When I grow up I want to go down to Nashville and start my own bed and breakfast. The bed and breakfast is going to be for homeless people. The cost will be you stay here and in exchange I will make you food and you will be able to live there and take showers and sleep in beds and have the everyday life of an average person. Also when they are there they will go with me and they will get to pick out a house with furniture and a fridge full of food and all the necessities that a person needs to live. I will save up money and I will have enough to give them $5,000 to get them back on their feet. Also I will pay for 2 years worth of rent and I will also have a meet up with them every month to see how they are doing. I want to do this
“Nashville” by Tiana Clark was published in 2017 and details the experience of a black women through first person during present time and how her life as a black woman relates back strongly to the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. The speaker is a woman who is married to a white man and that is chasing someone who said a racial slur to her on the streets. She talks about how the civil rights movement happened and how it changed but how history repeats itself in a way that racism is still around today. The poem ends with her trying to come with peace with finding out who said the racial slur so she can get over it and move on. Racism has been around a long time. This poem in a deeper sense is about death of innocent people and
This website Keep Tennessee Beautiful (KTnB) is an online web-teaching source for recycling. The KTnB’s goal is to encourage “Tennesseans to be more responsible for improving their community environment.” This website offers information to anyone interested in recycling and gardening with compost. There are benefits of recycling, such as bringing new life onto something old. As students of Columbia State Community College, we must be willing to fight for a cleaner healthier campus. We can set an example for the community by recycling. Students can make a website prompting our community garden and recycling center for information on what can and cannot be recycled, and how
I'm just going to start with a job and go up from there or rap or something and if it ant something to do I'm going to join the U.S Marines but 9 times out of 10 I'm going to be a NBA star.
Nestled in the Smoky Mountains, Gatlinburg has become an area that East Tennessee State University students go to visit. Gatlinburg offers something for many; however, the city has some growing pains such as traffic and limited space. Thus, the city of Gatlinburg offers many things that a traveler could need and want, provided that he or she is willing to overlook the city’s rapid growth.
The city of Nashville was founded by Englishman James Robertson in 1779 . Nashville was originally named Fort Nashborough in honor of General Francis Nash . It was not until 1784 that Nashborough was changed to Nashville . By the 1860s, Nashville continued to show upward growth . Notably, the city showed growth in population, business, industry and education. Nashville also become notorious for expanding country music . On June 28 1962, Davidson county and the city of Nashville voted to unify their government . However, it was not until 1963 that Davidson and Nashville unified . The unification resulted from economic distress in Nashville. After World War II, Nashville residents began to migrate to suburbs in Davidson. Thus, Davidson County
It was pouring rain the day I moved to Tennessee, which reflected exactly how I felt on the inside. One week before my Junior year of high school, my parents decided to relocate the family six hours away from where I’d lived my entire life—a decision that was not supported by all those involved.
The population of Hendersonville consists mostly of white or Caucasian individuals as illustrated in Figure 6 below. The second largest constituent is made up of African Americans, however, there is a large disparity between the population of white compared to other races.
Although growing up in Baltimore, Maryland is tough, Ta-Nehisi Coates had certain advantages that allowed for him to be something more than a statistic. Unlike most kids in Baltimore, Coates had parents who were able to provide for him and expose him to educational skills necessary for success. Coates’ mother was a teacher who exposed him to writing at a young age, making a successful career in journalism possible. Coates’ father paved a way for him and his siblings to be successful by working as a librarian at Howard University investing, in their future, and ultimately ensuring his childrens’ admission into a prestigious school. Black and Stone explain this to be as a way to “insulate” his children from the type of society they were growing
My persuasion skills have become a prominent component of my personality over the last few years. I’ve been told many times that I ‘play my cards well’, meaning I know what to say to others to get my way. Personally, I believe I only use these prowesses with people I’m extremely close with, like my mom. Recently, I managed to sway her into letting me take a last-minute trip to Nashville, Tennessee for two concerts. I’m extremely determined, and when I set my mind to something, I do everything I can to reach my goal. Once I skimmed through our plans for the weekend, I convinced her we both needed a break and the road trip would fit perfectly into our hectic lives. With my persuasion and a little luck, I found myself packing a suitcase for my
Always, I was told from parents and elders that anyone can achieve their dreams through arduous work and dedication. Surprisingly, I hadn’t pondered this until I observed a shivering homeless person standing at the corner asking for help on one snowy, frosty winter day. This affected my life greatly. On the way, I just started thinking about the life of homeless people and how they are not fortunate enough to get their own place to live, their choice of delicious food to eat and several other amenities that we all enjoy in our everyday lives. An incident, like this, sparked an enthusiastic sense of compassion and empathy in me. Along with my family, I started thinking deeply and my thoughts to help the homeless expanded to other areas and I wanted to start helping the community around me as much as possible.
According to Memphis Chamber, over 10.5 million tourist annually visit Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis is home to many famous attractions for people to see. Bluff City is the best city in Tennessee for tourist, because there are attractions for everyone to enjoy.
Living in Dallas Texas is not so bad. I lived in an apartment building that was not so big, but the worst part was that there were tons of roaches. So we decided to move to Frisco.Also my dad has a job there. As the last few days of school came we started packing. It was hard because my brother was giving a hard time to my Mom. On the last day of school we left to go home. We had a scheduled flight to Puerto Rico to visit some relatives. After we came back we went to Houston to visit my cousins. They stayed with us for a month in my house, then after days of packing they left and we started packing. We did a lot of shopping P.S I HATE SHOPPING oh and P.P.S. I only like shopping if it's for me. We had most of the stuff in backpacks & suitcases,
Growing up in the same city for just about your whole life gets you accustomed to the same routine everyday. You know where you're going, you see all too familiar faces, and life just seems so bland. That was my case. I've lived in San Antonio for all my seventeen years of life, and have always wanted a sense of venture. However, when the summer of my Junior year came around, that completely changed. Being involved with my high school theatre company has given me many amazing opportunities, one of them occurring every year around November, when my troupe and I attend the Texas Thespian Festival. The festival takes place in Dallas and since it's a state festival, countless schools from across Texas travel to the fabulous Omni hotel and not
Nashville is the capital of Tennessee and the seat of Davidson County. The city is also called the Nashville-Davidson city and is known as one of the 15 best cities in the United States for work and family. The area combines southern America charm with a contemporary urban metropolis. It is the centre of an urbanized area that also embraces parts of seven surrounding counties. The city of Nashville features the topography of rolling hills and lush vegetation, while the downtown urban core is a combination of skyscrapers, renovated historic buildings, and is known for its steady economic climate. Major industries of the area range from healthcare based companies and goods production
There are many advantages and disadvantages of choosing to live in the country or to live in the city. But the advantages of living in the country definitely outweigh the advantages of living in the city.