Based on my personal experiences and beliefs, I agree with Emerson when he wrote, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow". Within my sport there is a constant demand to push yourself past what you have already accomplished, and I have come to the realization that if I do not ignore the fear or hesitance being said within myself, I will not become any better at what I do and I could potentially never know what I am capable of. To put this quote simply, it is to say that if you do not take a chance, or go forward with something, you will not move or make any new achievements; i think that this particular quote can be applied to any part of my life such as, school, sports, relationships,
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them…” -Henry David Thoreau. This quote means that you can be a dreamer and have wondrous ambitions but that will all go to waste unless effort is put towards that ambition. I agree with this statement because people can have the most amazing goals but go no where without the required effort.
Emerson’s quote provides a paradigm of success—a model to be admired and strived for. Emerson teaches that learning to appreciate the subtleties in life can make it that much more enjoyable and interesting. In
Similarly, concepts brought forward by Ralph Waldo Emerson reflect upon the behaviors of the athletes. Stated in his work Self-Reliance, “Be yourself; no base imitator of another, but your best self. There is something which you can do better than another. Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that. Do the things at which you are great, not what you were never made for.” (Emerson’s Self-Reliance).
I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow". If you don't try you will never master anything. If you don't try to master new things you will never learn anything. If nobody tried at new things we would never have anything new. If you never try at new things than you can not master anything. If you ask anybody famous they will probably so they tried different things before they became famous. Trying new things could be hard but, it will make you a better person. You can not master anything if you don't try. You will never master anything if you don't try. Rhonda Rousey didn't know she was good at Mixed Martial Arts until she tried now she one of the best fighters
Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." He is stating that things must be taken to higher level if I ever want to become better at what I am doing. Based off my experiences, I agree with Emerson's statement. I agree with Emerson's statement because of my soccer experiences, band experiences, and because of my piano difficulties. First of all, I was not always that great at soccer. It took me years to get to the level I am at today. I had to practice as much as I could because I wanted a future with soccer and I wanted to be the best I could be. There are so many skill moves and so many different styles to kick the ball. I would always go outside
Author Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” This statement proves to be correct in today’s society. The world is always making technological and educational advancements. Therefore, people should always take advantage of being able to learn and understand new concepts. Emerson’s statement is correct because people should challenge themselves into learning beyond what they already know because it expands them to new opportunities, gives them experience, and increases personal growth.
I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson that "unless you try to do something beyond what you know have already mastered,you will never grow."because if you really think about it you would not be the same person you are now if you did not try new things. Not know that unless you have tried it . So you need it, like life is a game and you are the main piece to the game if you do not move that piece you do not know how the game go .And you know when you trouble your parents find out bout it and you try to blame it on some one else.And say you can not blame it on them it is your own fault take responsibility for you self.Evenif it is really there fault but that is the way life work. but it all about living life if you do not try
If a person wakes up every day and does the same thing they did yesterday this person is not allowing himself to grow. Everyday at work or school challenge yourself to master a different ability, it could something as small as learning to cook a different type of food. A person who has abilities in many different fields is looked upon with favor from society. In high school the most popular kid is going to be the kid who gets good grades, is very athletic, is very social and is all around good in many different things. He was not just born with those gifts, he worked he's ass off every single trying to master those things. In wrestling my coach say every day you do something hard you may not want to do, you get 1% better and this is the same with life. Do not just sit on the couch waiting day by day for life to get better, go out of your comfort zone, find your limit because everybody has one but most will not find what it is. Limits are the one thing that hold us back from being next to perfect. Some people will find their limit in one thing and never try to find it in other field. They want to accept they will never be an amazing person, they just want to stay in their comfort
Yes I do believe what Ralph Waldo Emerson said was true. What he meant by that saying is you will not succeed if you don't try things you have not tried or are good at. The reason I say this is because I always was good at sports but never at school. I could never play the sports i wanted because of it so I moved to this new school. When school started i had trouble but not for long because I asked the teachers for help and so they helped me understand my work before i left the room each day which bettered me. I had also heard about tutoring and went to that which helped me get good at school. I had a friend with the same problem but the other way round she was good at school but not at sports. So I told her to practice and she did for
Ralph Waldo said, “unless you try to do things beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” I agree with Ralph Waldo, push yourself to do greater things. Ralph Waldo said it right, if you don't push for greater things you will not succeed. One reason is, to be a greater person push further than what you have already accomplished. You will never get better if you keep doing the same ole thing. People who don't settle for the easy way are stronger.
In My Reality or Yours and Do Your Beliefs Reflect Reality or Create it?, Steve discusses how belief creates reality. He and I have both learned over the years that your intentions and beliefs have exceptional power to alter your life. Recently I realized how powerful beliefs are in that they affect what choices you make.
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow" Ralph Waldo Emerson. From my perspective, the meaning behind these words is what drives humanity towards improvement. As a junior in high school, I see no better time than now to live by these words. As college slowly rises upon the horizon, I envision a bright future at Greeneville tech.
I've been attending church for as long as I can remember. The earliest time I remember going to church was when I was in pre-school, and I attended the same church until high school. Sundays were routine, we attended church, went out to eat after with other members of the church, and then went home to watch either football or baseball (sports being my second religion). Skipping church was never an option, nor did I really want to miss it. I had good friends at church, and was genuinely interested in the bible and the stories we read.
When I think of my own personal past experiences, I think of the most significant events and most likely think that those are the times that have shaped you as who you are today and who you are in the future. When my grandpa had passed away there were major effects that my family and I had faced. Difficulties like not being able to sleep at night and having lost someone who meant something special to everyone. When I think about the smaller challenges I have faced in the past and throughout my life, I can start to put together that even the most insignificant events that have happened in the past could make a significant impact on the person I am in my near or far future. Occurrences like going through broken bones, losing friends, or even a gym teacher might have a greater force than I may have expected.
When I was eight years old my parents separated, and they got officially divorced when I was twelve. After my parents separated, my mother took on being a single-parent. My father gave up all his rights to my sister and I. Prior to my parents separating, my family was considered upper-middle class. My dad worked as a computer engineer, and my mom was a stay at home mother. After my parents split, my sister and I went from having everything to nothing in a day. My mom had to move back in with her parents until she could find a full-time job and a place for us to live. Because I have seen my mother struggle as a single-mother, I matured a lot faster than most children my age. Even though we struggled with money growing up, my mother always made it a point to go on vacation yearly with my sister and I; I have been to over 30 states because my mom loves to road trip. Additionally, it has always been a family tradition of ours to go to the state fair every year. Because of my family experience growing up, I am very independent. I also learned to appreciate the little things in life. My mom always taught my sister and I that time spent with family is far more valuable than materialistic things. My mother and I are very close to this day, and I will forever be grateful for everything she has done for my sister and me.