
Perl Rosenthal's Analysis

Decent Essays

Of this week’s readings, Perl Rosenthal’s readings particularly enwrapped me. The close connection between locality and the maritime economy was something I never knew before. The reading discuss how, most sailors on ships during this period in time were required to be entirely contunryman of the authorizing nation. Even further, most of the men working on these ships were close friends and family, all generally from the same neighborhood within the city within the country they were from. I feel this homogeneity could either be a notable benefit or notable disabler for the crews. All the men knowing each other before they set sail could definitely decrease on the instances of homesickness and loneliness. The familiarity could also have inherent benefits, as all these men probably trusted each other to do their job and knew …show more content…

I know I personally love my family and friends, but I don’t think we would work together great, especially in the high stakes and trying reality of an eighteenth century ship. All the men knowing each other also men’s they take their established opinions and difficulties with them on the ship. These men were on long journeys, trapped alone together at sea, tensions will inevitably start to rise. If these men know each other, their attacks can be all that more person and cruel towards one another. These men all being from one place though, as Rosenthal points out, created a sort of nationalism before the concept had officially arrived. Yes these men were from one neighborhood, but they went off to distant parts of the world to represent the monarch. As such they couldn’t be identified as, “men from this neighborhood in this town in this country,” they simply were “Englishman”, or “Spaniards”. Sailors were the first men to experience nationality in the modern sense. The vast maritime economy that developed in the seventh century, made the world larger, and thus individual's identifiers had to grow as

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