
Persepolis Book Vs Movie

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The medium that is chosen to communicate a story, message, or lesson is a factor that hugely influences the way in which that story, message or lesson is presented and what it impresses on the individual. Two different mediums hold their own characteristics and portray the same story in a different view, that experience of the same story can alter or take on different routes from one another. While Persepolis, the graphic novel and Persepolis, the film are very similar in drawing styles and being an autobiographical piece the mediums in which the same story is presented have different outcomes and impressions.
Both the graphic novel and film version of Persepolis use the same illustrative style, where the details are just enough to show the …show more content…

The characters and unfolding story often lack a narrator or the film isn’t narrated as often as a book; which is a narration in its entirety. The film version of Persepolis, while there is a narrator and Marji’s life is now even more vivid with the moving images, doesn’t emphasize her coming of age and growth. She’s simply a character in history. The film does show her life but those same internal thoughts described in the graphic novel and reasoning behind actions aren’t explained. An example is how rushed the beginning of the autobiographical piece is when presented through the medium of film. Her conversations with god and want to be a prophet is a feature of her childhood that gives her character dimension, the movie doesn’t explain this very well and her conversations with god as a child are cut. Another series of important events in Marji’s childhood is her relationship with Mehri. Not only is this important because it shows Marji’s growth and surroundings but it also points out some of the flaws in the class conflict occurring in Iran at the time. Mehri was given to Marji’s parents by her own parents because they couldn’t afford to take care of their many kids. Mehri helped take care of Marji and was, in a sense, like her old sister. Mehri couldn’t read or write and so Marji helped her write love letter to the neighbour. Once Marji’s father had found out he went straight to the neighbour and told him that the girl he’d been writing to was her maid and immediately the relationship was gone. This is when Marji starts to feel a sense of her parents’ views and actions in Iran’s current class struggle. While Mehri was adopted before Marji’s birth, she was kept illiterate, and now when her parents were fighting for against class, for Marji’s father to come home and rid Mehri’s relationship with the reason that she was a maid leaves Marji confused with her parents’ stance. In the graphic novel of Persepolis, Marji’s emotions on this

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