
Personal Code Of Ethics Essay

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Professional or Personal Code Of Ethics for Nurses
I believe that the core task of nurses is to preserve life and enhance the quality of life of patient and they focus on the code of ethics to discern wrong from right. However, some situations may require multi-lateral thinking to ensure that the best is achieved for the patients, the institution, and the relations. For instance, the debate about passive and active euthanasia is a controversial issue that affects the execution of roles in the nursing profession. Thus, this paper highlights my personal reflection on professional and personal code of ethics that ought to be taken on euthanasia.
In situational ethics perspectives, I believe that individuals have to make a decision that is distinctively linked to a certain circumstance. The approach is unique since it focuses on the factors that surround the patient, and the practitioners have to prioritize the needs of the person involved (Avtgis, Rancer and Madlock, 2012). For instance, an individual that suffers from cancer in the advanced stage may have limited time to live. Due to the excruciating suffering, the nurses may consider passive or active euthanasia as this could put an end to the situation (Butts and Rich, 2016). On one hand, …show more content…

This is instrumental as it helps to alleviate emotional pain while it reduces the financial burden. For instance, in a situation where an individual is in a vegetative state, the family has to spend colossal amounts of resources to ensure that they live. On the other hand, the institution has to delegate duties to a significant number of nurses since the client is still on life support and this affects service delivery to other patients. On this occasion, I believe the decision for active or passive euthanasia is beneficial to the family, the institution, nurses and other

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