
Perfect Utopian Society

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A Utopian society is a society that blocks out any war, crime, hate and hostility to make a “peaceful” union of the people in that community. Many countries try to create the perfect civilization, though many do not come to an agreement on what the meaning of perfect is. Perfect is defined as “making something completely free from faults or defects, or as close to such a condition as possible,” (Google) and because not many people have the same ideas of a perfect Utopian society, there are many misunderstandings in the governing and ruling of the country. The new President and her elected colleagues will talk about five of the most important issues the United States deals with daily. She talks about the matters of Immigration, Terrorism, the Educational Structure, Federal versus State and how they will plan to pay for these new changes. The first issue they review is what to do about the incoming immigrants and what should be done to stop them. They will also go through what needs to happen to stop terrorism from threatening the country. In addition, they will mention the educational structure that will be put into place in the incoming years …show more content…

She talks about the matters of Immigration, Terrorism, the Educational Structure, Federal versus State and how the US plans to pay for these new changes. A Utopian society is a society that has blocked out any war, crime, hate and hostility, to make a “peaceful” union of the people in that community. Many countries attempt to create the perfect world for their civilization, though, many do not come to an understanding on what the meaning of flawless is. Flawless is defined as “without any blemishes or imperfections.” (Google) Government officials are confident that their plans to make the United States a Great Utopian Society will not only benefit them, but it will benefit the Country in a

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