
Personal Narrative: 15 Hours Of Community Service

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When I was just a 11 year old boy, I remember the dread that flowed through my body when my CCD teacher told us we needed to complete 15 hours of community service in order to pass the class and move towards confirmation. I went the whole entire year pushing it off, until finally, it was the final week before the hours were due. In that week, I crammed 15 hours of community service into a few days. Believe it or not, the 11 year old me did not learn from my mistakes, and the next 3 years I did the exact same thing. Finally, I was a freshman in highschool, and I decided it was finally time to step it up and be responsible. Now that I was 14, I had to complete 25 hours, but this year was going to be different. I decided that I was going to do …show more content…

She was ecstatic to hear that I wanted to help, and gave me a list of events I could help at. After going to the first one, a Halloween party, I didn’t feel the way I felt after cramming 15 hours of community service into 3 days. Instead, I felt accomplished. Not only were the people at the party super friendly and nice, the party itself was super fun. I was in charge of running different game stations, playing with kids. The kids loved me, and I loved helping them and teaching them the games. I left with a happy feeling, a feeling of doing something good and enjoying it, not doing something “because I had to.” I decided that I would go to the next event on the list she gave me, an ice cream social. Once again, I got to help the kids and help make them happy. When everyone was leaving, the parents would thank me. It was after these two days that I learned community service shouldn’t be dreaded like a “punishment,” forsay, but it could rather be something I did because I enjoyed it. I continued going to the events, and I started to get to know Toni and the children. The kids began to look forward to seeing me, they would talk to me and be happy to see

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