
Perfect Foundation Research Paper

Decent Essays

Finding the most perfect foundation that was made just for you.

Finding the right foundation isn’t always a easy task and more often than not it can be hugely messed up. Even if you think you have mastered the foundation game, you’re potentially still doing a few things wrong. Here are a few tips that are needed to find your most perfect foundation.
Testing your foundation under the right light. When it comes to picking foundation having the correct light to look at it under is extremely important. When trying a new foundation, try testing it on your skin and then after a few minutes (10—15) try stepping outside into the daylight to actually see the foundations natural and most accurate colour. Foundation tends to oxidise on your skin with your skins natural heat, so it is always recommended that when trying foundation to let it set on your skin and then to step outside and see it under the brightest and most …show more content…

Everyone always wants their foundation to look the best, so, therefore choosing the right texture of foundation is important. A woman that has dry skin, choosing a foundation that has a matte texture will often make the skin look dehydrated and lifeless, instead try using a foundation that has a dewy finish and stay far away from the matte textures. It is much the same for someone that has oily skin, people with oily skin tend to use powder foundations thinking that this is the best for their skin and that they are doing their skin a favour but instead using a water-based foundation would be the most beneficial for them and their skin.
Applying shades that are too light for their skin. You need to remember that just because you have light/fair skin doesn’t mean that you are the lightest shade of foundation- this is just going to make you look washed out. When choosing between two foundations always pick the one that is a bit deeper, this is going to allow the foundation to be a little more accurate on your

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