
Permaculture Ethic

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To me, EarthCare as a permaculture ethic means, that we respect the relationship we have with the Earth and appreciate all it has and does for us. Caring for the Earth as we would our own Mother is an important ethic in general, but especially when dealing with permaculture due to the heavy reliance on Earth based relationships.
The ethic is an underlying foundation of permaculture, because everything we do relates back to the relationship with the Earth. Growing food and providing water are just two basic things that all living things need to survive, which the Earth provides. This foundation allows an underlying connection between all things, which contributes to a holistic practice by highlighting these connections that all things share.
While all ethics involved are important, this one might be the most critical, due to the strong reliance we have on the natural Earth cycles in permaculture. Soil repairing and building is a great technique that we spent a lot of time on during this course and one that Bane speaks highly of (Bane, 2012, p. 28). This practice caters to EarthCare by rehabbing the land we are able to improve the Earth, as well as improve our own yields and benefits.
PeopleCare means acknowledging the thoughts and ideas around you and trying to do what's best for the whole. Having empathy I believe has a lot to do with PeopleCare. Understanding that there is and always will be a bigger picture than the world you live in today is also an important tool in this ethic. While Earth relationships are critical, relationships with people might be near the same level.
This ethic is a foundational piece to permaculture, because permaculture is a community activity. Forming and creating relationships allows for permaculture to keep expanding. Bane mentions in his book, “Each One Teach One.” (Bane, 2012, p. 22), which shows the interdependence this program has with people and how they need to work together to accomplish some of the overreaching goals.
Permaculture is a occupation that you will have inevitable human interaction, Whether it's a client, the nursery owner, your nosey neighbor, co-workers or anyone else, permaculture always involves people. Being able to maintain these

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