Yes, I plan on applying to TCU and a few other schools but TCU is my first choice.
I believe that being given the opportunity to volunteer in research while I'm still in high school will give me the experience I need so that I have a clearer understanding of how to do it in college. Because I would have an understanding of the overall process beforehand, I would be able to prepare early on and not have it interfere with my studies.
At my school, our lab facilities aren't as equipped as other public schools and we barely use them even in our AP science courses. Being able to practice research will allow me to get more familiar with both the equipment and the process of going about it which will be beneficial in my premed labs.
Texas Christian University, home of the horned frogs, is known for its exceptional medical department, and will give me a great education. Going to TCU will help me prepare for life after college and help me excel at my career.
If you examine a vehicle, you may agree that it is greater than the sum its parts. Individually, the engine, battery, tires, steering wheel, and steel body can’t haul a teen to school or an associate to work like they can when they are all working together as a cohesive unit. Just like any vehicle, the common wealth of a community is greater than the needs of the individuals that make up the community. When the individuals of a community entangle themselves in a web of wants and selfish desires, they tend to loose sight of the well being of the people who surround them, the environment in which they thrive off of, and, in the long-run, themselves. In conjunction, author Scott Russell Sanders’ article titled “Defending Our Common Wealth” highlights these points as well as emphasizes creating a new vision of wealth, encouraging community over consumption and consumerism to his audience.
I am very excited to be applying to ECU for many reasons. From the pleasant campus atmosphere to the comprehensive majors, I believe I will be greatly benefited by the experience the university offers.
Choices, the story writen by Susan Kerslake is about how the choices that we make everyday affect who we are and how our life can change by making the wrong decission. But is it always a bad decission? is it always our fault?
This crucial four years of Highschool is what shapes up a person. Things like friends, families, and new experiences are what teach life lessons and morality. I believe that through the service activities I have taken part of this few years, I learned new qualities about myself and new aspects in life. I have learned the role of a leader, all the charitable things service can offer, and I have built a character. What impacted me the most was the “Jessey J Mcray Elementary School” program, and the Service Day activity I did in freshman year. Volunteering is a great way to bring people together and it provides physical and mental rewards for whoever decides to do it.
An opportunity to learn from real medical students, to watch how doctors interact with their patients, or to actually take part in medical research would definitely give me some practical experience in clinical trials and a real research lab. These practical experiences would allow me to see the realities of what actually goes on in a lab. I would use this opportunity to understand more about what a career as a medical researcher actually entails, learn more about the scientific research process, and get experience that will help me later when I’m actually pursuing this
Right now, CBU is my top school, and hopefully (if accepted and provided enough financial help ;)) I’ll have the opportunity to attend
Texas A&M, ranked 20th in the top public universities in the U.S., will give me an opportunity to learn in the engineering field.
I would love to participate in Lakeland Regional Health's Teen Volunteer Summer Program because I want the opportunity to learn more about my future career. By doing the Teen Volunteer Summer Program, I will be able to understand just how much my future Career encompass and get a heads up on what to expect. By volunteering in the summer program, I would also be gaining the amount of hours that I need to graduate high school with honors on my diploma. I hope that I am able to volunteer in this summer program to put all that I have learned in health class to good use.
Starting my journey at Texas Tech University has been very interesting and not as difficult as I thought it would be. Even though I have faced minor challenges I have been able to overcome them efficiently. During my first semester the major experience I have had is the population of tech. I never expected that there would be this many people. During the first week it was a bit overwhelming but I was able to overcome it.
The WISE student summer research placement would be a tremendous help for me in finding out not only what type of science I enjoy to study the most but the program would also provide many beneficial opportunities for me. For example the program would provide beneficial learning experiences, the chance to meet new people with the potential to gain new lifelong friends, and new skills that will benefit me and potentially others further down the road in a workplace. The most beneficial opportunity the WISE student summer research program would provide for me is the unforgettable experience and fun of learning new things.
I am currently a sophomore working towards a Psychology and Biology degree on a pre-health track. Following these degrees, I plan on attending medical school. Although I have not yet decided on a specialty I feel involvement in different disciplines will help me come to a decision. Having the opportunity to participate in a research lab will help me succeed in the direction I am headed towards through gaining exposure and insight on what a lab entails. Although I have not yet had experience in lab research I am eager to join one, especially one involving ADHD.
I aspire to attend the Clark Atlanta University because it is a symbol for past and future generations of educational and operational excellence. Clark Atlanta University is the hub of African American leadership and educational expansion, and with the constant policing of the community and poaching of black culture in today’s society, it is significant that I achieve an education that represents myself and the world with which I am familiar and intend to change for the better.
There has been a rise on the topic of gun violence. It has become a more relevant topic today and one cannot walk away from the news without hearing a story related to gun violence either being covered or displayed on the teleprompter below. This paper will analyze three sources: an article written by Dov Cohen, titled “Culture, Social Organization, and Patterns of Violence,”on the trends of violence based on location, a Ted Talk given by Dan Gross, titled “Why Gun Violence Cannot become America’s New Normal,”on the topic of gun violence and how it affected his life as well a proposition to ending violence in the U.S, and an article, “Analyzing Available Data Could Help Improve Background Checks Involving Domestic Violence Records,” written by the U.S. Government of Accountability Office(GAO) which covers the process of background checks within the sales of firearms. These three sources will be evaluated on the bases that they evoke a strong argument with the use ethos, pathos, and logos within their writings.
Science used to fascinate me and leave me curious ever since I was a kid. I would always have the TV on The Science Channel or The Weather Channel. Nature, stars, animals and anything involving the concept of science, captures my attention. At the high school I attend, Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC), I received a very rare opportunity that other high students could possibly not get. I was able to intern at multiple sharp hospitals through the school and for free. This gave the opportunity to experience the hospital and the environment in different departments in the hospital such as engineering, pharmacy, subacute, and supply and distribution. Eventually my senior year is going to come to an end and I am going to head off