99 to $6.99. Movie prices depend on the release date of a particular film and are added to a customer's monthly bill. On the contrary, Netflix starts at a price of $8.00 a month for one screen. In order to watch on two different screens simultaneously, the price rises to $10.00 a month. Then up to $12.00 for four screens. In the battle of the lowest cost per month, Netflix wins hands down by an astonishing

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