When I was just a 11 year old boy, I remember the dread that flowed through my body when my CCD teacher told us we needed to complete 15 hours of community service in order to pass the class and move towards confirmation. I went the whole entire year pushing it off, until finally, it was the final week before the hours were due. In that week, I crammed 15 hours of community service into a few days. Believe it or not, the 11 year old me did not learn from my mistakes, and the next 3 years I did the exact same thing. Finally, I was a freshman in highschool, and I decided it was finally time to step it up and be responsible. Now that I was 14, I had to complete 25 hours, but this year was going to be different. I decided that I was going to do …show more content…
She was ecstatic to hear that I wanted to help, and gave me a list of events I could help at. After going to the first one, a Halloween party, I didn’t feel the way I felt after cramming 15 hours of community service into 3 days. Instead, I felt accomplished. Not only were the people at the party super friendly and nice, the party itself was super fun. I was in charge of running different game stations, playing with kids. The kids loved me, and I loved helping them and teaching them the games. I left with a happy feeling, a feeling of doing something good and enjoying it, not doing something “because I had to.” I decided that I would go to the next event on the list she gave me, an ice cream social. Once again, I got to help the kids and help make them happy. When everyone was leaving, the parents would thank me. It was after these two days that I learned community service shouldn’t be dreaded like a “punishment,” forsay, but it could rather be something I did because I enjoyed it. I continued going to the events, and I started to get to know Toni and the children. The kids began to look forward to seeing me, they would talk to me and be happy to see
I feel that after all of the sacrifices that have been made by the community for my benefit, I have an obligation to give back and re-pay what has been given and more, I have an immense amount of appreciation and gratitude toward my community and all they have done for my peers and I. Community service also plays a big role in my involvement in the youth group at First Baptist Church of Bryson City. each year, a group of teenagers, including myself, participate in multiple community service projects -- whether they are as close to home as the Hospital Hill Road clean-up, or a far away as mission work in Port-au-Prince, haiti. I have been involved in many community service projects, because giving back to my community is something that simply gets done without
There are many things I want to get out of the next four years, friends that will last a lifetime, a great education, and memories that will never fade. Being a Community Assistant will put me on the right path to succeed those goals. It would be a great opportunity to be able to get involved into the community and meet fellow residents. One major factor in why I want to work at Red Rock Ridge is from what I have observed it has a positive work environment.
Community service is an act that should be done with an open heart. Although it was not recorded I have done a few community services willingly. In high school, I was a part of a program for college readiness, the Upward Bound Program. The program played an enormous role in my enrollment to Florida International University, therefore I intend to keep in touch with them and I would pay them a visit them during my free times. During the holiday season of 2016, I voluntarily helped with the Christmas luncheon the Upward Bound Program conducted for the students currently in the program. It was frankly an unprompted act, I ran into my close friend while going to the cafeteria for breakfast, she informed me that she was going to help Upward Bound
Before attending Columbus high school my connection with G-d and my Community were lacking heavily, I was indifferent to the plights of others around me. Once I arrived I was introduced to the path of G-d, my religion class taught me the ways of worship and faith in our Lord. When I was told about having to perform community hours I just thought that it would be a waste of my time, how wrong I was. During my time volunteering I learned about the divide between myself and those I helped, being able to see the discrepancy first hand I had an urge to assist even if it was only minorly significant. By labouring to hopefully make their lives slightly brighter, I believe that it brought me closer to G-d and my Ideal self that was designated by G-d.
Doing the right thing is the thing that matters the most. It was November twelfth in twenty
For my Make a Difference Project, I decided to donate 2 large boxes of unused toys to Goodwill. I also wanted to donate $50 to Riley Hospital. I exceeded my goal as I donated two boxes of gently used toys and a full desk set to Goodwill. I also met my goal to donate $50 to Riley Hospital. I earned the $50 by lawn mowing. Something I could have done differently was to maybe focus on one organization rather than two. This would have helped because I could have helped that one organization more. This inspires me to do more service projects because I would like to help the community. I really enjoyed doing my Make a Difference
I have been in National Honor Society for a few months now and have participated in a couple of community service projects. The community service project that I'm most proud of and has had the most significant takeaway for me is when we helped gave food and clothes to the people that stayed in the community. Taking Care of Our Own Day is an event where people come and get clothes and food for the family. As a volunteer I helped carry people's bags of food while they went around looking for what they needed. This event is done yearly and each year we have more people that come and receive our charity. This experience affected me in a great deal. It not only showed me that I was blessed for having food to eat and clothes to wear but also that
In my senior year I had dates filled in to do community service hours. I had numbers written down to call and get those hours done. I was determined to change all this around. I knew that i was capable of getting these hours done, but I was just too scared to actually get out there and start making those phone calls. One of my teachers was focused on teaching us time management. From her I realized how important it was. She enforce it upon us and I’m grateful she did.
I have written previously on several occasions but all emails have been returned as undeliverable. I in-processed at the office and told to check back after the summer. I am currently in school but I am interesting in finding what volunteer activities are available. Previously, I volunteered with the ARC for several years overseas. I had been asked when I first arrived to represent the ARC at the Arsenal by a organization on post (the requester Tonya Danial) but the ARC office failed to responded to any requests. I have been contacted by the Central Alabama Chapter but the locations are out of the vicinity. I would like to volunteer here in Huntsville. I have contacted several group members but received no acknowledgement. I would like to participate on the awards committee in the interim, if a slot is available.
I have lived in Catatonk and attended Candor Central School my entire life, and while some may think a small school and community may have limited opportunities, I have been fortunate to be involved in many personally gratifying activities. I have studied tap, jazz, ballet and contemporary dance at Kathy Hansen’s School of Dance for twelve years. I ran on the cross country team in the fall of my senior year. This was a personal victory for me, as I struggled with asthma and didn’t think participating in a sport that required running over three miles was something I’d ever be able to accomplish. While I was not an amazing runner, getting up and moving changed me physically and mentally for the better. I have also been involved in Key Club and
visionary forethought, strategic planning, creative leadership, and a strong commitment by all stakeholders. A successful community resource plan includes:
As an American I am obligated to help my fellow citizen and my community. Grace Lee Boggs was an American philosopher, author, feminist, and social activist. She once said “You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it.” We often want change but are not willing to cause it. As an individual I must first recognize my part in the community, then step up and start taking my duties to help my community seriously. Before I moved to West Virginia my church had a “Reformer's Unanimous” program, It helped addicts come off their addiction. We had a detention center right by our church, and a lot of the ladies would come over for the program. I used to volunteer
In the beginning of the school year I was informed that I had to complete four hours of community service, so I immediately thought of doing the hours with my friends. I wanted to do the Boo Bash at Lannoye Elementary School because I know people in the past who have done it and loved it, but the real reason I wanted to do it was because Lannoye was my elementary school and I have not been there since I left in 2013. I wanted to
I performed my community service at Summit Academy High School, a charter school that is all about change, and making a difference in the world. The online teacher, Mrs. Farkas, has been struggling to keep up with her students, and most of them are or were behind on their classes. I chose to tutor one of her students in their Health class, in hopes that Farkas can feel substantially better. After many weeks of studying and reviewing, the student finished her class, and passed with a decent grade. Mrs. Farkas was very grateful, and could focus on her other students that were ready to take their tests. This experience made me strive to support not just students, but sports teams as well.
Young students have a hard time being focused, nowadays with many things available to distract them from being the best they can be. With social media, and electronics, and the internet along with other things stealing all their attention, students can become out of touch with their communities, their morals, and other things surrounding them. They can even forget about things that they shouldn’t, like their faith or morals for example. This is a problem that is keeping them from being good citizens. Because of this, students should be required to do at least 20 hours of community service per semester. This will help students become more responsible and help build character, building a strong path for their education and future.