The Strength of Perseverance
As soon as Hitler’s army bombarded our cities in London we all cowered in our homes, thinking of the gruesome stories told by the immigrants who migrated here, replayed in our heads. His disposition of world dominion was functioning fine, for he had already seized Poland, Austria, and France and many other countries were surrendering out of fear. As we all trembled in our homes, Churchill stood strong and brave, determined to not let Germany overcome our steadfast nation. On September 1940 the ferocious air raids rained down with such force that, within days charred pieces of land and buildings lay smoldering in a heap of black ashes. Our courageous firefighters saved lives, saved buildings, and saved our hope of
In her book, Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand vividly illustrates the suffering surpassed by the protagonist, Louie. By doing so, Hillenbrand depicts the cruelty of Japanese prisoner of war detainment camps throughout the duration of the Second World War. Louie's interminable determination and perseverance reveals the concealed dexterity of human nature while exploring not only American political and social values, but also the global spiritual contingency throughout moments of disdain.
Good morning Selection Panel of the Australian Film Board. Today I am going to convince you that The Sapphires, directed by Wayne Blair is the perfect movie to enter the competition to represent Australia. The movie was released in 2012 and is based on a true story of four Aboriginal girls that tour around Vietnam in 1968 singing for the soldiers. The main parts of the movie that stood out were; how it demonstrated the Australian value of perseverance, the difference between each individual character and the representation of the Aboriginal culture.
Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken recounts Louie Zamperini's incredible life. The novel contains extreme obstacles that Zamperini overcame in his life, in which motifs of survival, resilience, and redemption emerge. Zamperini, a former Olympic athlete, survived a record-breaking forty-seven days at sea and then survived two years in Japanese Prisoner of War camps. Zamperini persisted and never lost faith even when the Bird constantly tormented him till near death. In Unbroken Hillenbrand correctly argues that with perseverance and Christianity one can overcome the most forbidding of obstacles.
“If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as admirable (as Adolf Hitler) to restore our courage
Following the defeat of France, Hitler attention is to invade the Britain whom the only nation left in Western Europe oppose him.As a result, British government encourages civilians to prepare for Air raid defense as resulted of relocating needed.The use of air warfare had a terrifying emotional effect. The relocating process showed the nation presses success in communicating notice out to people.
In the Blitzkrieg bombing of Britain, the country needed support more than ever as their patience was growing thin. It was at this very crucial moment in history when the British were about fall to the Germans overwhelming military when Winston Church gave his famous speech, “Their Finest Hour.” This would be the speech that changes the tide of the war, and inspired the British people to rally together against the German forces. In his famous speech, he focuses on the patriotism of the British people and letting them know that this war was far from over, and they weren’t going to go down without one heck of a fight. The reason this speech was so successful and uplifting was because Churchill was able to present it in a way to make all the British
From September 1940 to May 1941, a horrific event ran through England. The Blitz was a series of bombing that the Nazi carried out on most parts of England and aimed especially at Londoners. The Nazi thought that they could weaken Britain’s strength and over power Britain so it would be easier to take over; during this, over a million homes were demolished and the bombings killed more than 40,000 people. It is questioned whether the existence of the Blitz Spirit is correct or just a myth; some people agree that it was real, ‘during the Blitz, people pulled together. It didn’t matter whether you were rich or poor – everyone helped each other out and got on with their lives as best as they could. That was the Blitz spirit.’ However other people go against that and say, ‘the idea of the “Blitz spirit” was invented to make people feel better. In reality, people did not come
Why do we push past the obstacles to be happy? Happiness is golden to America. Perseverance is the Great Depression. Making it through this frivolous time was an achievement. Farms were going bankrupt, and my grandfather was about to lose more than anyone.
Churchill begins “We Shall Never Surrender” by providing vivid descriptions of the life and environment of war to describe the hardships, then follows up with showing that the strength that the troops had together helped them overcome specific events. He continues to use repetition to emphasize the importance of staying together and not losing hope in order to provide small victories, one at a time. Churchill’s courage to speak up during such a disturbing time helped assist the nations morality by providing hope and encouragement in the bloodshed time of war. When a nation felt defeated Winston Churchill used his powerful voice in “We Shall Never Surrender” to lift the nation’s spirits
The year was 1940; the world’s second great World War was in full swing, with Britain and Germany at the forefront. The fall of Britain’s closest ally, France, stunned the British Empire and threw it into disarray. Through the chaos, Winston Churchill emerged. Churchill would be an inspiring leader who was able to rally the entire nation in times of hardship. Through his leadership, the “British Bulldog” would face the Axis powers and come out victorious, as well as become a public hero for the British people. Yet, immediately after the war, Churchill did not return to the prime minister seat because of a shocking defeat in his re-election, despite his immense reputation he gained from the war. Though lauded by the British population for his prowess as a wartime leader, Churchill’s conservative politics were out of touch with a population ready for post-war relief and led to his defeat in the 1945 election.
As I trudged bleakly through the double doors, slowly sitting down in my seat, and listened as the cushion deflated underneath me, I wondered whether I could just go back to my dorm and sleep. Thoughts ran through my light-headed brain, all I could really think about had to do with tissues, and lots of water to mask my hideous cough. I hated being sick, especially during school. Nevertheless, I still went to every one of my classes, even if I felt horrible. I always told myself during times when I felt like giving up, just one more hour, just one more day. Just like me, thousands of people went through similar situations, but the way they respond to them showed their own personal perspectives.
Winston Churchill’s Their Finest Hour speech propelled Great Britain’s involvement in World War II. After the great defeat of the francophone countries by the Nazis, Winston’s words provided motivation and encouragement for the country to not give up. Churchill is commonly known as a great orator by his use of pathos in his speech. In this speech he makes plain that the war with France has ended, and now the battle for britain is about to begin. He appeals to the emotions of the audience. In this thought provoking statement, Churchill states “But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.” At the time of the speech, Britain was under attack by the germans using Blitzkrieg bombing, and Paris was defeated by Germans.
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.
In a total war, the home front must be entirely united to continue to fight and fund a war effort, and Churchill appeals to unity and patriotism. He asks the people of Britain to give what Churchill himself will be offering ‘“blood, toil, tears, and sweat”’ (32). If the Prime Minister can give his everything to fight in the war, it encourages the audience to want to participate as well. Churchill continues to appeal to unity through his use of words like ‘we’ and ‘our’ to unite the country with the government as they fight for one cause. By creating a ‘team’, they can effectively rally the audience into action. The public opinion may believe that the Germans are unstoppable, but Winston’s emotionally charged words that with total effort and war from all fronts with the support of God, the feat can be achieved (35). Because of the war, the Prime Minister conveys the necessity for “victory; victory at all costs; victory in spirt of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival” (38-40). By bringing the risk of destruction of the country should they fail, it further persuades the audience to want to give their all so they can win the war. After riling up the crowd with the emotionally charged pathos arguments, Churchill closes with a final remark: ‘“Come then, let us go
Winston Churchill’s headstrong resiliency in the face of danger defined his career as a war leader. Former Prime Minister David Cameron states,” He was an incredible leader for our country, and indeed for the whole free world, at an impossibly difficult time.” (1). Five months before his inauguration, Churchill gave his speech “House of Many Mansions” wherein he urged the then Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and other world