
Personal Essay: The Paralegal Program

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A paralegal is an individual, qualified by education, training, or work experience who is employed or retained by a lawyer, governmental agency, or other entity and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible. There are actually a few things that have inspired me to major in this field of work. As I have grown to become the young adult that I am, some personal experiences and personal interests played a huge role along the way.
As a child, a hit television show from the 1980s, Miami Vice, was most popular in my household. Although the show was fictional, it brought about real-life concepts. The overall theme of the show is what lured me into the interests of studying the roles and duties of a paralegal. The two main detectives in the 1980s hit show, Miami Vice, were always known for exposing the "bad guys" and sending them to court, or even incarcerating them. During that process, there were lots of research and paperwork that had to have been involved in doing so. This part of the process is what fascinated me the most. I always wanted to know how the court system worked or how lawyers retained all of their information while preparing for trial all at the same time. I wanted to know the facts; not only in the criminal field of law, but also in the overall …show more content…

My instructor, Darleen Dozier, has been an influential person to me throughout this process. She has been in the paralegal field for almost half of her life and the excitement she shares with her class about her experiences is what motivates me the most to continue pursuing this career. Not only does she prepare us for the paralegal work force inside of the classroom, but on the outside as well. She offers fieldtrips, luncheons, and even seminars to help get us better acquainted with the roles and duties of being a

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