I am from watching every single game of the Washington Nationals and New England Patriots that my eyes would POP right out of their sockets. I’m from dedicating my down time to the white leather ball with red stitches, and the blue of the Tidewater Drillers organization. I live for the feeling of the ball jumping off my bat, and the ball popping in the pocket of my glove. I’m from the satisfying sound of CRACK when you crush the ball like a rocket into outer space. I’m from the breaking and curving when you put a crazy amount of spin on it. I’m from camping out behind the plate ready to take on anything in my way. From blocking balls, throwing runners out, and calling pitches. I’m from only using Rawlings and Wilson gloves or else I would …show more content…
I’m from the SIZZLE of a juicy, brown slab of beef cooked medium rare. From the taste of crisp hot wings with various fiery flavors. I’m from hearing the SQUIRT of Sriracha and putting gallons on everything, any chance that I can get. I am from the CRUNCH of a delicious and greeny bowl when you take a bite of it. I’m from having the white, fluffy grains with pretty much everything I eat. Half of my diet could be rice. I am from a filipino family with hearts as big as this universe. I’m from having so many family members that I can’t remember everyone’s name. It’s like my brain stands up and walks away saying “See you later names!” I am from family in the big thumbs up, North Carolina, the Philippines, and the state only for lovers. I’m from the THUMP THUMP of the bass of a song. I’m from scrambling around for extra money to keep my membership with Spotify. I’m from jamming out while others look at me like I am some sort of crazy person. I’m from blasting my tunes so loud that my ears could fall off at any moment now. I’m from listening to Post Malone, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, and all the thousands of “Lil”s out
As soon as I made my very first varsity baseball appearance, I knew that I had to be the very best I could be or there was never going to be a chance of ever putting on that white and maroon crisp cleaned dri-fit Russel number 18 jersey. My heart was beating beyond faster than it should be at my first at bat because I had always heard “Just wait you haven't seen nothing yet, wait till you face them varsity pitchers.” Players older than me had constantly been saying that throughout my freshman season and it kept repeating over and over in my head like a broken record. Although I had studied the pitcher and had seen with my very own eyes, he wasn’t as good as everyone talked him up to be. I was still overawed and very nervous about messing up.
“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run”(Babe Ruth). I was wondering how much baseball really affected my life and the choices I make. The answer is a lot, and it still continues to leave a mark on this life I love. Over the many years of my involvement in the game I have learned that life is full of ups and downs. Baseball teaches people to bounce back from negatives, this I believe.
Clouds mugged the sun of light as the day progressed. Dusk filled the air on the baseball diamond where I would leave my legacy. Forth, was the championship game to be played, and the pressure of the starting pitcher, was not fazing me. In the zone, we said the Little League pledge. Jolts of excitement filled my muscles as I recited the piece that I know all too well. Warming up, I was controlled, and was ready to bring it. The game began with a bang. Strikeout after strikeout I fired, giving my all every single pitch. ‘BOOM’ went the glove after every pitch, whizzed right by the petrified batter. However, this was not much different for our team. Just two hits filled the board, I and my teammate Ian Keth. Scoring off of this was efficient,
There are few words to describe how proud I am of my little Georgia! Oh, it seems like just yesterday she hit her first homerun. And now, she’s all grown up, playing for a professional baseball team! Everytime she picks up that bat, it’s like there’s some sort of energy that goes from the bat, to her fingers, and all over the inside of her body, you can definitley tell that baseball really is her passion. At the time, I thought it was absolutely horrible that girls were not allowed to play baseball! Who would think that because of a war, a young woman got the chance to persue her dreams? I guess that just goes to show, every cloud has a silver lining.
We were in the streets of the neighborhood, Ann Elizabeth to be exact. We had just began to play a game of baseball with my brothers new metal bat. Mom had already left for work and my dad was getting ready to leave as well. He was running sort of late. My brother and I were about to start the game, we check around us to make sure no one was near us to play a safe game. We saw our little sister and brother at the front doors neighbor's house playing with their daughter last time we checked. As my brother threw the baseball, I was getting ready to swing then bam! Before I knew it the bat had already crashed into my little brother's head. Let me remind you that this was a metal bat. A metal bat had ran cross my little brother's head. I was so terrified. My little brother was only 4 at that time. I did not know what to do. I held him in my arms. He was still conscious. I was holding my hand over his open wound. He bled a lot. My other brother had ran to let my dad know. My dad came rushing outside,
It was the last games of the baseball season. We had are worse pitcher pitching for our team. And they had an ok pitcher pitching. We got to the semi finals and our coach was going nuts. I was in the locker room getting ready for the game and my teammates Austin and Tevan were right next to me also getting ready they were one of the best players on the team.
it's a hot Texas Sun beat down upon my neck a fast ball whizzed past my bat and into the catcher's glove after you had another strikeout. I trudged back to the dugout thoughts of failure filled my mind of my confidence slowly vanishing. I wasn't accustomed to anything less than success before high school. I prospered in youth athletics while living in South Dakota. I had a phenomenal baseball coach to transform my robbed potential into success on the baseball diamond. Unfortunately, my father's Air Force career demanded that we move before my baseball season. Without me my team went on to win the city state championships advancing all the way to the Little League World. When I was younger my family moved to not affect my athletic performance the difficulties began I was torn from my tight-knit community in Northern Virginia and forced to adjust to life in West Texas prior to the start of my freshman year. I struggled to regain the close friends and relationships I left behind for the first time in my life.
That when you do something in the past that you weren’t good at, then you try it again. When, you try it again you would know what to do but better. So, when I took a break from baseball and didn’t play for months and I came back better than I ever was. So, taking a break was a good thing for me cause i cleared my head and had a different mindset. And, they made me be better at what I do, and maybe even better than people that I couldn’t beat in the past. I once, saw a docomatary about a player (Derek Jeter) that took a break from playing sports and was a good thing for the Yankees. They won the World Series when he came back to play for them. Then i started to think to myself that if they took a break and
My profession as a baseball player has been all about development since I was a little kid. After reading the article and chapters from the book I can see where Strengths Based Leadership has been used on me to promote growth at certain times in my career.
Ever since I was a kid baseball has been a big part of my life. Whether I’m watching it with my dad on tv, or I’m suiting up to play under the lights on a friday night. Nerves had always played a huge part when it came to just an hour before game time. My whole body would tense up and I would feel anxious. This, of course, is a serious problem for any athlete who wants to compete at the best of their abilities. My biggest issue was always playing in the “big game”, or any game that would put an excessive amount of pressure on me. Which, when it came to me, was basically every game I played in.
Once upon a time it was a warm and dark night when Jackie, Tammy was born. People say he was born with a bat in his hands in a farm on a couple of hay stacks. It all happened when a wind of dust hit the farm. “Swoosh” Then his parents heard a sound hit the floor. Before our eyes, flashed we saw Jackie, Tammy hit the perfect baseball ever. Then we saw Jackie, Tammy grow ten times bigger only at the age of 0 . Before he was even 10 years old, he was the tallest boy of all. When he was 10 he fought a bear and won .Then one day he went to the country town to sign up for baseball.
The day I heard about baseball i really wanted to play it. If i picked a position it would be first baseman because of the get to touch the ball a lot. i've hit a homerun before. the ball went so high in the air the sun made it look like it disappeared. The next day my mom went to sign up for the babe ruth league for newton. i played short stop. at the end of the season i had 13 home runs. me and my father and mother were both surprised at how many runs i had, i had 21 runs and 13 of those were home runs. then the next year i signed up again and this time i was my favorite position, first baseman. when the season was over i had 42 runs and 15 of those were home runs. Then my dad said i should play football so now i was laying baseball
To be the greatest you have to start from the bottom and work your way up, work and train hard and wait for you opportunity and take it. Ever since I could remember I wanted to be the greatest baseball player there ever was and to do that I had to master the fundamentals of the game before I could truly become the best. This scholarship to me mean a little bit more than just money to me because where I learned my fundamentals from was Howard. My graduating class might be the last few players that actually remember Howard and I could be the last one to actually play a game with coach Bell. Since then I’ve always tried to focus on the little things in whatever I’m doing because I know that’s was coach Bell always tried to do. Because of what
Ever since I could remember, I have always had a great interest and love for the game of baseball. As a kid, I would spend countless hours in the backyard with my grandfather, or even by myself, tossing, hitting and fielding a baseball. When I wasn't in the yard pretending to be Nomar Garciaparra I would watch the Boston Red Sox games on TV with my Grandfather. Even in my early adolescence, as impatient as most are, I had the patience to sit there and watch the Sox.With my eyes glued to the screen with a look of anticipation fixed on my face ready to mimic my grandfather with the excitement of a home run hit or the frustration of Mo-Vaughn striking out. Call me crazy, but I was addicted, even as a young boy, to Boston Red Sox baseball.
Have you ever wanted to achieve something so much that it was an immense part of your life that you will always remember. This is usually called a milestone everyone has milestones I’ma tell you about one of mine. A real enormous milestone/achievement for me would be getting to play varsity football as a sophomore. It all did happen so quickly, that there was a process to it, and I’m going to tell you about that process.