
Personal Injury Law

Decent Essays

Definition of personal injury says that any injury or accident, which not only causes physical damage to the body but also leaves a psychological impact. It disturbs the mental condition of the victim. Personal injury law is also known as tort law that is designed to protect the victim from someone else's act of negligence or failure. Court may order compensation to be paid to the plaintiff for suffering from damages. Certain areas which fall under the realm of personal injury are:

* Vehicle accidents- car, bus, bicycle and truck accidents are some areas where the victim is provided relief by the court.

* Occupiers or premises liability claims include tripping accidents, slip and fall, third party liability, dog bite and stairs accidents. …show more content…

Following factors will be considered by the personal injury lawyer to provide relief to the plaintiff- I) duty to be performed; II) breach of duty; III) causation and damage. In personal injury, strict liability is applicable in the cases of products liability where a produces manufactures and sells dangerous products.

* Intentional torts- purposeful harm by one person to another constitutes intentional torts. Intent may be general, specific or transferred.

Personal injury lawyers fight for the plaintiff on the basis of above points. There are many personal injury law firm employing lawyers. A law firm must have following features:

* It should employ well-qualified and capable staff.

* The lawyers must be capable of dealing with the insurance firms as most of the cases will involve insurance companies.

* The firm must be patient enough for receiving their fees as most of the clients pay from the claims they receive.

* A firm must have all the necessary material and information for them to fight and win the case.

At last following damages are listed, which may be claimed as a result of personal injury law suit: costs of future care, medical expenses, recovery of loss wages and income, claim for pain and suffering, property damage and out-of-pocket

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