
Perfection Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Perfection is a tricky beast. A bubbling, illuminating, effervescent creature, always flitting in front of my eyes and heart, simply begging to be chased, excellence has always held a special, unquenchable place in my heart. Perfect grades. Perfect looks. Perfect performance. Perfect persona. Perfection. With a capital P. Perfection, with all of its glimmer and promise, is my raw, ragged, ravenous Achilles heel. To be perfect is to be free from fault or defect, flawless, saintly—an exemplification of supreme excellence. Since I can remember, my parents and family and friends have told me I am one of the best children, students, companions, etc. that they could ask for—and in this glory I have and do bask. And from other’s expectations I built a standard that I battle to adhere to. I am a Zimmer, an American, a high honor student, and beauty, a Christian—I ought to act and behave a …show more content…

Pouring my soul forth, I exhaust myself in constant pursuit. I hate sitting still for fear that I’m wasting time on menial, un-perfecting things. I grind myself to rubble. During junior year, between SAT’s and AP’s and junior class and sports and mirrors and grades, I lost 20 pounds. I physically could not keep up with excellence. Perfection, a starving beast, could not be satisfied.
Admittedly, this essay is a permission essay, and with that label it sounds as if one must only write about the failings of life. No happy endings. But here I stray from the mark. God swooped down, with his billowing, superhero cape of providence and love and compassion, and lifted me up in His hands. His timing was perfect. Summer break came, and after that Spiritual Disciples and whole host of supporting, loving people—a break from the pursuit of

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