
Personal Leadership Philosophy Examples

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Leadership Philosophy
If 100 people were asked to define leadership, there would be 100 definitions that were similar but different. These similarities and differences could widely vary or be close in nature. Nonetheless, people are who they are because of their upbringing, beliefs, morals and principles. Additionally, our senses allow us to do many things, including, defining leadership. My definition of leadership is, “the ability to inspire, motivate and influence a person or group of people to reach a shared goal”. Throughout my career, I have been inspired, motivated and influenced by military members (enlisted and officers) across all services, those in the private sector and religious leaders. This essay will focus on my definition of leadership, three leadership behaviors from my Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) that can be improved upon, personal values and my leadership philosophy.
Three Leadership Behaviors
We do not know what we do not know. Not to mention, we are all works in progress in every facet of our lives. People have told me that I am my own worst critic. In reviewing the LPI, there are many behaviors that can be improved upon. First, I have decided to focus on the “Model the Way” category; specifically number 16, “Asking for feedback on how his/her …show more content…

Maintain the standard. If another member is in need, educate and then help them raise their standard. Realize the importance of both, experience and education. A person who lacks experience but has an education is no more effective than a person with experience but no education. Having both of these characteristics allows an individual to lead on a greater scale. Know when to make a unilateral decision and when you should gain valuable input from others so that the best decision possible is made with the available information. Finally, listen to understand, not simply

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