
Personal Experiences In Athens

Decent Essays

For this assignment, I actually found this somewhat difficult to fully observe and make a full analysis based on what I saw for a period of time. Specifically, my experiment was conducted in Athens, Georgia where I found a very diverse population ranging from fraternity and sorority college students to public housing on the outskirts of downtown Athens. This general location has every type of social system and research data depends significantly on time and place of where it’s oversaw. In my observation, I came across two individuals that played different roles within society in downtown Athens where they are both accepted by society, but have a different outcome.
My first candidate that I came across was a homeless man residing outside of …show more content…

He was wearing his typical fraternity shirt and hat with polo shorts cut right above the knee with an expensive pair of sperry’s and the legendary sunglasses by ray ban. My first impression was this is how every guy that is in a fraternity dresses and may come from a family with money since there is a semester fee that is contributed towards the frat itself alone excluding the parties, formals, and spring breaks that are involved. This guy could have been from the suburbs of Atlanta with a median income and his parents were Alumni’s from University of Georgia or he could have been raised in the north Georgia mountains with little income and have parents that didn’t finish high school, but he was inspired to do well in school and get to the college that he always dreamed of going to. He seemed pretty motivated to get donations by going up to literally everyone he came across making him socially acceptable by how he presented himself and the cause for the donations. If this was candidate one going up to individuals and presenting his reasoning for donating money, I don’t think people would be more giving based on how he looks and knowing that he is an actual homeless

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