There is a common misconception that has plagued the world. A common misconception that has left our nation divided, one that has left our hearts anxious and disappointed. It has destroyed families, corrupted the youth, and left individuals feel the immeasurable pain of incompetence. This idea, the tarnished, monetary idea of what success is defined as, will continue to infect our realm if we do not look begin to view this age-old topic differently. Nick Vujucic, a thirty-two year old man who was born without arms and legs, challenging him routinely in even the simplest daily activities, boldly stood in front of twenty-four countries and over three million people in his unintentional demonstration of his own success. When one looks at Nick Vujucic, they should see three things: perseverance, optimism, and his search for something beyond himself which, ultimately, have lead him to his enduring success. Perseverance: “A steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement” (Perseverance, 1). If there is any one person who displays perseverance, it is Nick Vujucic. Vujucic, despite normal ultrasounds and a healthy prenatal period, was born without any arms or legs. Going through the events of one’s day, it is extremely difficult to come up with more than two actions that were completed without using the appendages. A huge setback was placed on Vujucic’s life before he was even old enough to
Many people suffer problems in the world today. This includes terrorism and tyranny. It includes kidnapping and hate crime. It can also be cancer and starvation. Many have lived through problems like these and told the tale because they persevered. Through Hillenbrand’s Unbroken, Wiesel’s Night, and Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, perseverance is emphasized the readers by writing about characters, whether they are survivors of the Holocaust, a prisoner of war, or family, that have to suffer obstacles that can potentially kill them if they don’t overcome it. Even though each author has a different way to show perseverance, they all agree on what perseverance can do. Persevering through unfortunate situations
Another example of perseverance is that Parvana didn't want to become a boy because she wanted her long hair. She did anyway so she could go to the marketplace without being attacked by the Taliban.The Breadwinner states, “You’re not cutting my hair!”, and, “All right,” she said. “I’ll do it” This demonstrates that Parvana is changing herself so she can go to the marketplace. She has to because her father is gone and there is no one to take his place except
The film Cinderella Man shows multiple examples of perseverance. Perseverance is when someone is determined to go through tough obstacles and difficulties, no matter how hard they seem to be. If someone were to face obstacles that seem impossible, they could go through them, or persevere, and try their best to overcome it instead of just giving up. If someone was to have perseverance, they would be persistent and continuously stay in the state they are, no matter how hard their problems are. Cinderella Man has multiple examples of this because the main character, James J. Braddock, perseveres through the difficult time that is the Great Depression. He took risks to fend for his family and never succumbed to his negative feelings when he faced problems that would feel almost impossible. James Braddock had shown examples of perseverance in the movie Cinderella Man.
It is a concept that has been shown to me by my parents’ struggles throughout their lives. My dad persevered to get where he is today. He grew up fairly poor and was determined to make a better life for himself, so he didn’t let anything get in the way. Even when he was eighteen living in a dilapidated nine dollar hotel and hanging power lines in the bitter Iowan winter, he didn’t give up. He said that even though he felt hopeless, he knew he had to preserve. Perseverance is not giving up when facing struggles and my dad is the embodiment of that concept. By my dad persevering through his struggles, he showed me that I cannot let obstacles be my demise. Another person who has displayed perseverance in my life is my mom. When I was about four, my loving, caring grandma died. This greatly affected my mom, but even though she was in pain she put on a brave face for me and my brother, and I think that this is a great example of perseverance. This also makes me want to be brave and have perseverance when I face challenges in my own life because if she got through hard times in her life then I can too. The people around me have shaped my idea of perseverance by the way that they have displayed it in their
The Canadian Dictionary defines perseverance as “Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness”. In the novel Eric Walters, Walking Home, his main protagonist, Muchoki restates perseverance by sticking to his goal and never giving up. Due to political disturbances between ethnic groups, his father dies in a fire caused by a mob, leaving Muchoki, his little sister Jata and his mom with no other option but to flee and find shelter in an overcrowded refugee camp. Things do not get any better because his mom dies from malaria. Leaving Muchoki and Jata all by themselves, the last thing she told them was an old Kamba story; the story talked about a boy and a girl who run away from their homes to stay together following a string that will guide them to their new home so that they could be together.
Perseverance is attempting something, possibly failing, but not giving up. People show perseverance in many ways throughout their life, whether in sports, school, at a job, or other everyday activities. Perseverance may be shown by enduring a 12 hour shift, practicing sports to improve, studying for a subject you have a bad grade in, or even getting a proper sleep schedule! Perseverance appears in novels, books, and even my life! In the movie, Iron Will, Will had to endure a lot.
Another story about a man named Ralston getting his arm stuck between a rock and a crevasse. Ralston endured one of the most brutal life challenges, having him stuck in there with no food or water for 7 days. On the last day, Ralston decided he wanted to live the rest of his life with his future family and he cut his arm off to survive. Ralston showed how his determination and perseverance helped him get through this challenge in his life. In conclusion, perseverance is the key to overcoming challenges because it helps you press forward through life's
Another piece of literature that shows perseverance is Temple Grandin. She had autism and at the time when she was born, they didn’t know much about the disability. So she grew up with problems
Perseverance is the only thing that will truly keep the world alive. If humans had given up instead of persevering America would not exist, tyranny would reign and slavery would still exist. Several characters throughout literary history, such as Odysseus from Homers’ Odyssey, and Louis Zamperini in Unbroken are the prime examples of perseverance, and they did it through personal strength and determination to not be broken. After all, it is better to persevere and live a hellish life than to relinquish that life in order to live more comfortably in the hands of those who seek to degrade the soul.
There comes a time in life when perseverance shows one’s true potential. The story“Unbroken” written by Laura Hillenbrand shows legendary runner Louie Zamperini and showed how he truly represented that. Throughout this story it displays what the true meaning of perseverance; whether, it’s something as little as staying committed to track or fighting in World War Two and trying to fight for life even if there seems like there’s nothing to fight for. If someone is commited no matter the time or the difficulty that doesn’t just show perseverance, but it shows one’s true ability to fight for and try for something they want to accomplish.
I am referring to the level of perseverance that I possess. Since the last two years in high school, I have noticed that I can surpass any difficulties that have come my way, notably my junior year as class president. In my first year, I was confronted with a great deal of issues all ranging from organizing events like prom too working with an unmotivated class. Fortunately, I was able to unite the class which allowed them to work well together and certainly this did not go unnoticed because I was re-elected for senior year. Now it doesn’t seem like much, but for me it was difficult as it was my first year as president and I had been immediately thrusted into it. Despite this and all the complications that arose with it, I was able to be persevere through the endless challenges that I faced as class president. What's important to note from all of this is that my determination to persevere will allow me to accomplish any desire that I
Why do we push past the obstacles to be happy? Happiness is golden to America. Perseverance is the Great Depression. Making it through this frivolous time was an achievement. Farms were going bankrupt, and my grandfather was about to lose more than anyone.
Perseverance is crucial if you want to make to make something out of life. We all have difficulties that we need to overcome in our life and perseverance is the key to success with no regrets. My neighbour had a dream to start her own restaurant but she had no money, support or job. But instead of moping around she decided to put everything she had into opening a restaurant and eventually after all her hard work and persisting paid off and she made her dream into a reality. My neighbour didn’t just wait for someone to help her out but she made the tough call to take matters into her own hands and persist to achieve her dream. And as Sun Yat-sen, “The key to success is action, and the essential in action is
As I trudged bleakly through the double doors, slowly sitting down in my seat, and listened as the cushion deflated underneath me, I wondered whether I could just go back to my dorm and sleep. Thoughts ran through my light-headed brain, all I could really think about had to do with tissues, and lots of water to mask my hideous cough. I hated being sick, especially during school. Nevertheless, I still went to every one of my classes, even if I felt horrible. I always told myself during times when I felt like giving up, just one more hour, just one more day. Just like me, thousands of people went through similar situations, but the way they respond to them showed their own personal perspectives.
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.