My name is Anne and I am a 32-year old mother of two and qualified nutritionist. Helping my patients reach or maintain a healthy weight and planning nutritional regimens to suit my clients’ needs, is my absolute passion in life, apart from being a mom and keen yoga practitioner. When my clients see me, I imagine they would never dream that I had struggled with my weight and food intake, but sometimes, I share my personal story and they are surprised to discover that sometimes, those who seem most confident and ‘together’ are actually very vulnerable people who have had to overcome huge challenges. This is my personal story and my message to anyone suffering an eating disorder is this: you can beat it!
I can’t recall a time in my childhood when family and schoolmates didn’t refer to me as ‘chubby’. Before the age of around 12, I was always comfortable in my own skin, though, and I was the first one who would make jokes about my extra human ‘strength’ and my ability to ‘crush all opponents’, something that would always make my parents and older sister laugh. As I entered my teen
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I met my amazing therapist, Megan, who taught me so much about the relationship between my thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Change small behaviors, she said, and the way you feel and think about an issue, can change dramatically – which it did! I also discovered yoga for the first time, a practice I continue to rely on daily to this day. Yoga teaches me to be calm, remain in the present moment and not less negative and self-destructive thoughts get in my way. My rehabilitation stay also lit a little spark – my interest in nutrition grew and I vowed to help people with problems like mine, make it in the future – today, every day is a miracle, as I accompany patients on what is often a tougher road to recovery than mine
College is one of the biggest learning experiences in a person's life. Those years will be defined as either the best or worst years of someone's life. In Jake's case, it has become the most stressful era of his young life so far. He has advanced to more difficult classes, and this has made him more anxious. As a result, his university's counselor diagnosed him with an anxiety disorder.
Eating disorders are often dismissed by the way the public and even professionals as merely slimming taken to extreme for reasons of vanity. The media's interest in ‘size zero’ fuels this misperception. However, the cost of these illnesses for the individual, their family and society is high, and it is important that prevention, early intervention and treatment are available (Treasure,
The video was about two sessions for a client with depression, and the treatment plan included Behavioural Activation with Self- monitoring and Activity Scheduling. The therapist focused on the activities the client has been doing in order to link it to the maintenance cycle of depression. In the first session, the therapist introduced self-monitoring, and set this as homework. This will be functioning as a baseline for comparison for future sessions. In the second session, she reviewed the homework and encouraged the client to set goals and do more of the activities he finds pleasurable by maintaining an activity schedule.
need for a behavioral intervention plan (BIP). He is a nice guy and really does want to please his peers and teachers. Both Math and Reading are considered at a level 1. His mClass testing data has him in the K range for the test, which is where most 1st graders are at at the end of the year. His SRI scores are low coming in around three hundred and eleven with the goal for his age group being around seven hundred and forty to nine hundred and forty.
Behavioral Therapeutic techniques have been one of the few theories that impact many people lives. Many therapists use this technique to understand and observe their client’s behavior and how their situation can affect their behavior. The roles and goals a therapist uses to help their client makes the therapist and client session successful. In my mock interview with my client, I learn various behavioral principles many therapists uses to understand their client behavioral problems. Behavioral therapeutic techniques have been a good resource for understanding a person situation.
Presenting Problem: Student is a Caucasian male presented to the TCC counseling center with complains about feeling anxious because he is unable to socially or academically adapt to his school environment. The client has expressed concerns about his inability to build peer relationships as well as feelings of inadequacy. Tony indicated that college was not for “people like him.” Mr. Tony has contemplated dropping out of school but is apprehensive because his mother has threatened to “kick” him out of the house if he does so.
Behavior Progress: During this review period, Kevin has participated fully in the program with some difficulty. Kevin received 6 sanctions this review period for not following instructions (4/12,4/24,4/25), horseplay (4/25), profanity (4/18), and inappropriate comment (4/24). It’s important to note that Kevin received an early bed room restriction on April 24, 2017 and April 25, 2017 as an additional consequence for receiving 2 sanctions in one day as a Level II resident of the program.
One of the greatest appeals to behavior therapy is its efficacy in treating a wide array of disorders and its innovative applications outside of individual psychotherapy. In the past century, behavior therapy has made increasingly effective and creative therapies to treat patients with maladaptive behaviors which were previously, in some cases, untreatable. With such developments, patients were able to not only treat pathologies, but also improve functioning in a variety of aspects of their lives as well as the lives of those close to them. Amongst the most widely implemented treatments in behavior therapy are token economies, contingency contracts, and behavioral parent training. These therapies proved to be greatly useful when they were
To conclude, I have found Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to be the most appealing intervention strategy to use with April since she has anxiety. There are several reasons why I feel this approach is preferential. One, it was a problem solving approach that allowed April to examine how her irrational thoughts about driving contributed to her anxiety, and how her behavior and reaction being in the car would trigger her anxiety. This allowed her to become aware of the problem and helped her come to a realization that her thoughts affect the way she feels and by altering the negative thinking pattern, it can create a realistic thinking pattern. Two, by collaborating we came up with different strategies for challenging her negative thoughts. Even
One theory that would be implemented with Ana is behavioral therapy (BT). According to Shillingford-Butler and Theodore (2013), BT provides positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior and penalizes students to reduce unwanted behavior which can be effective for students with ADHD. Therefore, the counselor would implement BT with Ana by using contingency contracts, modeling, and homework to work on specific skills (Henderson & Thompson, 2011). Presenting concerns that would be addressed with Ana within the context of BT include having a hard time focusing on tasks and forgetting to turn in her homework. According to BT, both problems would fall under the category of performing a task (Henderson & Thompson, 2011). The counselor could support
When conducting psychological research, it is difficult to gain access to large and normally distributed samples (Gravetter & Wallnau, 2006). Fortunately, there is a statistical test employed when making comparison between two independent groups that have no requirement for large and normally distributes samples; the Mann-Whitney U test. This paper provides a summary of the test, an explanation of the logic that underlies the test and its application, and the forces and weaknesses of the test. For instance, one of the major limits of this test is the type I error which is rather amplified in a heteroscedasticity situation.
The Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, Inc. is a variety of programs that offer thearapy and treatment for drugs and alcohol addiction. It also has programs for mental illness, and brings many patients seeking better health. What makes the BHOPB so popular? There are therapists and doctors always there for the patients, and the environment is welcoming and friendly. The staff makes sure everyone is comfortable during their recovery. It is located in North Palm Beach Florida, and the warm climate and beauty are one of the reasons people choose the program, "providing patients with an atmosphere that rivals many high-end vacation destinations". There are spectacular scenic views, a large pool, large living spaces, and more to make recovery for the patients relaxing and happy.
The concept of dialectical behavior therapy is used to provide clients with new ways to manage their emotions and decrease conflict in relationships. It emphasizes individual psychotherapy and group skills training classes to collaborate with others to develop a worthful lifestyle. In this type of therapy, the failure to get adequate skills for managing emotions arise from childhood experiences. Within the environment, a child’s thoughts and feelings are not taken seriously because every time Karen told her mother what was happening, her mother often beat her for using inappropriate language (Gorenstein and Comer, pg. 237). A child being repeatedly victimized is harmful and caused them to not trust their own feelings and thoughts.
As most of my “lot in life” is true, I have had many encounters with the two agencies in our community that can help enrich me with knowledge and arm me with tools to help my son. Since I live in Italy, my resources are limited for help with ADHD and ODD. Although numbers are rising at alarming rates in the United States, in Italy, these diagnosis are rare. Because these diagnoses are rare occurrences for Italians, they lack in knowledge and resources to help the children and parents affects by them. The two agencies in my military community of Caserma Ederle that I have found most insightful and helpful are the behavioral health portion of our community clinic and the Army Community Services (ACS), which has a few programs dedicated to the health and well-being of the military families.
The key concepts of behavior therapy are that it “is grounded on a scientific view of human behavior that accommodates a systematic and structured approach to counseling” (Corey, 2013, p. 250). The attention is focused on the behavior of the person. Behavior therapy is about giving control to the client to expand their freedom. “People have the capacity to choose how they will respond to external events in their environment” (Corey, 2013, p. 250).