In “Not Ready to Make Nice”, the leader of the bands comments have personal and social impacts on the band. The personal impact is that they have to choose between helping their leader for friendship or abandon their leader so that they are not hated alongside Natalie by her haters. Essentially, the band will have to help their leader and therefore have good human being qualities, or they will have to succumb to the hatred of their leaders haters and abandon her. Either way, the band is essentially stuck in a dilemma between supporting their leader and not supporting her. Next, the social impact is that they have to choose between speaking up for their leader or not speaking up for their leader. If the band speaks up for their leader, their
Instead of having a single leader, they had a council made up of a few recognized leaders and advisors who would make decisions for the whole band (like where they should hunt, if they should go to war, and deciding if they should ally with other bands).
The theme of leadership in the ward does not mirror the outside world very accurately, as in contemporary society a leader of a society or an organisation is almost always accountable to a person senior to him. This is not seen in the novel, as Big Nurse seems to be answerable to no one, in fact, it is arguable that everyone answers to her. A hierarchy or class system operates inside the ward which can be clearly seen throughout the course of the novel. Patients living within the ward are ‘classed’ according to the state of their mental health or to the condition of which they suffer from. Chief describes the method of discriminating patients from
A consultative style encourages discussion with the team; the leader presents the situation or problem and may possibly suggest a provisional decision. They then invite discussion about it and get suggestions and ideas, the leader then decides. Positives of this style include group synergy ‘none of use is as clever as all of us’, and acknowledgment that the team has something to contribute to the decision-making process. Disadvantages of this style could include slower decision making due to consultation, and the expectation of the team or individuals that they will always be consulted.
by playing it for them, and would take a more active role in directing the band.
In the two years I've spent in high school band, I've learned that the best leaders are the ones who do whatever needed to help the whole band succeed. Whether that be arriving at 6 in the morning to help your section with marching and music, or just spending time with them at football games and section parties. A great leader is someone who knows not only their own strengths and weaknesses, but the organization's as well. The best leaders can also fully differentiate when it is time to work and when it is time to have fun.
12 Angry Men is a film originally produced in 1957 by Henry Fonda and Reginald Rose. It is about the journey 12 jurors go on to determine if a defendant is innocent or guilty. 12 Angry Men is a classic movie that is great for people learning different leadership styles, verbal and nonverbal cues, constructive/destructive conflict, and how ‘sidebar’ conversations impact a group’s ability to achieve their goal.
Another impact that Natalie's comment has on the band is a social impact. Similarly for the personal impact, they still have a dilemma with that impact as well in addition to Natalie having to experience social impacts because of some people not wanting her to speak her mind as stated when she replies, "You think I should"(Not Ready to Make Nice) to people who are saying to her figuratively, or literally to her not to speak what is from her conscience. Because of Natalie presenting her views to the public, the band yet again has to choose between losing popularity because of some people hating Natalies comments putting their hate on Natallie, and the people who support her, or ditch her and not lose their popularity because of some haters of Natallie's work. In addition to the social consequences having similar aspects to the repercussions from the personal impact of picking between dilemmas, the social impact also is one that is challenging not just a conscious decision that is going to affect their mind, but is going to affect their relationship with the public as
I have learned many lessons from Jack Welch on leadership. Jack Welch has been with the General Electric Company (GE) since 1960. Having taken over GE with a market capitalization of about $12 billion, Jack Welch turned it into one of the largest and most admired companies in the world by the time he stepped down as its CEO 20 years later, in 2000. Jack Welch used his uncanny instincts and unique leadership strategies to run GE, the most complex organization in the world and increased its market value by more than $400 billion over two decades. He remains a highly regarded figure in business circles due to his innovative leadership style. Jack Welch demonstrated Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of modeling the way, inspiring a shared
Leadership is a process of influencing activities of a particular group of people with the aim of attaining certain stipulated goals. In defining leadership there is need to consider a particular group, the common goals and the duties that are allocated to specific members of the group depending on their abilities (Fiedler 1976). Leadership therefore cannot successfully occur unless members of the group are given different considerations in terms of personality, traits and responsibilities. In considering leadership, it is important to look at the leader, the group or organization they are leading, the members as individuals and the situation; these are
In the movie 12 Angry Men there were two primary examples of leadership. The first was in the beginning of the movie, when the foreman gets everyone together in the room and has them sit down, assigning them each a number. He then proceeds to go over the process and rules they will proceed with, and sets up the initial voting. After the initial voting, he has them go around in a circle one by one to discuss the reasons why they voted the way they did. As the film progresses, the leadership shifts towards man number 8, the one who initially voted not guilty. He demonstrates behavioral leadership as he begins to give information and supporting arguments of why there could be reasonable doubt to accuse the boy of murder, while
A leader has a role that can impact others to be more operative in functioning to attain a common goal and maintain effective working relationships amongst group members (Johnson & Johnson 2012). This makes leaders in groups considerably important in shaping individuals (Johnson & Johnson 2012). However, conflict arises in groups and becomes difficult to manage when a leader and the followers lack the skills to manage conflict as a team (Johnson & Johnson 2012). Leadership and conflict resolution skills must exists between leaders and followers in order to manage conflict (Johnson & Johnson 2012). Also, it is possible for followers to teach leaders how to lead and resolve problems since followers can play an active role in building relationships amongst group members (Howell & Shamir cited in Johnson & Johnson 2012). Since followers and leaders both have significant roles in accomplishing the group goals, they both have a role to manage conflict effectively as a group (Johnson & Johnson 2012). This essay will discuss how leaders have an important role in managing conflict and likewise with followers having important roles in managing conflict. Conflicts, the various types of conflicts that happen in groups and the reasons behind the conflicts will be mentioned followed by approaches that can be taken to help manage struggles within groups. The methods can be used by leaders and followers in order to manage
Although trait and skill theories have ideas that can be intertwined and can be compared
Can using survey data obtained from retail managers and executives of national retail chain store companies be used to identify the three leadership styles that were based on Quinn's theoretical model of competing leadership roles? The three leadership groups, labeled loner/internal-focused, team builder/goal-oriented, and conceptual producer/ external-focused, are identified using a clustering technique. These three clusters are then associated based on personal, organizational and managerial characteristics, using multivariate and univariate analyses of variance (Shim, Lusch, & Goldsberry, 2002). The findings indicate that leadership styles are predisposed by numerous influences such as personal values, job characteristics,
There are many examples of poor leadership behavior in today’s workplace. Inadequate leadership can be detrimental not only to a team within an organization, but also to the entire organization itself. I believe it is vital for upper management to ensure that their leaders are properly trained and aware of how to handle certain situations and employees. When a leader’s weaknesses are overlooked, large problems occur.
Determination, courage, and confidence are all characteristics needed to be a good leader. The principal player in a music group is considered to be a leader. Even bands need leaders, if we didn’t have leaders where would we be today? John Quincy Adams once said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” A good leader is liked by the people, has power, and produces followers. When there is an unwillingness to make things happen, to take the initiative and accept responsibility; this is when a leader emerges. Leaders develop through drive, creativity, and devotion.