
Persian Wars Research Paper

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Persian Wars

The Persian wars began with the Ionian Revolt. The Ionian Revolt constituted the first major conflict between Greece and the Persian Empire. The Ionian Revolt lasted from 499 BC to 493 BC. The revolt came in Ionia because of the personal machinations of individuals. After the city-states fell, the revolts in the Persian Empire crumbled, due to lack of leadership. Once the revolt had been put down, the Persians attempted to fix the conditions that led to the revolt. The Ionian Revolt was the first step in the series of events that led to the Great Persian expeditions against Greece. The first Persian approach to Greece was by sea. In 492 BC Darius sent his son in law Mardonius, on an expedition against Macedonia and the Greek Island …show more content…

The Persians subdued the islands as they went. When the Persians reached Eretria, a town in Euboea, Greece, they plundered and burned the city. The Persians deported its population. Once they reached the Greek mainland, the Athenians were resistant on the plain of Marathon. The Battle of Marathon took place in 490 BC. The Battle of Marathon was fought between the citizens of Athens. The Persian navy sailed down the coast of Greece and stopped at the bay of Marathon. The Athenian Army blocked the Persians advance and trapped them on the plains around the bay. The Athenian victory at Marathon was a setback for the Persians. The Second Persian War happened around 480-479 BC. The Persian army crossed the Hellespont and marched through Thrace and Macedon to Thessaly. The Battle of Thermopylae was a combined action by land and sea. The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states and the Persian Empire of Xerxes. The Persians victory at Thermopylae opened the way to their unimpeded march to the south. The Battle of Salamis would follow. The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle between the Greek city-states and Persia. The Battle of Salamis was fought in 480 BC. This battle was located in the straits between

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