Have you ever had a sport or hobby that became a part of you? Something that motivates you throughout the day and is so meaningful that you feel incomplete without? I discovered early in high school that Tennis was for me. I have a great interest in sports and it has greatly impacted me over the years. Basketball was the first sport I fell in love with. I tried out for it in school many times but never seemed to be good enough to make the team. I knew about the other sports but never gave them much thought at the time until one of my friends was trying out for tennis and told me to try out also. I really wanted to tryout but forgot about it that week and completely missed them. I went back to the coach later that week and asked if I could still tryout since I …show more content…
The summer of sophomore year, I knew that I still wanted to play so i practiced every chance I got and I made the team that year. Tennis was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me. Ever since then, I feel like I have a deep connection with it and have gotten through so much with it. I met a lot of great people through it that had no clue even existed. I would not have the great friends that I have today without it. When I get on the tennis court, I feel like all of my problems slip away like i have nothing to worry about. If I'm angry, I play tennis to relieve it and take it out on the ball. When I'm sad, I play it to make since of my thoughts and feelings. Even though it's just a physical sport to some people, it has been my go to for everything and when I do, it has an odd but great way to remove all of my problems, even if it's just for those moments. I play tennis at the end of every school day and on most of the weekends and breaks. No matter what problems I come across or whatever stress I'm in, it all seems insignificant knowing that at the end of the day. I get to do something that I really
Although, I still play tennis on the side, but not as frequently. I began taking tennis more seriously at the beginning of my eighth-grade year and have fallen in love with the progress I’ve made. Also, the impact it’s had on me as well. Tennis was a positive change in interest and influenced me greatly. For countless summers in a row, I have done the same tennis camp with the girls’ varsity coach every summer.
Sports are my life and I don’t think I could live without them. I was discouraged for Liam when he struck out in the Little League World Series and his team lost. I can remember that one time we were at a basketball tournament in another town and we were down by 2 with about 5 minutes left to play and I felt the two free throws that I missed was the reason we
One thing I have a strong passion for in life is sports. My favorite one was volleyball. It taught me a lot about life and myself. My sophomore year I made varsity, but was upset when I sat the bench more than I played. However, I still pushed myself every practice and never gave up hope. This payed off because the next season I was a starter and a team captain. Being a student athlete has been an incremental part of who I have become in the future. I did not realize it at the time, but my participation in sports has affected my life in more ways than I thought. Consequently, sports have had a major influence on the career path I have chosen, and have also been a significant part of bringing my family together.
Next, participating in sports lets me be myself and will help me throughout my life. Sports have helped me grow into a better leader and gave me the ability to become a better person. If my teammates are ever down or upset about something, I now have the ability to help them recover from it and get ready for the next play or inning. Also, taking part in sports lets me be myself. Whenever I am on a field or a court, I can always do what I do best and forget about everything else in my life.
Sports have been a huge part of my life ever since I was about five years old. It has impacted my life so much. The biggest challenge that I faced was with my injuries during basketball and soccer season. I recently had to quit soccer and basketball, which was difficult for me.
Throughout my life I have always been involved in sports, whether it's for a team or just with friends they have always been apart of me. Once I entered junior high I began playing competitive baseball, a commitment that taught me how to manage my time. With practices everyday ranging from 2-3 hours I was limited to the time I was able to hangout with friends as I decided to put my schoolwork first. I realized I needed to create a balance between school, sports, and friends so I could further my education as well as do the things I love.
I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories are of playing soccer with my friends on a wet, cold spring day or hitting a ball off of a tee and feeling like it went a mile, when in reality it only went about fifty feet. Even to this day I still can never get enough of sports. I get about four weeks off out of the entire year where I’m not technically in a sport, but I’m still always practicing and trying to get better because that’s the only way I know. I love everything about sports: the friendships, the competition, the passion, the atmosphere, the unity. Sports are one of my true loves and they consume my life. It is this strong desire that I have for sports that has driven me to want to pursue a
Basketball is something that is really big in my family. For example, when I moved to America, my cousins and uncles would play basketball with me during Sundays. These Sundays are important to me because while we were playing, I could forget about my situation without a complete family. In essence, basketball with my family really fostered my love and interest for the game. Another sport that I'm heavily interested in is tennis. I started learning the game just under a year ago. I wasn't really inclined in playing but after playing for a bit, I had found my new hobby. A couple weeks later, I was playing tennis for my high school: McKeel Academy of Technology. However, since I was new and inexperienced, I did not get to play much; but this upcoming season, I got a whole lot better and am expected to move my ranking
In my younger years, I have played a couple sports like soccer and baseball. As I grew up, baseball has always stood out the most to me. Something about running the bases and hitting RBI’s brings a thrill that no other sport can give me. So I play, and I play with everything I have because that’s what baseball makes me want to do. Sure in basketball and soccer I play hard and do what I can, but I know when I’m playing baseball that’s where I excel and exceed my own expectations. I started when I was five and have loved it ever since. Some things have kept me from it in the past but I can’t help but play.
basketball, soccer, and tennis. I loved each and every one of these sports in a
All throughout my life I have remained involved in a wide variety of organizations including clubs, sports, youth groups, and honor societies. My free time is consumed by all of these, and still I am still willing to venture out and attempt so much more. Despite constantly contributing my life to numerous things, it is undeniable that Basketball is what I am ultimately passionate about.
“Oh no, please don’t tell me this is happening. Mom, can I just skip this tournament?” I pleaded, “There is absolutely no hope for me.” Being the dramatic person I am, I lamented the imminent end of my tennis career. I went into the tournament with an expectation of failure. I started the match by accidentally whacking the ball over the fence, tripping on my own feet rushing to end the point. The little confidence I had when going into the match dissipated within a few minutes. I continued the match pondering how to angle my racket to put spin on the ball. Every time I failed, I blamed it on the high skill level of my opponent. Unsurprisingly, I lost in an hour. When looking back on that match, I realized that it could have gone differently had I not brought myself down before. My lack of
Attention Getting Statement: Have any of you ever played tennis for your high school team or even just for fun?
I never liked playing with dolls, painting nails, pretending I was a teacher or even acting like I was baking with fake food. All that girly stuff sounded boring to me, so the one thing that kept me busy everyday was going outside and playing whatever sport was on for that day with all my neighborhood friends. We played everything from kickball to football in the streets. Ever since I was a little child, playing sports was my passion. In my free time I played every sport you can think of, but sports that I actually was on a team for was baseball, hockey, soccer, and I ran track. Being an athlete is how people knew me, I guess you could say I was and still am a tomboy. Being involved in a sport ever since I was four years old, has really taught me a lot about not just playing the sports itself, but at life as a whole. Being apart of a team, can teach someone many skills, and life lessons. Because there are uncountable reasons why one should be involved in a sport, the main skills, and lessons include learning how to work together, and developing communication, and organizing skills. Additionally, one could develop a good work ethic, and learn how to control body language/temper.
As we all know, America is a nation of sports enthusiasts. Most Americans participate is some kind of sporting event, either as a spectator or as a competitor. In the pantheon of great American sports, there is one that stands out. It has been called the great American pastime. Yes, that great sport known as tennis. Tennis requires a mastery of many skills to be able to play competitively, but the primary skill needed to win in tennis is the serve. The serve is the primary offensive weapon used I tennis, because it is the only time when a player gets to put a ball into play. The player controls the speed, the placement, and the spin of the ball. With proper procedure, the serve can win many points and games for the server. The technique