
Personal Internship Analysis

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Personal Internship Supervision Model
According to Loganbill, Hardy, Delworth (1982), and Stoltenberg (1981), “At the advanced student level, an essential characteristic, according to our informants and other formulations, is the student’s variable confidence, the duality of feeling confident and professionally uncertain at the same time” (as cited in Ronnestad & Skovholt, 2001, p. 400). This analysis suggests that there is a probability for an intern to feel professionally insecure and confident simultaneously. Therefore, the supervisor’s role becomes crucial.
The personal internship supervision is an integrative model where the supervisor integrates her role of a counselor, consultant, and a teacher based on the situation or the caseload. During the internship process, it was noticed that the supervisee felt vulnerable about the paper work, but was confident in building therapeutic alliance with clients. Therefore, the supervisor made conscious efforts to understand the supervisee’s attitudes and conceptualizations of the problem. She relentlessly asked questions and concerns. The supervisor provided opportunities for the supervisee to voluntarily reflect on the each week’s progress. In the case where the client appeared to be difficult, the supervisor exemplified patience.
As stated by Ronnestad and Skovholt (2001) the development stages of the supervisee during internship when corresponds with the relationship between therapy and supervisor helps the therapist

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