During my time at The University of Texas at Arlington I plan to achieve my goals of becoming successful academically all while being voluntarily active in the UTA community to better benefit the university. Ultimately, my goal is to be admitted to medical school by the time I graduate. The biology degree that I am working to receive will pay dividends towards my personal goals of becoming an exceptional medical school applicant. As I move on in life, the lessons learned from both the medical institution I am fortunate enough to be admitted to and UTA will serve me in the primary aspect of my life goal and that is to help those in need. Coming from a third world country with helpless citizens, poor sanitary conditions, and subpar health standards
I hope to build lasting relationships with the members and faculty. The close-knit network of faculty and students seem to provide resources to help current undergraduates achieve success in their endeavors in the health field. Being a part of this network will supply me with resources to successfully achieve my goals in medicine.
It is extremely important for everyone to give back to their communities and I hope I can inspire others to continue their own dreams of being successful. When I become a family physician, I will be able to help many different people and advise them on how to live a healthy life. As one of Jordan’s valedictorians this year, I know how important school is and have always worked diligently to get to where I am today. I am determined and will always continue to push myself to achieve my goals. I never give up and am able to learn from my failures in order to grow and succeed. I have always loved helping others and know that I will continue striving to provide the best care possible wherever I work. I will continue working tirelessly when I am at CSU Long Beach because I know college will be more challenging than high school, but I will not let that stop me from being successful. I am going to try my best to graduate with honors because I know I have the potential in me to accomplish that goal. Family is extremely important to me and I do hope to someday get married and have a family of my own, but I know that can wait until after I accomplish my career
In today’s society, a good quality education is an important and valuable necessity. As a college student at Lone Star College, my college experience has greatly influenced me in an enormous amount of ways. By attending college, I have not only had a chance to receive a quality education and degree, but also an opportunity to socialize and interact with various people from different cultures. In addition, the professors on campus have been extremely helpful towards teaching me to succeed in both inside and outside the class room. Furthermore, my college experience at Lone Star has greatly influenced and encouraged me to be successful and achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.
My faith in humanity compels me to help people. I aspire to enhance the quality of life for people on an international level. The world has a way of interconnecting people to form communities. I believe these communities unite the world as a whole, working together to terminate cancer, combat diseases, and extinguish poverty. Changing the lives of human beings fuels my desire to pursue a career in medicine.
As the coming years approach, I want my future to hold both the passion to explore new opportunities and the strength to overcome new challenges. With the experiences of my high school career, I aspire to take all the things I learned to transition into a college environment where my ideas can be challenged and shared. Where I can learn from others; where I can seek the opportunity to make a direct impact towards saving lives. I believe I can do great things. Through tenacity I will not only be gratified in becoming a doctor, but also be able to share my compassion for others through
After graduating high school, I was accepted to Alabama State University and decided to study Biology. I figured that this area would help me study living organisms, life processes and understanding the basic life processes that required different medical provisions. I believed that I would eventually find out if I wanted to studying medicine or counsel people. On May 7, 2011, I graduated from Alabama State University with my Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Then I volunteered at Jamaica Hospital emergency room alongside the medical providers and interact with the families of those who are medically
Throughout my life, I have been offered many opportunities, including coming to America and being accepted into a private boarding school to further advance my education. I am grateful for the chances offered to me so far, knowing that everybody is not as fortunate as I am. Friends and family, who are proud of my accomplishments, continuously express how much they would sacrifice to be given opportunities such as mine. Since life has offered me such generous choices, I feel like it is only appropriate to give back by using all my resources to become somebody that can aide others. Knowing what the Mini-Medical School Program can teach me, this program is another resource I can use to help others. I don’t waste opportunities, I take full advantage
To this day, this culture of service continues and is evident to me by the administration, student body, and faculty’s preventative medicine initiatives. Initiatives such as, providing medical help by encouraging students to participate in student-run free health clinics as well as providing uncompensated medical and dental care to its local community. In addition to providing help, MMC focuses on educating the community with the use of health programs, the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, and Project C.O.P.E designed to help HIV/AIDS patients. Other initiatives that I desire to be a part of involve the use of research endeavors to help not only local communities, but also global communities such as Dr. Villalta’s research into diseases found in Latin America. Through its altruistic vision MMC has established a culture of service that has inspired many, as well as myself to accomplish great things not only in the local Nashville community, but also in the
One of the main reasons I am interested in attending the UND SMHS is that I enjoy working with groups and I like the focus that UND puts on team-based education. As a member of an underprivileged community, UND will give me the opportunity to have a firsthand knowledge of rural and underserved area health care. My experience while volunteering to serve people in under resourced communities have grown my commitment to help these people not only by providing food, but also by becoming a physician, so I can devote my life to people suffering from diseases and severe
There are countless reasons why I have chosen Xavier University of Louisiana. Xavier will guide me to exceed all of my expectations with plenty of effort, focus, and determination. One of my main reasons for coming to Xavier is the wonderful biology pre-med program. I know that Xavier's dedicated faculty has helped many African Americans attain their goals of completing medical school. Whether a professor teaches an essential concept or an academic advisor assists with application processes, Xavier has all of the resources I will need to go to medical school. Going into Xavier, my expectations include becoming an ideal candidate for medical school to become a dermatologist or pediatrician. I plan to meet this expectation through rigorous
This enables me to go out into the world with a jump start on assisting the community that has molded into the person I am today. I can't imagine my life without contributing to the community. Due to this, I plan to create a non-profit organization for those who wish to pursue the medical field. There is so much potential in this community, and to help bring our community out from underneath the unnecessary burdens, I plan to assist those that have a desire to learn regardless of their financial stability and past mistakes. Although it is a difficult task to accomplish, I have done many things that have been "difficult", proving many people wrong. As a result, I know I will do the same for my
From the start of high school I knew I wanted to go into a health related field of study. The path to become a physician is going to be strenuous but even as the little freshmen I was, I understood what it would take to achieve my passion of helping people. I started off my journey with volunteering at the local health fair held at my local mosque; for the past three years I have been attending the fairs and helping as best as I can, as a translator. Most of the people living in the community that go and have their health screened do not speech English so I serve as a translator between the medical professional and the patient, during the fair. After that, I decided to take a chance and apply at Cook Children's hospital for a volunteering spot
That being said, I have come to a deeper realization. My original goals of becoming a doctor can tremendously benefit those in need, but there is more that I can offer. Acquiring skills by working for a non-profit seeking to help others is insufficient. The realization is a simple one: The best way to assist others is creating and shaping effective public policymaking. I yearn to combine my passion to help others as a doctor with effective policy in order to maximize my potential. While a doctor can save 10 patients a day, sound public policy can alter the fate of an entire city, country, or even the world. This realization has led to a complete transformation of my passion and dreams. This transformation was made possible by the knowledge and immersion into reality that the Fund and Ms. Frye-Revere have given
As I approached my senior year of high school, I was lucky enough to be accepted in the Teen Volunteer program at Upstate Medical University. During this four week long program, I was able to shadow medical professionals and broaden my understanding of the medical field. I was given the unique ability to experience the field that I want to go into before entering secondary education. Before this opportunity, I had always known that I wanted to help people in my future career; however, volunteering at this hospital solidified my desire to make a difference in the world through my future in medicine.
At present, I can only imagine how I would enjoy contributing to Rice campus while pursuing my degree in a field related to medicine, my first passion. My parents are immigrants from South India who brought along with them a world class educational background and a deep passion for science. Freedom to explore and an active embracement of different cultures within my family have shaped my childhood. I’m able to quickly adapt to the various cultures of my peers while celebrating the richness of my South Indian