Professional or Personal Code Of Ethics for Nurses
I believe that the core task of nurses is to preserve life and enhance the quality of life of patient and they focus on the code of ethics to discern wrong from right. However, some situations may require multi-lateral thinking to ensure that the best is achieved for the patients, the institution, and the relations. For instance, the debate about passive and active euthanasia is a controversial issue that affects the execution of roles in the nursing profession. Thus, this paper highlights my personal reflection on professional and personal code of ethics that ought to be taken on euthanasia.
In situational ethics perspectives, I believe that individuals have to make a decision that is distinctively linked to a certain circumstance. The approach is unique since it focuses on the factors that surround the patient, and the practitioners have to prioritize the needs of the person involved (Avtgis, Rancer and Madlock, 2012). For instance, an individual that suffers from cancer in the advanced stage may have limited time to live. Due to the excruciating suffering, the nurses may consider passive or active euthanasia as this could put an end to the situation (Butts and Rich, 2016). On one hand,
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This is instrumental as it helps to alleviate emotional pain while it reduces the financial burden. For instance, in a situation where an individual is in a vegetative state, the family has to spend colossal amounts of resources to ensure that they live. On the other hand, the institution has to delegate duties to a significant number of nurses since the client is still on life support and this affects service delivery to other patients. On this occasion, I believe the decision for active or passive euthanasia is beneficial to the family, the institution, nurses and other
My personal Code of Ethics includes Respect, Integrity, Fairness and Caring. Some situations in life may be subjective, but what matters is making sure the results are fair for all parties. Through the years I have found identifying and setting personal values to be increasingly difficult since the right decisions aren’t always appeasing to all that are involved. Every decision made or not made is definitive of myself, and in believing so removing the need to conform to standards imposed by society.
According to Johnson (2012) leaders are powerful role models, and policies will have a little effect if leaders do not follow the rules they set. In Enron case, corruption and ethical misconduct were deeply embedded in their business culture where profitability was more important than ethics. In this paper, I will address the factors that had led to the development of the culture of profit before principle at Enron. Also, I will create my personal code of ethics that will guide me in my professional and personal decision making and doing the right thing when faced with ethical challenges.
My personal ethics have been formed through family influence, religious beliefs, life experiences, my internal reflection and the culture in which I was raised.
In the article, “Case Twenty-Three: A Fevered Hand on a Cooling Brow-The Nurse’s Role in Aid in Dying” written by Peggy Connolly, David R. Keller, Martin G. Leever, Becky Cox White, the authors evaluate the role of nurses in the aid-in-dying (AID) process and object to the nurses’ traditional thinking of assisted suicide. A nurse’s duty is to relieve pain and suffering but with the option of offering patients AID, in the very few places where it is legal, it has nurses questioning whether participating in the process is ethical. Because of the various circumstances nurses encounter on a daily basis, they have numerous moral obligations which cannot be reduced to a single obligation. Nurses must prioritize which moral obligations are the most
Different organizations are driven by specific sets of code of ethics, which are used to protect many different aspect of the organizations, specifically the client, counselor, and organization. Concerning the standards of a counselor, their ethics are not only provided by the laws of the state or their practice, but also outside sources who present basic values and regulations of ethical standards in their code of ethics. This paper will look at two specific associations: the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association
Guido describes ethics as “a process of determining right conduct from wrong” (para 2, p. 3). My personal view of ethics is along the same lines as this and has been instilled in me my entire life. My code of ethics includes respect for myself and others; honesty in my endeavors, graciousness in both my personal and professional lives, and accountable for my actions. I use nonmaleficence and beneficence in every aspect of my life. I also strive to honor the proverbial do unto others as they would do unto me.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ethics is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.” Therefore, in an ideal world, ethics should play the ultimate role when making a decision. If ethics are the principles which guides one’s behavior then, ideally, all decisions should be made entirely based on ethics. Unfortunately, such is not always the case.
Having a personal code of ethics is very important to me since it defines who I am and what my beliefs are. My ethical code symbolizes who I am as an individual as a result of my moral, religious, intellectual and cultural upbringing. One of my greatest wishes is for my personality and actions to clearly define my code of ethics, without me verbalizing or someone else reading it on a document. Some questions that I would like others to ask and come up with their own answers without being doubtful and uncertain are: Is she an honest person? Is she a leader or a follower? Does she practice what she preaches? Does she exercise a love for God? These are the questions and answers that should reflex my
My personal code of ethics is Equality and Sensibility. I believe in a predictable system that assures the well-being of all, especially those without power, is a just system. As a wife, mother, nurse and a member of a community, I strive to do the best I can in every aspect of my life. As a mother, I strive to be a good role model to my children and teach them the fundamentals of life. I strive to be able to give a solid foundation and an easy path to life whether it be school, finding who they want to be as they grow older and for a productive future. As a nurse, I strive for equality of care for every patient and to be able to be their voice when they are not
While the nursing profession is fulfilling, it is not without challenges. Nurses are faced with a multitude of ethical dilemmas in clinical practice on a daily basis. According to Fant (2012) no matter where nurses function in their diverse roles, they are faced with ethical decisions that can impact them and their patients. Some examples of moral issues that nurses encounter in contemporary nursing practice and research include but not limited to: refusal of treatment, scarcity of resources, disagreement with caregivers, treating patients with impaired decision-making, futile treatment decisions for cancer patients, end-of-life decisions, advanced treatment directives, and euthanasia (Leuter, Petrucci, Mattei, Tabassi, & Lancia, 2013).
I was born in the late 1950s and spent my childhood in the 1960s and teen years in the 1970s. My upbringing was shaped very much, by how I was taught and raised. My parents were both members of a conservative religious organization and so with that said I learned this way of thought. We were raised to believe that the 10 commandments were the basis of all things right and wrong, that if we followed them our lives would be as God wanted. Not to mention our parents! As a child, we first believe all that our parents teach us. They are like God to us and must be right no questions asked. I had by then
A code of ethics is a set of written principles regarding conduct and behavior created by the organization to serve as a guide. The purpose of ethical codes is to give its employees, management, and any interested party a reference point that adheres to company policy, standards, and ethical beliefs. The code is made visible to the public to ensure professional integrity, quality, and to prevent misguided conduct. Regardless of the organization or governing body a code serves as a go-to guide because ethical issues can stem from anywhere at any given time. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is so dynamic because as technology changes, so does the code to ensure that updated knowledge is provided to healthcare workers as they address new ethical
Values and ethics are one of the most important characteristic of an individual. They basically define who we are and what we believe. There are many factors that determine our values and ethics. Culture, religion, and many other factors affect our beliefs. Many times are values and ethics can clash with different people who hold different views and beliefs. This doesn't mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. Most people have a good sense of ethics and values. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals.
I, Rob Geis, commit myself to the code and values that I am about to describe. As a person I have vast life experiences that have affected who I am and what I believe in. As a Public Relations professional it seems that our industry is often under ridicule for being unethical and known as spin doctors. As an ethical student and person I consider these key values as guiding stones to my applied ethical choices. Family, friends, school and religion have all made me the person I am today and influence my ethical choices.
In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Personal ethics are different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned about his or her relationships and personal reputations. As we go through this paper, we will focus on answering what are ethics, what are your ethics, where do your ethics come from, and how do you manifest your ethics?