
Personal Experience: Racial Discrimination In Middle School

Decent Essays

“You should go back to India!” shouted my overtly racist next-door neighbor from his bathroom window at my mother who was leisurely watering her backyard garden. “We don’t want your kind here!” he yelled as he swiftly walked back inside his home while my mother stared at him in absolute shock with a running hose dangling from her hand. Unfortunately, incidents like this one are neither rare nor unexpected considering I’m biracial and live in a predominantly white neighborhood. Ever since my multiracial family relocated to Bayside, we have been the victims of blatant racial discrimination which is so severe my mother ended up calling the police on my neighbor on one occasion because he trespassed upon our property and proceeded to assault my father for countering a racial slur of his.
Despite that event being terribly dreadful, what my peers said about my mixed heritage in elementary and middle school negatively affected me a whole lot more. Whenever a classmate of mine would ask me about my racial background, I would tell them I have a white father and an Indian …show more content…

In middle school, particularly seventh grade, I was involved in a lot of drama which was caused by the many rumors people spread about me as well as my friends. As a result, I spent a significant amount of time trying to solve interpersonal issues and neglected my homework and other assignments which resulted in me not doing as well as I wanted to on my report cards. Due to me doing worse in school than I desired that year, I wasn't able to be accepted into my dream high school, Townsend Harris. I allowed my turbulent social life to limit my educational opportunities and thanks to the indifference I have towards what people say about me due to the racism I have experienced, I can guarantee I will never let rumors get in the way of me achieving my goals ever

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