
Personal Essay: An Autobiography Of A Ball Player

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I am from watching every single game of the Washington Nationals and New England Patriots that my eyes would POP right out of their sockets. I’m from dedicating my down time to the white leather ball with red stitches, and the blue of the Tidewater Drillers organization. I live for the feeling of the ball jumping off my bat, and the ball popping in the pocket of my glove. I’m from the satisfying sound of CRACK when you crush the ball like a rocket into outer space. I’m from the breaking and curving when you put a crazy amount of spin on it. I’m from camping out behind the plate ready to take on anything in my way. From blocking balls, throwing runners out, and calling pitches. I’m from only using Rawlings and Wilson gloves or else I would …show more content…

I’m from the SIZZLE of a juicy, brown slab of beef cooked medium rare. From the taste of crisp hot wings with various fiery flavors. I’m from hearing the SQUIRT of Sriracha and putting gallons on everything, any chance that I can get. I am from the CRUNCH of a delicious and greeny bowl when you take a bite of it. I’m from having the white, fluffy grains with pretty much everything I eat. Half of my diet could be rice. I am from a filipino family with hearts as big as this universe. I’m from having so many family members that I can’t remember everyone’s name. It’s like my brain stands up and walks away saying “See you later names!” I am from family in the big thumbs up, North Carolina, the Philippines, and the state only for lovers. I’m from the THUMP THUMP of the bass of a song. I’m from scrambling around for extra money to keep my membership with Spotify. I’m from jamming out while others look at me like I am some sort of crazy person. I’m from blasting my tunes so loud that my ears could fall off at any moment now. I’m from listening to Post Malone, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, and all the thousands of “Lil”s out

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