“How Healthy Are You?” Assessment
Do to my scores and how healthy are you assessment I scored low in the physical health. I want to improve my eating habits. I want to eat healthier rather than always eating junk food. For example, what I would do is I would replace cookies with carrots and replace Pepsi with orange juice. An area I'm trying to focus on is losing weight. How I want to lose weight is doing daily exercises and focus on what I'm eating. A daily exercise I would do is going to the gym for about an hour a day 5 days a week. Overall what I would do to achieve my goal is basically do daily exercises and watch what I eat.
Behavior Change Plan
My goal is to loose weight. My goal is set to loose 10 pounds by end of this semester. I have made a program of my own to help me stay on track and meet my goal. Everyday for breakfast I will have one fruit of any kind for lunch I will eat something light that doesn’t have too many calories and as much fattening. Same routine goes for dinner and just watch what I'm eating. I'm going to replace my junky snacks with healthier snacks. Another goal I want to commit to is, to quit soda of all kind and start drinking only water and no other drinks. I will be doing daily exercises for example jogging for about an hour every morning before I go to school. I also will be attending the gym 5 days a week for at least 2 hours a day.
Background of the problem
Human health is one of the most important things in life. We need to stay
I choose my short term goal to be drinking less soda and more water. I hate how bland water is and so I don't drink much of it. Instead I usually drink soda, apple juice, and hot chocolate. The reason I have chosen that specific goal is because I know how nutritional water can be and I want to become a more healthier person. I can moniter my progress by keeping and writing in a drink diary. Lots of people have food diary, where they keep track of what they have ate, so there's no reason I can't do that but instead with drinks.
Three different measurements were taken before and after the study. They included, pain intensity, disability, and quality of life. Pain was taken using a visual analog scale (VAS) which ranges from 0 to 10; 0 equaling no pain at all and 10 equaling the worst pain ever felt. Disability was taken using the Neck Disability Index (NDI). The NDI consisted of 10 items and were scored using percentages, the higher the percentage the higher the disability. And lastly, quality of life was taken using the Medical Outcome Study Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36). Scores in SF-36 ranged from 0 to 100 and the higher the patients number got, the better quality of life.
Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as you need to include the relevant data for your client.
Hopefully, I can lose even more. I want to slim down for a couple reasons. For starters, my aging joints have no business toting around 20 extra pounds of fat. Next, I want to be able to fit into my size 36 khakis that have been hanging in my closet for the last twenty years. I tried them on this morning, and they’re still a size too small. When I regain my appetite within the next couple days, I need to take specific measures to ensure my goals. This goal gives me the motivation to go back to where I was last year, and start running 20-25 miles each week. I pledge also to start hitting the weights more in gym because every weight loss expert I’ve talked to say that lifting builds muscle and muscle burns calories in ways that fat can’t. And finally, I should burn into my brain the happy picture I took today of the scale: 217.2. I can slice more
health of our fellow people should be a priority for every human being on this planet. Many
I'm going to try a weekly planner for writing down what is due and when then checking off the completed assignments.
Health Assessment of the Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat, Neurological System, and the 12 Cranial Nerves Skin, Hair, Nails, Breasts, Peripheral Vascular System, Lymphatics, Thorax, Heart, Lungs, Musculoskeletal, Gastrointestinal, and Genitourinary Systems
My health goal was to change my eating habits. I chose this goal because I have a bad habit of not eating as well as I should. Although I usually do not eat fast food, I eat a lot of carbs. I was raised in an Italian family so macaroni and pizza are my two worst enemies. I figured that if I used this project to get rid of my bad eating habits, I would have an easier time eating healthy after this class ends. Before starting the project I realized that there will be challenges, but this project was not meant to be simple. If behavior change was simple, then anyone would be able to change behavior whenever they wanted to.
The behavior change that I chose was to drink more water every day. Furthermore, my more specific goal was to drink eight glasses per day. My long-term goal by the end of the behavior change project was to drink eight glasses a day, because that is the recommended amount that a healthy human being should drink. I set short-term goals to help make my behavior change easier to accomplish. My short-term goals were to drink two glasses of water per day by the end of week one, four glasses of water per day by the end of week two, and six glasses of water per day by the end of week three. When going through this behavior change project, I personally discovered that there are not only many benefits from this behavior change, but also many barriers.
It can sometimes be too late. I have learned over some years by watching those that mean a lot to me let their lives become of nothing because they do not worry about their physical appearance or the foods that they eat, and even though you can give them all the advice to try and persuade them they are determined to do what they feel and what they want to do.
After taking the health assessment quiz I score horribly but nothing that can be fix which the result informs me that I am making some unhealthy choices. Throughout my life I have not been making the best choices possible in terms of what to eat and of doing physical activity. I know that I can change all that from by changing the types of food I eat and at least going out and walk. This year I have decided to enroll myself in a cycling class twice a week in order to be more active. From time to time during cycling class I get tired or it becomes difficult to continued but I just keep going and push through all the pain in order to be stronger.
Action plans: I started by writing my present weight down, which is 160, my end weight will be 148; this is a loss of 12 lbs over the course of 8 weeks. Week one I will start drinking plenty of water. My goal is to drink a gallon of water each day for the durations of my personal wellness plan. The first few days were a struggle, but as the week when on it became easier to drink more water.
Throughout this complete health assessment, I will approach my patient, a 49 years old, female, married patient, and perform a head to toe examination. Starting with the gathering of information, I will start with biographic data, reason for seeking care, present illness, past health history, family history, functional assessment, perception of health, head to toe examination, and baseline measurements. The subjective data will be collected first, where the patient will provide necessary information about every organ system for further examination while the objective data will be amassed in every system based on my findings. This assignment serves as an opportunity to establish a nurse-client interpersonal relationship that
Josephine has come in today because she is having issues with her weight and currently struggling with an eating disorder. Conducting a physical and nutritional assessment would be the best way to determine where she is experiencing deficiencies and what might be causing these problems. The first assessment would be the anthropometrics phase. These are measurements of the body such as weight, circumference, skin fold thickness and body max index (BMI). BMI tests are a common measurement technique many practitioners use mainly because it is easy to perform and inexpensive. Josephine has a BMI of 21.4, which is considered a normal and healthy BMI for her height and weight.
Health in one of the important things of human life. Without good health people cannot able to perform daily activates. Health plays vital role to country’s economic development. If People health is good than nation health will be good. Economic will move fast if people are healthy because healthy people can perform task well. My research paper will research about Health care system in Nepal.