
Personal Change Essay

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For every change within a society, personal changes with “self” must happen. These social changes are important to people while, people who don’t benefit from it think changes within the self isn’t important for social changes. Personal change is a journey a person takes of discovering something within themselves and acting upon a social change. That social change is society evolving to better ways. Jane Goodall talks about her experience in a moment of truth with self being absent in a moment of need in her writing titled In the Forest of Gombe, where she spends a few weeks in the forest following chimpanzees has helped her cope with her grief of her husband. She comes to the realization that her “self” was nonexistent and everyone in …show more content…

This crisis had changed her “self” from within when getting away from the upsetting environment that she was in and to be with animals that felt no pity for her. She found peace within herself and her surroundings. Most African Americans like Goodall found strength within that “self” and became a part of a social change. Similarly, African Americans participated in the protests and at the NAACP movement seeking for equality between the blacks and the whites. They had to go through social change or a tough experience in life that made them realize that enough was enough and to cope with their grief was through social change. Gladwell speaks on the behalf of the protesters who found strength to fight back saying, “It spread to those cities which had preexisting “movement centers”-a core of dedicated and trained activists ready to turn the “fever” into action” (Gladwell 139). Those people who lived in small towns that no one heard of still were going through what the rest of the African Americans were going through. Each and everyone of them had to go through the pain which lead to a personal change for them, becoming an activist who is ready to fight for a social change. One of the stages of grief, is denial where you question everything that comes to mind. Grieving changes a person’s inner self or the “self” Goodall refers to that makes them want to be a part of a social change or activism. A personal change can include losing someone or being let

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