In Argentinian culture, soccer (football) is not only a sport, but a common passion that supports social gathering and interconnectedness amongst people from different backgrounds. Due to this, and the enjoyment this sport gives me, I have played competitive soccer my whole life.
I worked tirelessly over many years and eventually, my hard work was acknowledged when I was scouted to be a trialist for the new professional soccer team, FC Edmonton. I knew this was my chance to finally make not only myself happy, but my parents proud. They sacrificed their hard-earned money, down time, and personal hobbies for my soccer endeavours.
Unfortunately, during this time, I began to develop multiple injuries (AMCAS Primary Application) that severely impacted my performance. I attempted to play through the pain but my performance suffered. Eventually, I was dropped by FC Edmonton. I was devastated and I felt guilty for letting my support system and family members down.
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Even though I was upset and confused about my future for multiple weeks, I began to reflect on my strengths. After multiple sessions of deep reflection, I discovered my deep passion for helping others going through similar tough situations. Through my personal experiences with physicians and my interest/success in medical science, I decided that obtaining a medical education will allow me to positively affect a large number of people. This was the most difficult personal decision I have had to make because choosing to pursue either route was risky. If I attempted to play professional soccer and failed, I would have pushed back my schooling. Also, I was aware of the competitive nature of medical school acceptance and the long route to actually becoming a licensed practicing
While growing up, there are innumerable decisions to be made and paths to take. As I am approaching the ending point of my high school career, I have finally found the correct one for me. I have known from a surprisingly young age that I wish to pursue a job in the medical field, and have taken a number of steps to help achieve this dream. I show tremendous passion for both my educational and career goals, and how to reach them. My future is incredibly important to me because through doing my job, I will also be achieving my biggest goal: saving lives.
Growing up in a Hispanic household my family’s culture has had a significant impact in my life from avoiding a different variety of salsas and thinking twice about my immature decisions. Yet their love for the beautiful game known as Fútbol or soccer has always held on to me and is inspiring how it brings together an entire world or in this case my fanatic family. With soccer in my blood, as many relatives love to think, I’ve grown to love the sport, but my love was limited by restrictions. With an un-financially stable high school placing soccer in the bottom of the list of funds, my love for the game only stretched to amateur pickup games and watching ninety minute games on FOX Deportes. With limitations affecting my passion I began to follow
A variety of texts and articles over the past few years have argued for the use of an alternative approach to teaching organizational behavior, one that emphasizes experiential learning. This approach "emphasizes an existential, emergent view for learning organizational behavior" (McMullen, 1979), where the role of the instructor is that of learning facilitator, responsible for designing experiences for students to base learning upon, rather than as teacher, responsible for lecturing on theory and concepts. While gaining wide acceptance, this approach has nevertheless created problems in the assessment of students' performance. Significant learnings in this model of teaching occur not only
I hope to earn a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Psychology, with a focus on social behavioral psychology. The University of Alabama Early College program offers several social behavioral and humanities classes, which I am interested in taking for the experience of college classes, as well as the credit. Specifically, I’m interested in the campus courses of Rhetoric and Society, Ethics/Medical Ethics, Intro to Psychology, and Interpersonal Communication; and the online courses Introduction to Anthropology, Introduction to Criminal Justice, Introduction to Philosophy, and Psychology. By taking early college classes, I prepare myself for college after high school and earn college credit. With several classes eliminated from my future agenda at
When I began my journey as an undergraduate at Northeastern University, I was seventeen and had little idea of where this path would take me. I did not know my decision to turn down a acceptance to the University of Maryland instead enroll in Northeastern’s D’Amore-McKim school of business reflected my need to better understand my role in society.
I was 4 years old when I made contact with a soccer ball for the first time in my life, it might seem childish but the experience of playing soccer as a child shaped my life forever. Growing up in the threatening background in Caracas, Venezuela, the only extracurricular activity that kept me out of danger some activities, and helped me escape any bad habits that affected most of my friends at an early age was playing soccer, playing soccer made me realized that achieving my goals was possible, therefore, playing soccer shaped my attitude at a young age. However, everything went south when I was diagnosed with a severe groin trauma on my left leg at the age of 10, which prevented me from reaching my highest potential in soccer due to constant
Throughout the course of my life I have always been an athletic kid, I played various sports like tennis, swimming, boxing soccer and ballet. Out of these sports, which are all unique and amazing, I've always been the most passionate for soccer. My parents saw my love for soccer and decided to take me out of all my other sports and allow me to focus on one; with their dedication as well as mine, I have become the player I am today. I have played soccer since I was about 5 years old until now, present day. Soccer has been my life, my true love, my everything. (107)
I realized that the medical field would allow me to help people while learning and observing different facets of the
The journey to my decision on becoming a physician is not one people read books about. It is not a tear jerking, rising from the ashes story. I have been incredibly blessed throughout my short life to clearly see my considerable obstacles, like being bullied my entire life and being a first generation college student, as trivial matters that couldn’t be solved with a little prayer, grit, and tenacity. My decision to become a physician was not a simple choice for me, nor was the choice obvious in any way.
Sitting on the bench, I turned my jersey collar up to the cold and damp. It was year two and I was still sitting on the bench; I was ready for a change. I played on the school soccer team in my freshmen and sophomore years, however, I did not get much playing time. I was not alone. Many people on the team had been excluded from actual game play, and still more did not even make the team to begin with. It was clear that there were not enough options to play competitive team soccer in my school community.
As a child I always had a voice to be heard around the house, whether it was singing along to my favorite Barney songs or bossing my younger brothers around, my home was consistently filled with conversations of humor and sincerity. Soon after the Barney years came to an end, I turned into a chatty pre-teen. Life was moving along conversation to conversation, until it stopped. At the age of twelve, I was rushed to the hospital for what seemed to be a simple headache, but turned out to be a brain abscess- which required two invasive brains surgeries. I was one of the lucky ones, who got to walk away from my condition with both my cognitive and speech functioning remaining intact, but this experience was pivotal for me to want to go into a field where individuals were not so lucky.
The University of Pennsylvania is a world-class institution that will provide me with unparalleled top-notch educational experiences. Every aspect of Penn has impressed and convinced me that it’s my dream school. The campus is beautiful and it’s only a fifteen minutes drive away from my house. To me, the urban yet historical city of Philadelphia is still a mystery box that’s waiting to be explored. The diversity and intense curriculum match the setting in which I wish to engrossed myself for the next four years.
As I walked past the sign, I stopped in my tracks, struck by what I saw. “Every year”, the sign read, “4.3 million people around the world die from a treatable illness, solely due to lack of medical care.” I was amazed; how could this be? This thought, this experience on a regular weekend, at the community health fair became a driving force throughout my later high school years and college career.
I grew up living in London and New York, and I now live in San Francisco. These historically rich cities have exposed me to a variety of cultures, people and traditions. Reflecting on these experiences has made me realize how my personal history has shaped my life and made me who I am. Being aware of how diverse the human race is makes me want to study our origins further. I think it’s important to understand that we all share one human history. We need to appreciate all cultures and learn from each other. I want to contribute to the future of our world. I believe studying History and International Relations will equip me with the knowledge to make a difference. I see myself as a global citizen and will bring an international approach to my studies at university.
To say I was a bad soccer player would be an understatement; I was the worst on the team. Though I had played the game for five years, I had never scored a single goal, let alone made MVP. My teammates playfully called me, ‘Yawn-Jon’ because of the lethargic incoordination of my movements, little did they know, my sluggishness was only half due to my tiredness and half due to the fact that I would’ve rather be playing FIFA 2005 than the real thing. Nonetheless, I continued to play because I wanted to be like my brother, a star athlete, and more importantly, to gain the approval of my father.