
Perseus Hero's Journey

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A Hero And His Journey To Victory Heroes are born by following a journey that leads them to greatness. They are people that can persevere through their struggles and make it out even stronger. Perseus from the story Perseus and Medusa followed his own path into becoming a hero. This young boy makes a plan to capture Medusa’s head to show his strength and give a gift to the king Polydectes. Through his journey, Perseus mirrors Joseph Campbell’s monomyth by following his own hero quest. Perseus may be young and clueless, but his determination and strong-will helps him achieve his goal and represents the monomyth in action. Perseus’s journey all starts off with his departure. This step allows him to start his expedition to becoming a hero. …show more content…

Perseus has to first accomplish his road of trials which will prepare him for Medusa. To find out where exactly Medusa and the other gorgons are Perseus has to go to “the Gray Women who alone could tell them the way.” (Hamilton 202). The help of the Gray Woman provides Perseus with the information of where the gorgons exactly were. By accomplishing this step, he made it to the gorgons island quickly and safely. After reaching the island, the time has come for him to reach his ultimate boon, to kill Medusa. With the help of Athena Perseus “cuts through her neck and… seized the head.” (Hamilton 204). With that one slice, Perseus is now known as a hero, and can even rescue his mother. The head also allows Perseus to get revenge on Polydectes, and bring Dictys to …show more content…

His magic flight home was not all that magical because he returned by “sailing back to the island” (Hamilton 207). By sailing back, he met Andromeda and asked for her hand in marriage. If Perseus had never decided to go home, he would have never known that his mother was in trouble, but luckily he did. With the power of Medusa’s head he was able to save them. After accomplishing his whole journey, Perseus now has the freedom to live. He ends up “living happily ever after [with Andromeda]” (Hamilton 208). They then had their son, Electryon, who also carried off their legacy and was the grandfather of Hercules. The whole journey has led up to him living a happy life with his wife and son, which he accomplished by following the

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