
Personal Experience: Backgroung History of the Modern Time Society

Satisfactory Essays

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” I once heard this quote by Benjamin Franklin and it stayed with me because I found it to be true. At the start of this semester I was ready to confront whatever I saw in class with an open mind. I come from a religious family set in their own ways that at times struggles to see things with an open mind. I can say that at times I had certain conflicts to the things we were discussing in class but at the end I came to learn that it was just another way of seeing things. This semester in your class I learned a lot of things and I always went home seeing things in a whole different perspective. One those things that really stuck with me was Pandora and Jar of Evil, but not only that but the fact that Hope is evil. The countless evils that fled from the jar to plague the human existence hope was the only one that stayed. After analyzing things I think that the greatest punishment for human beings is being hopeless. We are still waiting on the day that we will conquer those evils that Pandora let go and this is an eternal duty that every human has to endure. Like I said before I come from a religious background and I had been taught to pray and have “hope” that things will turn out how one want them to. So you do just that and end up being disappointed with the outcome. We live in a world of fiction always hoping for the impossible. Another subject that I found really interesting was the idea of the Book of

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