Part A-Defining Identity Identity are traits that express who you are.The five traits that attributes to my Identity are stubborn, intelligent, creative, apprehensive, animated. If I had to describe my mother’s Identity I would say my mother’s attributes are strong, skilled, compassionate, independent, stubborn. My thought process of choosing attributes that describes myself and my mother are traits that really describe who we are, excluding gender or race. I did not want to include gender or race because those are unsubstantial things that contribute to a small degree of who you are. Stereotypically I am labeled as an African American female, but I am more than that. I wanted to be creative and really think of the traits that really …show more content…
My criteria of Privilege eliminates the need for intentional display of materialistic values. I prefer things that you need to live to be the true measure of privilege due to the fact there are people with less, which some may forget because they are not competent with what they do have. Privilege is an acknowledgment of what you have and that may vary with different people and how they choose to identity themselves. Others may contribute their wealth to being privileged and some may think having family and just being alive is a privilege. This is where the beauty of differences of Identity and perspectives of Privilege is displayed.
Time after time, the United States has shown to only help the rich population which is discussed in the article “Savage Inequalities”by Paul Street. This article states” the United States remains a harshly unequal society in which policy primarily serves the interests of the privileged 1 percent that owns roughly 40 percent of the nation's wealth”. This article’s perspective of privilege and power is attributed to wealth. It feeds into the assumption that if you are wealthy you are powerful and privileged more than an person who has less. My idea of privilege contradicts this because I believe being privileged is to have access to necessities and life in general which excludes the amount of wealth. Some
A privilege is an aspect that people will rely on to have an advantage over another, which can be completely unjust. Dr. King states in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” that “It is a historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture, but groups tend to be more immoral than individuals.” I strongly agree with this implication. Even to this day groups will not give up their privileges willingly, consequently exhibiting exactly how unjust and inhumane these groups of people that have this “advantage” are and can be. Due to the numerous amount of circumstances leading to this accusation, like political leaders acting selfishly or
It can be said that money is power in the United States, and this is brought out in the essay, “Class in America---2012” written by Gregory Mantsios. He says that even though many Americans do not like to discuss class, “it can determine where people live, who their friends are, how well they are educated, and what they do for a living” (Mantsios). Many Americans do not speak about class type, and most find it unacceptable (Mantsios). Unfortunately, we can see that there are laws that are built to help and better the wealthy, while it cripples the rest of us. According to the Economic Policy Institute, “The richest twenty percent of Americans hold nearly ninety percent of the total household wealth in this county” (Institute) Gregory Mantsios without reserve describes the majority of people are at a disadvantage in their social class, while the upper class is compensated.
In the world we live in people tend to think everyone have privilege and they have it easy. Even though we may think we have it bad or may think life is hard, there are people in many countries that have worth than
Also, there is no a set definition of being privileges or not. I can be privileged in the United States of America and go somewhere else and be not privileged at all. Furthermore, sometimes people fall into the idea of deserving or not. In the reading, it was mention that people fades away from the idea of “I am privileged so I got this job” and drift toward “I deserve this job”. The privileged people view the non-privileged people as they do not deserve the job in this case. Which is not true and I did not think about it from this point of view
Identity is what defines us as a person. Everyone one on earth has their own unique identity. To showcase my identity, I created a collage of images and descriptive words, called an identi-kit. This identi-kit shows what I feel like is my identity to myself and the others. My identi-kit identifies me as a mixed martial artist. The identi-kit has images of a deadly shark with mixed martial arts gloves on that say mixed martial arts on the front and fight shorts with the words competitor and warrior on them. It also has descriptive words like “killer instinct” and “fight” which describe my spirit. There are three assumptions that come to question when asking about one’s identity. The first is if you were born with this
For instance, white people or people who have privilege, meaning that they have a career and a job, are privileged. On the other hand, there are a lot of disadvantaged population that won’t have the opportunity to live as their white folks. Disadvantaged population can be a minority of Whites, African-American, Hispanic and other minorities that didn’t developed the tools and skills to compete with a privileged population. For instance, the educational system is one encourages privilege and disadvantage separating the population more and more, creating a culture of acceptance and low skills as a norm among
Identity-“Ones personal qualities.”Identiy is something only he or she can fully define. My uncle says I am affectionate,cheerful, and calm. My grandmother sees me as slim, pretty and sweet. My dad described me as perky, cheerful and happy, my mom says beautiful, gentle, and self-conscious. These adjectives describe me accurately, yet they are only abstract versions of me. Adjectives cannot begin to describe me and I aknowlege these descriptions for what they are, a condensed translation from my outward self to the world. It is impossible for anyone to understand me completely because nobody has experienced the things I have. My mother has never cherished a raggedy doll named Katie and my father never
For those in poverty, the word “privilege” means having access to clean drinking water, having food to eat, being employed, having functional clothes, etc. These are not only privileges, but they are needed for human survival. However, what is considered privilege today is not a matter of survival needs, they are rather wants. Wants are things that entertain and satisfy us, things such as the new iPhones, new tablets, new computers, new clothing line, and any other exclusive things that are not needed for survival. In some parts of the world there are a lack of toilets, bathrooms, or even toilet paper for that matter. Food is worked for rather than bought, and everything is self-taught and self-serviced. Transportation is by foot rather than any transportation vehicle or even a bicycle for that matter. Today, these
mostly of Caucasian. Although I am a quick learner, it was especially hard for me
There are many factors that shape us into who we are, and who we will become. Some of these factors we can control, while others we cannot. While we are born into many traits of our identities, much of our other behavior is learned. My identity, for example, is “based not only on responses to the question ‘Who am I?’ but also on responses to the question ‘Who am I in relation to others?’” (Allen, 2011, p. 11). My identity and the question of who I am, are both influenced by many aspects of my life, including my hometown, my family, my friends, and my beliefs and moral values.
A person’s identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person’s identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person’s sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person’s taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a puppet
To be an American is to have traits of freedom the thing that the founding fathers counted on is to have the will to speak freely and to have the will of religion in the constitution it say that every citizen should have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This impacts and brings everyone from different places to help create a society that is free. The founding fathers also counted for the people to speak for what is right. The reason is because this helps out on what the people want instead of the government wants this goes to show that the people matter and that is what makes a person happy and also makes a person feel like they have the pursuit to be happy.
There are numerous factors that either make up or restrain the self-identity of a person or an individual. Culture, in addition to family traditions, is one of the factors that affect the self-identity of an individual. When growing up, the environment around affect the personality, values, as well as, beliefs of an individual. The environment includes friends, family members, and the people that affect the life of an individual. So, if the environment is negative, then an individual will have low self esteem.
Over the course of my life I have had many life experiences which have made me who I am today. When I was in my middle childhood, most of my life revolved around playing and having fun. I did not have to put forth effort in hardly any area of my life or work hard in order to achieve specific goals. As time went on however, my own life experiences began to have an effect on me, and shape the person I am today. My life started to change the most during middle childhood when I was around the age of seven years old. At this point in my life, I had to adjust to several big changes.
Identity is what evolves us, it is what makes us think the way we do, and act the way we act, in essence, a person’s identity is their everything. Identity separates us from everyone else, and while one may be very similar to another, there is no one who is exactly like you; someone who has experienced exactly what you have, feels the way you do about subjects, and reacts the same to the events and experiences you have had. This became prevalent to me as I read through many books, that everyone goes through the process of finding who they are. A prevalent theme throughout literature is the idea that over time one develops their identity through life over time, in contrast to being born with one identity and having the same