
Person Centred Care

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Briefly describe the key principles of person centred care and demonstrate how you implemented person centred care in practice, Illustrate with examples. Use academic literature and the insight that it provides to inform your understanding of the key principles of person centred care. Person centred care can be viewed in many different aspects. The eight key principles of nursing practice found by the Royal College of Nursing (2011) include, dignity, responsibility, safety, choice, communication, skills, teamwork and being able to influence in a positive way. Although Nolan (2001) argued that concepts of successful ageing, health-related quality of life and person centred care overvalue autonomy and independence, which are values which …show more content…

The RCN’s (2008) definition of dignity is seen to be the ‘foundation of excellence in nursing practice’. The definition is concerned with how nurses care about individuals by how they support patient autonomy and choice (Barker 2000). The Equality Act 2010 is an updated law aimed at an attempt to stop discrimination and to help try encourage equality throughout society. The care environment should benefit from this improved equality act by ensuring certain groups of people within the healthcare who receive a worse service compared to the rest of the community receive equal opportunities. Under the Equality Act 2010, individuals are formally protected against the harm of discrimination on the grounds of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion or belief, and sex and sexual orientation. As I was placed in an acute surgical ward in a hospital for my first semester placement, I have practiced this principle throughout my work by taking control and understanding a patient’s dignity and privacy. When admitting a patient in triage, one of the questions in the documentation of the process of admission is about the skin. This involves ensuring there is no broken skin or pressure sores for example. As elderly people and people in wheelchairs are more prone to getting pressure sores or skin breaks on their bottom, it is a nurse’s duty of care

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