
Pericles And Cicero On Loyalty Essay

Decent Essays

Pericles and Cicero on loyalty: a comparison of the Roman and the Greek culture

Pericles and Cicero were two paramount historical and institutional pillars of the classical Greek and Roman culture. They belonged to different historical contexts. Pericles lived during the Peloponese war, while Cicero lived during complex times for Rome, including the first and the second Triumvirate, and Julius Caesar’s civil war. Pericles ruled Athens, Cicero became first quaestor in Sicily and then consul in Rome. Their legacy is immortal through the centuries: Pericles brought democracy- which celebrates in his speech – allowing the Athenian “démos” to participate to the government, including the less privileged social classes.
Despite “Pericles’ Funeral Oration” and “On Duties” belong to different historical periods, both Pericles and Cicero share a vision of civilization strictly tied to sound principles regarding the state, the welfare of the citizens and the men, the preservation of the community through sacred values like honesty, justice, respect of the private goods and, even more, respect for the common goods.
The two works are different: Pericles’ Funeral Oration is a panegyric, a celebrative oration typical of the Greek literature, to …show more content…

His description corresponds to truth, since it has been historically proved that Pericles’ Age was one of the most brilliant in the Ancient Greek history. Cicero’s perspective is slightly different, contextualized into a crisis which destroyed the ethical and political values of the Ancient Republic of Rome. Motivated to restore the ancient Roman splendor and the respect of the Republic, he writes a philosophical and ethical handbook founded on honesty, respect of the law and the state as primary values of coexistence. In Cicero’s and Pericles’ works the above mentioned values are strictly interconnected to each other and generate other values and behaviors, still sharing the same

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