
Perfect Horses

Decent Essays

I have ridden numerous horses in my life, some more pleasant than others. The truth is, there’s no such thing as a perfect horse. There are, however, many different kinds of horses. Now when I say different kinds, I’m not talking about breeds or purposes or colors. I’m talking about horses with different personalities. That’s right. Horses with different personalities, but they’re personalities. Horses have different attitudes and characteristics just like people. There are bossy people, sensitive people, overachievers, etc. Just like people, some horses are easier or more pleasant to deal with than others. I once had a horse that didn’t know how to go slow. When I bought her I was told she was a trail horse, but what I depict as a trail …show more content…

All he wants to do on a ride is run. All he knows is run. A horse like this might as well be on a racetrack instead of in your pasture. There is no such thing as an enjoyable, relaxing ride when you are on him. Your knuckles are always cramping and stiff by the end of your ride. A horse like him is only for riders with experience and strength. It will not be easy keeping this horse at a walk. You don’t want to take this horse on an all-day trail ride, or every muscle in your body will be dead by the time you are done. A horse like this can also be on the bossy side, being headstrong and not wanting to listen to their rider. You can easily get a feel for what it is like to ride a horse with no slow; all you have to do is get on a bike with no brakes. It is hard to keep the bike at a slow pace, especially when you’re heading downhill. The more the bike gets away from you, the harder it becomes to slow it back down. Eventually, you are going very fast and it takes everything you have got just to slow it down. It takes even more than that to get it to stop. An amateur bike rider would not do well with this bike, and it will most likely get thrown away or

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