My life has been a roller coaster, I’ve had some good times but I have also have had a lot of rough times. Although my life has been tough and challenging, I have managed, so far anyways, to get through it and move on. From the movie Forrest Gump, one of my favorite movies, there is a famous line that is probably known to almost everyone who has seen the movie, “Life is like a box a chocolate” This quote would represent my life because throughout my life, I have really no idea what is going to happen or what I might get. When given a Russel Stovers box of chocolate, I never know what kind of chocolate I am going to eat until I actually bite into it. In my life I have had plenty of surprises that have affected the way I live but still till this day I never know for sure what might happen. In June of 2013, my life had been affected dramatically. My only father figure I had in my life continuously had been in a wreck that would affect his entire life from that day on. My grandpa had taken care of me since I was born, along with my mother and grandmother. So seeing my grandpa be unconscious and not able to move or breathe on his own was scary. But scary seems like an understatement. The doctors had told us he had a brain aneurysm, which at the time I was too young to really understand what that was. A …show more content…
We all have our ups and downs but there are just some things in our life that make it worth it. My life is a box of chocolates because there are some chocolates that are absolutely amazing and I could eat everyday but the box also comes with some not as good or no good at all kinds of chocolate. When you are given a Russell Stover box of chocolate, you don't really know what kind of chocolate you're going to get until you bite into it. My life is like a box of Russell Stovers chocolate because I had no idea any of these things that has happened to me where going to happen until they
Life is what you make it as we go through life’s journey. We all have different experiences that are unique to us individually. “Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” - Virginia Satir. There are typical aspects of our journey that are similar, but different; we share commonalities along the way with others. In life, we will face challenges that bring about change, which is what happens to us along the way when we are younger, and it makes us who we are when we are older. Change is the opposite
Life is a journey filled of many surprises, and while one day you will lose 5 bucks, the other day you will find 10. Whether you broke your leg, you got the flu, or you got a bad grade, I believe that we can always make the best of every situation.
Life gives us some crazy adventures. It can change you us for the better or the worst. Some may not be as great as the rest, but we always end up learning something in the end. Everything will have a deeper meaning contained inside. Little things that many people notice have a deeper meaning to it.
Not until recently, did I realize the insight of the saying “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”. That mean life is a succession of surprise, that is to say it is random like a box of chocolate. You will never know what chocolates flavors are in the box until you taste it.
Five years ago, my mother was rushed to the hospital for an aneurysm. For the next two weeks, my family and I sat huddled around her bed in the intensive-care unit, oscillating between panic, fear, uncertainty, and exhaustion.
That day when I returned home from school, my mom’s boyfriend called me asking to speak to my grandmother. Typically, Gus would call my grandmother himself if he wanted to speak with her, which was rare. I found out about my mom going to the hospital from my grandmother after that phone call. The doctor told my family that a stroke afflicted her in the middle of the day. My mom confused the date with her birthday, had trouble getting words out and remembering our family member’s names. The nurse had to take her for walks periodically and exercise her legs and arms because they were weak. Seeing my mother in this condition made me appreciate my mother and everything she does for me tremendously. However, I was terrified for my mother’s health.
On a dreary, stormy Friday morning, Connor’s voice was replaying over and over again, telling me, “It is going to be okay.” It took me back to Saturday morning, the first day of my vacation; I was sitting at the kitchen table with my family, drinking my morning coffee. I received a text from my best friend, Olivia, disclosing that our friend Connor had a brain aneurysm, was rushed to the hospital, and was on life-support. Connor also had bleeding on the occipital part of his brain, which normally is not a reassuring sign, but the doctors were optimistic, telling family and friends he would wake up tomorrow. That night, I continuously thought about Connor, telling him in my mind that he was not allowed to die. Sunday morning, I woke up to another text from Olivia, telling me the bleeding in Connor’s brain did not stop and he had been taken off life support. Connor officially passed away at 4 p.m. on Sunday,
Have you ever hit the highest peaks in your life and suddenly dropped deeper than the ocean? Almost like the adrenaline you get on a roller coaster. It goes to its highest point and then falls down at an accelerated rate. In other words, this describes the term “Life”. It may seem like the situation is all well and good, that is until the changes start to arise. It is something everyone will end up experiencing and adapting to throughout their lifetime. These changes in our lives permit us to be even more positive and more hard working, "What if I told you that 10 years from now, your life would be exactly the same. I doubt you’d be happy so why are you so afraid of change”- Karen Salmansohn . This quote is significant because it allows individuals to open up and not be afraid of the change that is occurring in their life.
There is really no definite explanation for what a happy and healthy life consists of. People may create a list of qualities that one desires for a “good” life, though many may come from a bad source. Profound philosophers Jean Kazez and Chris Heathwood developed both subjective and objective theories to help define the true meaning of a substantial life. Jean Kazez was responsible for the objective view of well being, where life requires fundamental goods or necessities for a good life. On the other hand, Chris Heathwood explained in a subjective view that satisfying your desires will promote well being. In the movie, D’Jango Unchained, two black men, Stephen and D’Jango, experienced contrasting lives and confronted each other at the end of the movie. During the time period the movie transpires in, it was extremely rare for a black man to have a “good” life. Most black people were made into slaves, but both Stephen and D’Jango had better lives. Stephen had a bad quality of life, and D’Jango aspired to live a “good” life based on the objective and subjective views of well being.
If the company we outsource with has some sort of issue with its equipment or is running behind schedule it will delay our orders and reflect poorly upon our company. If we choose not to do anything we will continue running at inefficient levels costing us more and more money as time goes on.
“Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.” (Jerry Seinfeld) Most people don’t know what life will bring or what road they will have to travel until that time comes. George never knew the only way he could save his best friend would be to kill him and Hamlet never knew he would die from being poisoned by my uncle and friend. All the trails and tribulations that you encounter are only to make you better person even if it’s bad. Personally I have been through a lot in 16 years. Some good and some bad but at the end it made me the young last that I am today. Your life experiences only prepare you for the real word. Three life experiences that made me who I am are Death of my uncle, my mom being ill and the switching of
So far in my life many things have happened, some good, some not but I realize that all that I
Just a couple week or before, I was hovering around the streets of Kathmandu and was gyrating around a top of my house with a heavy brain box. Every of those 24 hours of my days used to be spent on finding the meaning of life, death and the reason I am here on this planet. After those rigorous searches inside the book ‘Nirwad, ‘The Alchemist’, and inside my own heart, I finally got the answer.
My life has been a crazy roller coaster with many events that have affected my life all in different ways. There have been times where my life has been at its highest peak in the world then it falls down, right into a deep valley. From the time my lovable younger sister came into my life to when my grandpa had a near death experience, I have learned many valuable lessons through the rough times as well as the more happy times. When I was a young girl, my mom had always told me the same thing over and over again. I never really thought about how a few words would have a deep effect on me in a short amount of time.
This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom’s friend and my friend. But there were a lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and never seemed to get my homework done at school.